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Potions: (Un)Forgotten?

by krysym


Neopia is full of many different and unique potions. These potions range in both appearance and function. This, however, can make the potions a bit odd-looking and make people wonder what their true purpose really is. The name of a potion doesn’t always reveal what it does, and sometimes even the description of a potion can be a bit confusing or misleading. People often see potions in shops, and sometimes come across potions on the Trading Post, but a lot of the time have no idea what the potion could be useful for. That’s when they go looking for the answer on the Neoboards or on help sites. The search can be long and dull, though, and people lose interest quickly, possibly passing up a potion that might have actually helped them with their goals.

The thing with potions is, you see, that they have many, MANY different functions. It is definitely advised that you know what a potion does before you use it, else you may be wasting your money and time. In fact, I think it is about time to shed some light onto what potions can do for you. :)

Morphing Potions

Everyone knows about morphing potions! These are the type of potions that change your pet’s species and colour. They always have ‘Morphing Potion’ in their name so you can’t miss them. The name of the potion also always shows what your pet will turn into. Say you use a Baby Kougra Morphing Potion on your pet, then it means your pet will turn into a Baby Kougra. Convenient.

Pros: First off, there’s lots of variety. In fact, there are currently over 500 Morphing Potions in Neopia and more get added monthly. :) Secondly, morphing potions are (generally) cheaper than paint brushes. So if you wanted a Darigan Aisha, it would be half as cheap to use a Darigan Aisha Morphing Potion than to use a basic colour Aisha Morphing Potion and then use a Darigan Paint Brush. Third, you always know what your pet will turn into, no surprise element there.

Cons: Morphing Potions only come in certain colours. I.e. there’s a Faerie Zafara, but no Faerie Zafara Morphing Potion. In order to change your pet into a Faerie Zafara, you would still have to use a Faerie Paint Brush.


Baby Aisha Morphing Potion

Fire Draik Morphing Potion

Green Tonu Morphing Potion

Grey Yurble Morphing Potion

Plushie Poogle Morphing Potion

Transmogrification Potions

First, learn how to spell the first word: t-r-a-n-s-m-o-g-r-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n. That’s 18 letters. Good :) Now, Transmogrification potions are almost like Morphing Potions. The difference is that they can only turn your pet mutant. That’s why there’s only one of these potions for each species.

Pros: Transmogrification Potions are the cheapest way of changing your pet’s species. In most cases they’re cheaper than Morphing Potions, but not always. Also, just like with Morphing Potions, you always know what colour your pet will change into if you use these, which is mutant. :P

Cons: Transmogrification Potions are not sold in Neopian shops. These enter the Neopian economy via random events where Dr. Sloth hands them to you. So if you’re not lucky enough to get one of these events, then I’m afraid you’re going to have to purchase one from another user.


Jetsam Transmogrification Potion

Meerca Transmogrification Potion

Kyrii Transmogrification Potion

Battledome-oriented potions

These are potions that can be used in the Battledome. Most of the potions deal damage to your opponent, but there are also potions that defend you against your opponent’s damage, freeze your opponent for one round or heal you (in the Battledome). Some also do weird things, like deal damage to yourself or steal intelligence from your opponent to yourself. Some of these potions are one use, others multiple use.


Honey Potion – popular multiple use weapon, deals damage to opponent

Instant Invisible Armour Potion – multiple use weapon, defends your pet

Kacheek Life Potion – heals your Kacheek according to its hit points

Freezing Potion – freezes opponent for one round

Mistletoe Potion – may cause your opponent to have Hoochie Coochies

Healing potions

These are potions that heal your pet either by giving it hit points or curing your pet of a certain disease. These potions can only be used outside the Battledome, which sets them apart from those mentioned in our previous section. Pets don’t like to be hurt or sick so these can really be handy. :)


Healing Potion I... Healing Potion XVIII – heals your pet from 1 to 100 hit points

Spooky Looking Dark Potion – heals your pet 1 to 5 hit points

Super Strength Healing Potion – heals your pet 225 hit points

Potion of Containment – cures Jitters if your pet has it

Fizzy Ummagine Potion – cures your pet of all diseases and heals hit points to max

Stat-changing potions

Many of the potions out there can actually change your pet’s stats. Permanently! By stats I mean level, strength, defence, speed and intelligence. Most of the time the potions RAISE stats, so think of them as your friend. :) The only problem with these potions is that they can be very costly. The reason for that is that many people on Neopets train their pet, and sometimes they feel their training isn’t going fast enough, so they buy these potions to get their stats up faster. The more people buy the potions, the higher their price goes. Supply simply isn’t as big as demand. Nonetheless, if you have the Neopoints and are interested in training your pet, I would recommend these. :)

