Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 155,861,765 Issue: 298 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y9
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Are You Ready to Adopt? Are you Ready to Abandon?

by epiercy1996



Numerous Neopets are being cruelly put up for adoption! Do you put your pets up for adoption, because maybe you should realize that each day, at least 1 in 10 users put up a favorite neopet for adoption! We can not allow all these horrible adoptions to take place in our beloved Neopia! Of course, like many users have said recently, when you girls are new to Neopia, you first think, "I am going to get the four most cutest, adorable, fluffy neopets right now!", and you boys think "I am going to make a BIG, tough, scary neopet!" That is the worst idea you can possibly ever think of!! Think about the pet that seems just super and perfect to you, and then create it with lots of love and care. After you create the pet, get to know the pet, build a relationship with it. Get it a job, paint it, do something that will make you never ever want to put it into the Pound! Then maybe about 6 months later, adopt a new loving pet. If you don't, in just about a week you will just be saying, "Oh, well, the pets are old enough to be put up for adoption! I don't want them anymore!" So you, a week old user, think about it.You walk into the loving Pound, and see your pet will be happy here --BUT JUST WAIT A NEO SECOND! You can never just think the Pound is loving because it looks loving. The pound is the coldest, cruelest, scariest place a neopet can go! At night, they have nightmares of the place, and the Pound People tell them to Shut Up! Before you put your sweet, innocent, precious pets in the Pound, think it over many, many, many times. Please, before you even think about abandoning your pet, read these few paragraphs below.

Did I give this pet a good name?

If you give a pet a super-duper good name, your pet will have a great chance of being adopted! I wanted to name my Xweetok Zotza, but the name was already taken. So, all I did instead of giving it numbers at the end, like Zotza152, I added an 'R' at the end! Zotzar was not taken, and if I were ever to even think about giving her up for adoption(which will never happen =]) I would know she would be quickly adopted for her name. Instead of adding numbers on a pets name, add letters. Like the name Clair, which is taken, try Clairanna, not Clair564. The name Razzle, can be made Razzlepopper, instead of razzle579. Instead of Pumpkin, try Pumpkinn or Pumppkinn. So, try to give your pet a great, cool, awesome name!

Hungry, Happy, Healthy?

If you are planning on putting your poor pet up for adoption, the least you can do is make sure it is full of food, in a great mood, with full health points, and isn't ill. Make sure it has eaten a great big meal, you have played with your pet, you make it strong, and cure all its illnesses. Try not to leave it on Level 1. If it is in great condition, it will have a great chance of being adopted!

How old is my account?

If your account is older than 4 months old, and you have a pet that's painted, is above Level 2, or is a limited edition species, and you are re-adopting the pet on your newer account, you better be careful! Accounts younger than 4 months old can't adopt any of those kinds of pets! So, if you are looking to re-adopt on an account younger than 4 months, I recommend that you be careful!


Though many unlucky pets are put in the Pound each day, many lucky pets are adopted and put in good homes each day, but wait -- Are you truly ready to adopt the ill, homeless, sad Neopet? Do you have a good amount of income, plenty of food and drinks, and a warm bed for the Neopet? Well, if you read the few paragraphs below, hopefully you will be able to proudly say "YES!" to each of them!

Do I have plenty of Neopoints for this new pet?

Like every loving user in Neopia, if you are looking to adopt, make sure to have maybe about 18,000 neopoints. This income will help you feed your pet and give it a place to sleep. Every Neopet loves their owner, but they depend on you to have enough for them.

Do I need a Neohome to give a pet a place to sleep?

Actually, if this is your first adoption, don't worry! We can always depend on the Neolodge for a couple of days. If you don't have a Neohome or food, the Neolodge will feed and give your pet a place to stay for a little while! They will watch over your pets while you save up for a pet.

What do I do if I am going on vacation and can't watch my pets?

Well, just like in the paragraph above, you can trust the Neolodge! My Neopets stay in the Neolodge when I go on vacation! I normally put them in the Neolodge for about 10 days if I'll be gone for a week. So, just remember the Neolodge is very helpful!

Is it wrong that I put my Pet in the Neolodge every day?

Yes, you need to spend time with your Neopets. If you don't, then you don't build a relationship, and if you don't build a relationship, well, what's the point in adopting the pet? Many users don't realize it, but without Tender Loving Care, your pet feels worthless. Spend time with your pet; make it feel special and cared for!

Thanks anyone who read this article, and I hope you thought everything over! If you said "YES!" to every question, well than you can honestly say you are a great Neo-Parent, and users who said "No" to one or two questions, just work on it so your pet gets the love it needs! Thank you!

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