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Ten Tips That Will Make Your Pets Love You!

by andrewthebestes


Some time ago, when I was with my pets, I didn’t think they liked me. Well, I thought they didn’t because I didn’t feed them, take them outside, play with them, explore Neopia with them, read to them, get them clothes, make them a Neohome, take them to a hotel, buy paintbrushes to paint them or take them to the Battledome. I was thinking why they didn’t like me... Until, finally, I realised that it was because I wasn’t caring for them.

So I decided to make a list, which would have all the things I have to do, to make my Neopets love me. It took me a week (actually it seemed like a month) to make these 10 tips. On Sunday it was really easy, I came up with Tip 1, 2 and 3. On Monday I came up with Tip 4. On Tuesday I came up with Tip 5. On Wednesday I came up with Tip 6. On Thursday I came up with Tip 7 and 8. On Friday I came up with tip 9. And finally on Saturday I came up with Tip 10. I started using this list and in just a week my pets loved me! Since the list was a huge success, I thought that I should share this list with some other people like... hmm... YOU! So, if you have (a) Neopet(s), but just don’t think they love you, these great 10 tips will help you a lot.

Tip 1. Feed them every day - Every pet gets sad and angry when it is not fed, so make sure that your pets are full, by feeding them omelette, soup (if you have less than 3,000 NP) and jelly (if you know where it is!), every day! Also, don’t always feed them Omelette, soup, and jelly every day – they can get ill.

Tip 2. Explore the whole of Neopia with them – Pets LOVE going to different lands, so take them to a new place each day! If you have more than one Neopet so you can only take one pet to a world, I have a solution for that too! On your calendar pick a day, like Saturday (for example), and write that you will go to a land with your 1st pet this Saturday. For the next Saturday go to a land with your 2nd pet, and so on.

Tip 3. Play with them – Pets can get bored if you don’t play with them. So get out of your Neohome and run to the nearest toy store to buy new toys (which they don’t hate) and start playing! Any toys will make your Neopet happy, and it will never get bored if you play forever!

Tip 4. Read some books to them – The best way (and the only way) to make your pet smarter is by reading it some books that it hasn’t read yet. Maybe your pet will soon be in the Neopian Book Award, and it would all be thanks to you, for reading the books to it. Reading books is also a great way to help your Neopet at Neoschool. Read new books to your pet before it goes to bed; it is a great time to read a book, and your Neopet will love you for that!

Tip 5. Get stuff for them to wear – A lot of times I see Neopets without any clothes (yes I checked, they don’t live in Tyrannia). How boring are Neopets without any clothes? I will tell you - VERY boring. Buy some clothes for them to wear - it will make them happy. Just make sure you buy the right clothes for each pet (don’t put a Pretty Pink Flower Hat, Pink Grass Skirt and a Polka Dotted Pink Background on an old, male, Lupe).

Tip 6. Paint them – Now, to paint your Neopet, you should have a lot of money. If you don’t, then go straight to tip 7. So before painting your pet, choose the right color to paint your pet (don’t paint an old, male Lupe faerie). After you have chosen a new colour, buy the paint brush and head to the Rainbow Pool. After you have painted your pet a new and different color, your pet will be very happy. A new colour for your Neopet is a great Birthday and Christmas present.

Tip 7. Give them a Neohome – What Neopet would be happy being homeless (except a Tyrannian)? So make sure they have a Neohome to live in. Any Neopet (except a Tyrannian) would be very thankful and pleased to have a Neohome. Also a Neohome is a great Birthday and Christmas present.

Tip 8. Take them to a vacation in Neolodge – Who doesn’t like going to a vacation at AstroVilla? – Nobody! Give your Neopet a vacation on the weekend, so it doesn’t miss school. The best hotel is AstroVilla, and to go on a weekend there, it costs only 1,000 NP. Your Neopet will be very happy to go to AstroVilla.

Tip 9. Take them to Altador Cup and races – Every Neopet loves the Altador Cup, so buy tickets to take them to their favorite team’s match. The Altador Cup happens only once a year, so you can take them to races like The Great Desert Race, Poogle Races, Faerie Cloud Races and many others.

Tip 10. Take them to the Battledome – Where’s the best place that will help your pet become the greatest fighter in the history of Great Fighters? – The Battledome. Buy some weapons and head there with your pet! You might be thinking, “How will taking my pets to the Battledome make them love me?”, so I will tell you why this will help make your Neopet to love you. When it is the best fighter ever, your Neopet will remember that it is so good at fighting, all thanks to you buying it weapons, taking it to the Battledome and a lot of other things.

I really hope that if you do all these tips, then your Neopets will love you! Please message me for comments, and post friend requests.

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