The Virtual Tour Guide: Identification Number 0400 by o_liveandlearn_o
OPENING LOGFILE_7_MONTHOFHUNTING_Y11.exmpHello. I am your Virtual Tour Guide, serial identification number 000400. I am here to make your experience on the Virtupets Space Station as enjoyable as possible. If you wish to open a holographic map of the Station, simply select the 'Map' button or say 'map.' If you wish to ask anything or wish to know about a certain location, simply select the 'Information' button or say 'help/info.' You may also state your question, which will then be matched up with the articles in the database. Quote: "How do you destroy Evil Fuzzles?" No such article is found in the database. Redirecting to 'Evil Fuzzles.' Evil Fuzzles are often found in toy form in Neopia. However, Evil Fuzzles here in the Space Station have been mutated into dangerous forms, due to the radiation emitted by the Station's Slothite core. As a result, they have become extremely hostile and often eat anything that is within their path. There is no need to worry, however, as the new shielding technology installed into the Station keeps the Fuzzles out. If you wish to ask another question, say your question aloud or type it into the holographic keyboard. If you wish to access the map, simply select the-- Quote: "The shield is broken." No such article is found in the database. Redirecting to 'the Virtupets Station Shield.' The Virtupets Station Shield was created in Y10, shortly after the return of Dr. Frank Sloth. This shield was designed to hold off any intruders, as well as the wandering Evil Fuzzles outside. It is powered by the Space Station itself and-- Quote: "Just tell me how to fix the Fyora-cursed shield." No such article is found in the database. Redirecting to 'Flaws in the Shield System.' If you happen to find a flaw in the shield it is crucial that you report it to the nearest technician as soon as possible. Technicians can be found all over the Station and are easily noticeable with their orange jumpsuits. Quote: "What weapons work on Evil Fuzzles?" No such article is found in the database. Redirecting to 'Space Weaponry (Items).'
Space weaponry are very high-tech, often powered by the elements Faeryllium, Neopium, Tyrannium, and Krawkite. Blasters happen to be favored weapons around the Station, and ray-shields are a common sight as well. Most blasters have three settings: low, medium, high. Most of these weapons can be bought at the--
You have chosen the article 'the Virtupets Station Shield's Central Processor.' The central processor for the Virtupets Station Shield is strictly off limits to any civilians, and only technicians are permitted to access it. If you wish to gain permission to access the processor, please register for a pass with the Head Technician.
Quote: "There's no more technicians the Evil Fuzzles ate them."
No such article is found in the database. Redirecting to 'Technicians.' Technicians are one of the main work forces that helps to keep the Virtupets Space Station in top shape. They are found all over the Station and are always happy to help any tourist with any technical problems. If you find any problems regarding technical malfunctions, please be sure to report it to the nearest technician right away. Quote: "Stinking computer you're no help at all." No such article is found in the database. Redirecting to 'Help.' The help application installed into this Virtual Tour Guide is designed to help make your experience on the Virtupets Space Station all the more enjoyable. Containing a vast amount of knowledge that is sure to-- Quote: "Is anybody there." No such article is found in the database. No matches have been found in the database with the keywords 'Is anybody there.' Please try-- Quote: "How do I get off this Station." One match found. Redirecting to 'Ferry Spaceships.'
Ferry spaceships are the main transportation vehicle for tourists to travel to the Virtupets Space Station. Designed for extreme comfort and luxury, ferry spaceships often dock at the Recreation Deck before landing in the Hanger Bay for any scheduled maintenance. If you wish to leave the Station, it is suggested that you buy a ticket to board the next ferry spaceship ahead of time.
Quote: "Everyone is gone except me." No such article is found in the database. No matches have been found in the database with the keywords 'Everyone is gone except me.' Please try another search with different keywords. You have chosen the article 'In Case of Emergencies.' Although the Virtupets Space Station is well-protected, emergencies can happen. There are several situations which can all be considered emergencies: (a) An outbreak of fire (b) A malfunction in critical systems (c) A broken air lock around a populated area (d) An attack from an inside/outside source You have chosen the sub-article '(d) An attack from an inside/outside source.' In the rare occasions that the Virtupets Space Station is under attack, civilians are suggested to obey the instructions of any officials nearby quickly and calmly. Quote: "Arrrgh blasted guide." No such article is found in the database. Redirecting to 'the Virtual Tour Guide.'
The Virtual Tour Guide was created by the Virtupets Space Station Tourism Department. It was designed to help the ordinary Neopian/Kreludorian around the Space Station and offers many helpful tips and advices with its vast database. The Virtual Tour Guide is constantly being updated every day with new information that the Tourism Department--
You have opened up the map. You are currently on the Recreation Deck. To choose a destination, please select it on the hologram. If you wish to plan a route, simply select the 'Plan Route/Plan Quickest Route' button or say 'plan route.' You have chosen your destination as the Hanger Bay. Please wait as I calculate the quickest route from your location. Quote: "Stupid machine hurry up they're coming after me." No such article is found in the database. No matches have been found in the database with the keywords 'Stupid machine hurry up they're coming after me.' Please try another search with different keywords. Calculation of your route has been complete. Please follow the map's detailed instructions. Quote: "No no no the door's locked." One match found. Redirecting to 'Restricted Areas.' Certain areas in the Virtupets Space Station are sealed off for the safety of the civilians. Sealed doors often indicate one of two things: (a) A restricted area where only staff members are allowed to travel into OR (b) A station-wide or section-wide lockdown The second option rarely happens and, if a lockdown does occur, please remain calm and remain in your current position. If an official happens to be nearby, please follow his/her instructions. You have opened up the map. You are currently in Recreation Deck Hallway 22a. To choose a destination, please select it on the hologram. If you wish to plan a route, simply select the 'Plan Route/Plan Quickest Route' button or say 'plan route.' You have decided to recalculate a route to the Hanger Bay. Please wait as I calculate the quickest route from your location. Calculation of your route has been complete. Please follow the map's detailed instructions. Quote: "Get them off me get them off me." No such article is found in the database. No matches have been found in the database with the keywords 'Get them off me get them off me.' Please try another search with different keywords.
I'm sorry, your last request was too high-pitched for my sensors to comprehend. Please repeat your request.
You have not selected any buttons or voiced any request for half an hour. This system shall be shutting down soon in order to conserve battery power. You have not selected any buttons or voice any request for an hour. This system shall be shutting down in five minutes in order to conserve battery power. This Virtual Tour Guide is shutting down.
The End