Examples (please note that all of these disappear after using):

Greater Earthen Potion – increases 2 strength and 2 intelligence

Kauvaras Marvellous Potion – only works on Kaus, gives 2 levels, 2 max hit points, 2 strength and 2 defence

Kaylas Super Special Potion – increases 0-1 defence and 0-1 levels

Potion of Brightvale Castle – increases pet’s intelligence by 1

Rainbow Swirly Potion – raises pet’s level (and changes pet’s colour at random)

Random potions

By random potions I actually mean potions that change your pet a random colour or random species. There aren’t many of these potions, in fact there are only around two. These are (all one use):

Rainbow Swirly Potion – changes pet’s colour at random (and raises pet’s level)

Mysterious Swirly Potion – Turns your pet into a random Limited Edition pet, doesn’t change pet’s colour. However, if the colour is not available for the new species, your pet will turn into a basic (blue, red, green or yellow) colour. This can be caught at the Underwater Fishing game. :)


Elixirs aren’t really potions, they’re a little bit different. Some say that they’re more... magical. Who knows, maybe it’s true. But what we’re sure of is that many of them have healing abilities. Of course there are also elixirs that can either be used in the Battledome or that raise your stats, some can even be eaten! However, elixirs are more complicated and rare than potions, so they are fewer in numbers and harder to be found.


Crater Fruit Elixir – cures pet of Pollenitus

Spyder Juice Elixir – cures pet of Spyder Bite

Selket Elixir – cures pet of Bloaty Belly

Sophies Elixir – deals damage to opponent in the Battledome

Bomberry Elixir – either deals damage to your pet or raises pet’s defence by 1


As most items, potions can be purchased from other users from their personal shops, the Trading Post and auctions. But potions can also be bought straight from the source, before anyone else has laid their hands on them. These sources are of course more often than not Neopian shops. Here’s a list of shops and other ways to get hold of potions:

Neopian Magic Shop – located in Neopia Central. Shopkeeper is Kauvara the Kau. This is where all of the Morphing Potions come from. Aside from those, Healing Potions I–XIX and some other less common potions stock here. But mostly just Morphing Potions. :P

Battle Magic Shop and Defence Magic Shop – located in the Neopian Bazaar. They sell potions that can be used in the Battledome, obviously.

Magical Marvels – shop that is located in Altador. Sells Magical Healing Potion, which is a Battledome weapon that heals 15 hp.

Royal Potionery – shop that is located in Brightvale. Sells several potions that can mostly be used in the Battledome.

Faerie Weapon Shop – located in Faerieland. Sells Grey Faerie Potion, which is a Battledome weapon.

Neopian Pharmacy – located at the Neopian Plaza. Sells Potion of Concealment, which is a cure for Jitters.

Kayla’s Potion Shop – located in the Meridell Castle. Sells several potions, some of which are Battledome weapons and others can be used to change your pet’s stats.

Tyrannian Weaponry – shop that is located at the Tyrannian Plateau. Sells Rock Potion, which is a Battledome weapon.

Underwater Fishing – located at the Ruins of Maraqua. Not exactly a shop, but you can (if lucky) catch a Mysterious Swirly Potion (effect explained above). Presumably pet’s level has to be at least 80 to catch one, though.

Random events – the only potions you can get from random events are Transmogrification Potions. Random events are, evidently, completely random and so you shouldn’t count on them to get that potion you want. Some people have never had Dr. Sloth hand them a potion while others have had several. It’s pure luck. Just go and buy one from someone else who has had more luck :P

Now that you know where to get potions and what to do with them, go and get some! I seriously think that potions have been neglected. People just don’t know about them. There are potions that have training purposes, but people still use neggs. The same with Morphing Potions; people don’t know that there’s an easier and cheaper alternative to getting their dream pet, so they just go and buy a paint brush that they first spend ages collecting the Neopoints for. I truly hope this article has raised awareness about potions. We shouldn’t just let them rot.

And if you still can’t find any use for potions, why not start a gallery? Potions actually look kind of cool, especially Morphing Potions. Plus, you never know when a new pet avatar is released and the prices of a certain Morphing Potion or Transmogrification Potion skyrocket! Or when a potion is retired and the price gets multiplied several times. There are so many things you can do with potions, the opportunities are endless. Good luck and thanks for reading. :)

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