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Fish - Not For Dinner Anymore!

by dmmetler


Not enough money to get your pet the petpet of their dreams? Fear not! A solution is as close as your nearest underwater fishing vortex.

See, while many of the underwater fishing fish are tasty treats, they also make wonderful, loyal pets. I've gone through a few of the more common species you might catch to discuss how they may benefit your pet.

Blandfish and Lesser Spotted Fish

While these little cuties seem, well, blah and boring (unless breaded and fried in a little butter), they're very friendly, social little fellas. They must be, given the frequency at which they get caught, yet there are always more there. If you choose to adopt one, remember to keep them out of Kelp, The Golden Dubloon, and other restaurants which depend on fish for a good part of their menu. I'd also stay away from Sabre X, since he always needs ingredients for those fishy omelettes, and from the Lost Desert.


No fear of anyone eating this fish! If you've got a pet who wants some extra protection, a bombfish is a good choice. They are fiercely loyal, but have a short fuse. For this reason, they're not recommended for baby pets or anyone with a gentle temperament, but Battledome pets and tougher species think they're wonderful.

Bread and Butterfish

These two really like to stick together in pairs. While I don't suggest them if cooking is your pet's favorite thing to do, they are very easy to feed and quite affectionate, even if they do tend to leave crumbs and grease marks behind them. Biscuit pets, chocolate pets, and fruit/veggie Chias often get along well with Bread and Butterfish and find them excellent companions.


Very good pets, except that you can never find them when you need them. If your pet is invisible, they may find the transparifish an excellent companion


Not for Lost Desert pets, waterfish love pretty things and colors. They're especially well suited to faerie pets and pets that enjoy spending a lot of time on grooming, since they're excellent at washing faces.


If your pet loves to cook and have an appreciative audience for their creations, a scrawnyfish is an excellent friend. They are always ready to try new creations, and always seem to be hungry. You might not want to leave them around your Biscuit or otherwise edible pet, though.


Neohome space a problem? Not an issue with a cubefish. Not only are they very efficiently packed, but they can double as low-cost furniture!


If you live in a glass neohome you may want to give these a goodbye, but otherwise they make excellent, if not the most intelligent, companions. They often do well with Tyrannian pets, where they blend in well with neohome decor. Another good choice might be a Tyrannian mechafish.


Your pet loves exploring? Consider the go-anywhere-do-anything landfish! Just be aware that if they're not happy, they have a tendency to wander away.


Chaosfish are always active. If your pet gets bored easily, a chaosfish is a perfect companion, as he'll always be doing new and interesting things for your pet to watch. Be aware that these little fellas can run most pets to exhaustion, so if your pet is a bit more sedentary, you may want to consider another fish.


Madfish are bright, colorful, and fun to be around. Like chaosfish, they keep things interesting, but more on a cerebral level. Only pets with very stable temperaments should consider adopting a madfish. Be aware that Neovians are quite sensitive about allegations of insanity and may consider a madfish to be a slur on their history, so please leave your fish at home if you visit Neovia.


Does your pet like knowing what's going on? Have your neighbors complained that your pet is peeking in their neohome windows? If so, a tank of radarfish might be a perfect choice. Radarfish are always gathering information, which they love to share. Budding Neopian Times reporters may also find these fish invaluable. And you never have to worry about the Pant Devil because these little guys hear him coming and tell you when to hide your most prized possessions. However, they aren't welcome on the space station or Kreludor. For some reason, that radar wreaks havoc with computer systems.

Golden and Glistening Mechafish

These robotic creatures make great companions for robot pets, Grundos, and alien Aishas, since they can easily handle outer space conditions. Golden mechafish also are very popular with pirate pets, who can pretend they're booty.


Does your pet always lose things? If so, an eyefish is a perfect choice. They can see all and the smallest escaped pixel won't escape their view. However, they're not particularly welcome in the NC mall. For some reason, pets don't enjoy being closely observed in an undressed state.

Spectral Shrimp and Spooky Mechafish

If you have a ghost or Halloween pet, have I got a fish for you! These fellows are very happy in the wetter areas of the Haunted Woods, and make a perfect companion if your pet prefers the night to the daytime. Be aware that Spooky mechafish are very sensitive about weight gain, so do not overfeed this fish!

Plushie Clam

Does your pet want a quiet, cuddly fish who won't cause problems? Then the plushie clam is perfect for you! Plushie clams are wonderful in the neohome, where they can double as pillows, and are perfect trampolines for baby pets. They are a bit on the boring side, though.


Does your grey pet always believe that there is a cloud of doom following them? Make them feel right at home with their very own lovable little doomfish!

Squid (small, large, giant, and titanic)

If your pet loves playing games and wants someone who is always ready to throw and catch a ball (or anything else), consider a squid. Squid come in many sizes and tentacle lengths, so there's always one perfect for you. Just consider the size of your neohome before you bring one home!

Neopet-eating Carp

Unless your pet is a robot or otherwise armoured, it might be best to give this one a miss. Not that they aren't lovable, but that if they're not well fed, well....

Anyway, I hope this guide assisted you in finding the perfect fishy friend for your pet.

Hey! What are you hiding behind your back?? Is that a frying pan??

Yes, I'm fish obsessed. For more fishy fun, visit Arryion's petpage.

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