Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 175,301,044 Issue: 361 | 26th day of Gathering, Y10
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A Short Tail

by halo_in_the_skys


Written for my little baby, Kylinka.

“Being a baby is the best!” called one of Kay’s best friends, who had recently been painted baby by her Mommy. Kay sighed. Everyday she passed so many Babies on her way to school, she lost track of them all. Eyries, JubJubs, Zafaras, even a Draik here and there! Kay wished she could be like them, but she couldn’t. Her Mommy recently did a paint job on her brother, Reo, and she didn’t have enough money for Kay’s dream, to be a baby.

     A few years later...

     “Hi Kay!” called her mommy, who came home from shopping at the Mystery Island Market. Kay got up from her schoolwork to give her mom a hug.

     “Anything interesting happen while you were out,” asked Kay, who was bored to death.

     “Yes,” her mom called. “I got you a present from the Trading Post.” Her mom pulled out a gift box from behind her back.

     “Open it,” her mom prompted. The Eyrie grasped her green paws against the box. She took off the box to find a gorgeous Paint Brush. A Baby Paint Brush, to be exact.

     “Mom!” Kay called, as she was too excited to think about anything else. She ran up to her mom to give her a hug. “We can paint you tomorrow,” her mom said.


     It was a beautiful day. Kay’s mom had taken the day off from her job at the Academy to take her pets to Roo Island, where they would spend the day. Kay had to reach up to grab her mom’s hand, because she was rather short now. She walked between her mom and her brother, who were both giants to her. Before they got onto the boat, Kay went into the bathroom to check her fur, because it hadn’t been brushed that morning. She struggled to bring herself up to the counter where the mirror was, because it was pretty high up, to her. She looked at herself. This is what I’ve always wanted to be, she thought. She looked at her back. The puny wings she used to soar with were now tiny and useless, as if they were only there for decoration. She was flightless. “Hurry up!” called Reo, as he was becoming impatient.

     “Coming!” called Kay.

     They headed onto the boat, and sailed for about an hour. They got off, and Kay was amazed. It was her first time in Roo Island. She was so excited, she really wanted to go on all the rides that they had at the Faire. Kay was marveled by how high up the Ferris Wheel went. “Mom, can we go on that one first?” she asked, pointing to the Wheel.

     “Sure, it’s your choice,” her mom replied.

     They got in the line. It was a really big day for tourists in Roo Island; it took them an hour to get to the front. Kay looked at the Poogle who worked the Wheel. He was big and tough looking, and he intimidated Kay so much. He looked at Reo, and gave him the thumbs up, telling him he could go. He did the same to Stormy and Gem, and he looked at me. He held Kay up to a measuring stick, and sighed. “You’re too short, kid,” He said.

     “No!” Kay cried.

     “How tall is she?” her mom inquired.

     “24 inches; she has to be 36 to ride. Sorry, you can’t go. Wait over here while your family goes,” the Poogle said sternly. He pointed to a place where all the other people who weren’t allowed on were. Kay made her way over there. This is what I wanted to be, Kay thought. She couldn’t even grab her mom’s hands without straining herself. She was short and flightless. She waited for her family to return. She looked up, only to see a Skeith, who looked as if he were seven years old. “What do you got in your pockets?” he asked.

     “Nothing,” Kay said.

     “I really don’t believe that. Look at your dress! It must be full of stuff!”

     “I really, really don’t have anything! Stop.”

     “Fine. But if I see you take anything out of your pockets...”

     “Jeremy!” called a voice. It was his mother. “Don’t you dare hurt a little child! She’s helpless!”

     “Yes, Mother,” replied the Skeith as he was pulled away. This is what I wanted to be? Kay thought. She couldn’t fight for herself anymore. She loved training at the Academy, but she couldn’t now, because she was so delicate. She was helpless, short, and flightless.

     “Kay, Kay!” shouted Reo.

     “What?” called Kay, who was still upset.

     “That ride was awesome!”


     Kay got up from where she was sitting. She was too upset to enjoy this. What she thought was her dream turned out to be a nightmare. She couldn’t do the things she wanted to, she couldn’t defend herself, and she couldn’t fly. She was cute. She was weak. She was the center of attention. She was short. She was treated the best. She was upset. I wanted this?! she thought. It didn’t seem right. Suddenly, this fun day turned out to be a nightmare. Her mom decided it was lunch time. She found a souvenir shop that sold food. “Just tell the man what you want,” her mom said.

     “I want a Chilli And Cheese Hot Dog,” said Reo. The man gave him his hotdog.

     “I want a Green Doughnut,” said Gem, who wasn’t eating very healthily. The man gave her Doughnut to her.

     “I want some Churros,” said Stormy, who was hungry for sugar. The man gave her Churro to her.

     “I want some Hot Crossed Buns,” said Kay, who couldn’t see the man from the counter.

     “Excuse me?” the man said. “I didn’t hear you.”

     “Mom, can you lift me,” asked Kay, who didn’t like where this was going.

     “Sure,” said her mom, who lifted her.

     “Now, can I have some Hot Crossed Buns?” she repeated.

     “Aww, the Wittle Baby wants some Hot Cwossed Buns! How cute. Here you go, cutie,” said the man.

     Kay munched on her Hot Crossed Buns angrily. This was not a good day.


     “Mom,” Kay said, on her way home. “Yes?” her mom replied, curious to see what Kay had to say.

     “I don’t want to be a baby anymore. I hate it.”

     Her mom was shocked. She had just spent most of her savings on a Paint Brush, only to find Kay didn’t like it. “I suppose, I could buy a green one,” her mom said. “Why didn’t you like it?”

     “Mom. I am weak. I am helpless. I have small wings. I have a short tail, Mom. A short tail!’

     “Oh, I see. I’ll go to the market tomorrow.”

     “Thanks, Mom, you’re the best,” Kay said, happy that she was going to be out of her new body. Kay fell asleep, and when she woke up, she was back in her own bed.


      It had been at least a month since Kay had become a green Eyrie again. She went over to her friend’s house, the friend who said it was so great to be a baby. Kay looked down at her friend. “Hey, weren’t you a baby a few weeks ago?” her friend inquired.

     “Yeah, but I didn’t like it,” Kay replied.

     “Really? Why?” her friend asked, curious to hear more.

     “Boy, do I have a story to tell you...”

The End

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