Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 173,432,373 Issue: 405 | 14th day of Hiding, Y11
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The Top (and bottom) TCGs

by karinche


Have you always wanted to know which TCG cards were most expensive? How about which TCG cards were the least expensive? I know I haven't. But, for those of you who have, THIS is your lucky day.

There are a lot of Neopian Times articles about TCG cards. But none like this one yet! So put on your reading glasses (if you have any) and get reading!

Recently, I've seen a lot of topics on the AC and the HC (the Avatar/Neosignatures and the Help board for those of you who don't know) which ask "What is the most least expensive TCG card?" or "What is the most expensive TCG card?"

Because I'm such a nice person (*cough*) I'll be answering these questions!

Let’s begin with the most expensive TCG cards.

1. MSPP - Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (TCG) - r110 - Around 300,000,000 Neopoints.

The marvelous MSPP! The most demanded TCG on Neopets. This glamorous card is not only the second most expensive avatar item, but is the most expensive TCG in all of Neopia!

This card was first from the First Edition trading card sets. If you redeem the 'rare item code', there was a chance of getting an MSPP (TCG) from this. However, First Edition Trading card sets are not available anymore!

I think the card overall looks really cute. Who doesn't love an evil Poogle? @_@

2. Lucky Coin (TCG) - r107 - Around 17,800,000 Neopoints.

The Lucky Coin! Is it magic? No. Not at all! Okay, yes. Brucey B breezed past the game Cheat! with the help of his Lucky Coin. He could simply imagine the card he wanted in his head, and the next thing he knew he could pick up that card. What a cheat!

The Lucky Coin (TCG) is the second most expensive TCG in Neopia. It is pretty HTS (hard-to-sell) but would be an excellent addition to your gallery.

3. Forgotten Promise (TCG) - r107 - Around 15,000,000 Neopoints.

What a mysterious and alluring name for a TCG! It makes me want to buy it RIGHT NOW. The description is very romantic, too:

I hereby decree a royal wedding between my daughter, the first Princess of Sakhmet, and his Highness, the Prince of Qasala.

This would also be a great addition to any TCG or Qasala/Sakhmet-themed gallery. This card is very hard to sell, so keep a good eye out on the Trading Post because people may sell it for 300,000 Neopoints!

4. Tax Beast (TCG) - r107 - Around 14,000,000 Neopoints.

Who would WANT this card? Seriously? I know I don't. I can't stand the Tax Beast. ~_~

He just comes and steals your Neopoints. SINCE WHEN ARE THERE TAXES?!?!?!?!?!?!?11?1/

/end rant

I have no idea why this is the fourth most expensive TCG in Neopia.

5. Zombie Flotsam (TCG) - r107 - Around 10,000,000 Neopoints.

Great for Flotsam lovers. It's the fifth most expensive TCG. Get it while it’s still on the Trading Post!

6. Dr. Sloth (TCG) - r110 - Around 10,000,000 - 15,000,000 Neopoints.

Definitely one of my favorite TCG cards! Seriously, who doesn't love Dr. Sloth? He deserves his own TCG after all the failed attempts to destroy Neopia, and now he has one! Awesome TCG for all Sloth lovers.

7. Malice (TCG) - r110 - Around 8,500,000 Neopoints UP!

This is a pretty rare TCG. None on the Trading Post currently, so you're pretty lucky to have one. Go search those SDBs and see if you have one stored in there!

8. Halloween (TCG) - r110 - Around 8,000,000 Neopoints.

Spoooooooky! Another favorite TCG of mine. I think it’s great there is a TCG dedicated to one of my favorite holidays -- Halloween!

Show them off on Halloween, or stuff them in your gallery!

9. Baby Cybunny (TCG) - r110 - Around 8,000,000 Neopoints UP!

Awww, how adorable! It's true what they say; big messes come in small packages. This TCG is definitely worth showing off. If you love Cybunnies, have a Cybunny related gallery or just want to just have a cute TCG -- this is the one for you!

10. Angry Giants (TCG) - r107 - Around 7,600,000 Neopoints.

Last and least, Angry Giants! This TCG makes me giggle. The whole concept of an Angry Giant is somewhat funny to me.


A great addition to your r107 gallery!

And now onto the 10 least expensive TCG cards! Not many people want to get the TCG cards with not much value. But every collector or someone who has a TCG-gallery has to begin from somewhere!

1. Snowbunny (TCG) - r.101 - Around 2,000 Neopoints.

Another really adorable TCG! This TCG was first released on the 13th day of Celebrating, Year 5. It was an exclusive item from the Advent Calendar, replacing the Snow Petpet Paint Brush.

2. Failed Experiment (TCG) - r101 - Around 2,600 Neopoints.

Ewww! What is that thing on the TCG? That certainly is a failed experiment for sure. All green with three eyes...

Back to the drawing board!

3. Green Quiggle (TCG) - r101 - Around 2,800 Neopoints.

Quiggles love to spend all day splashing around in puddles and streams! If you have a Green Quiggle gallery, this is the TCG for you!

4. Blue Cocofizz (TCG) - r101 - Around 3,000 Neopoints.

Umm... it seems like a tasty drink. o__o’ Or not.

5. Red Meerca (TCG) - r101 - Around 3,100 Neopoints.

What a cute little Meerca! So sweet, so – wait, sweet? Please. After all those days of playing Meerca Chase and crashing into THOUSANDS of Red Neggs, I will not say Meercas are sweet.

6. Green Acara (TCG) - r101 - Around 3,300 Neopoints.

That’s better! I have nothing against Green Acaras. Plus, has anyone noticed how Acaras like to pretend they are the fastest Neopets? Check the description of the TCG!

“Acaras aren’t the fastest Neopets, but they like pretending they are.”

7. Crop Failure (TCG) - r101 - Around 3,500 Neopoints.

Oh no! Crop failure! How will all the Neopets find nutritious vegetables to eat? I’m afraid not even Illusen can reverse the spell cast by Morguss.

8. Green Ruki (TCG) - r101 - Around 3,500 Neopoints.

Another Green Neopet! What a coincidence. *cough*...

9. Krakuberry Juice (TCG) - r101 - Around 3,500 Neopoints.

Oh look, another drink. This one is so sickly sweet, though. A whole pound of Krakuberries have been squeezed into this delicious drink.

10. Usica Berries (TCG) - r101 - Around 3,500 Neopoints.

Last and least we have the Usica Berries. ‘Young Usuls always carry berries from the Usica bush with them wherever they go, as it keeps the Shadow Usul at bay.’ I have to agree. The Shadow Usul is rather EXTREMELY ANNOYING. Boo Shadow Usul!

There you have it, your guide to Neopia’s 10 most expensive and cheapest TCG cards. I hope you have enjoyed my guide and learned a thing or two about TCG cards and Neopia.

So take a look around Neopia, get on the Shop Wizard, the Trading Post or the Auctions and start collecting TCG cards!

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