Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 141,362,208 Issue: 295 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y9
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Much Ado About Moffit

by xandurh

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Tea Time - Socks
He was only looking for a friend. );

by kleptie


Book of Wisdom: Part Five
"Well?" asked Hannah, gesturing toward the cave. "I don't think there's any other great beast in Tyrannia." They walked closer to the cave. Hannah saw it, and knew that it was probably dark deeper into the cave...

by hob51


Feathers That Don't Merely Shine
"Hmm," was Sloth's initial response. His second response was, "You tell me this... because?"

by micrody


Finding the Perfect Petpet For Your Pet
You would like to give your Koi a puppyblew. Well, can you imagine your pet swimming around and his poor puppyblew trying to hold his breath?

by zephani

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