Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 174,878,201 Issue: 412 | 2nd day of Collecting, Y11
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The Study of Maraquan Pets

by butter_bar12


MARAQUAN PETS - Many are awe-inspiring. Many are admired. Many are wanted. Yet, the problem is that we don’t know much ABOUT these fascinating pets. Well, prepare to be dazzled! Find out many helpful, funny and cool facts about these amazing Maraquan creatures!

Part One: FAQ

Question: Can Maraquan pets live without water?

Answer: Of course not! All neopets need to drink water!

Question: No, I mean, can they go outside of water?

Answer: Yes, they can. But every week or so, they must, for at least half an hour, be submerged completely. Maraquan pets (as well as Koi, Flotsams and Jetsams) can actually store up water in their gills to save for later. But they prefer to stay in water.

Question: Do Maraquan pets only eat fish and seaweed?

Answer: I doubt you’d find a Maraquan who wouldn’t eat seafood, but they can eat other foods. In fact, my neighbour’s Maraquan Shoyru’s favourite snack is actually Churros!

Question: Are Maraquan pets better swimmers than non-Maraquan pets?

Answer: Most of the time. I mean, Maraquan pets have an unfair advantage against other pets. After all, they do have gills, fins and floppy tails. But my neighbour’s cousin’s aunt’s friend’s Warf’s playmate’s owner’s uncle’s pet thinks she saw a red Kacheek beat a Maraquan pet. But she was sick with the Neezles at the time and she didn’t have her Heart Shaped Glasses on, so we can’t be so sure.

Question: If they have fins, how can they hold items?

Answer: Their fins actually have retractable claws. When they’re swimming, they retract their claws and when they need to hold something, the claws extend. You usually can’t see their claws, even when they are extended. If you look closely, you can see tiny metallic stubs, but that is all.

Question: How can my pet become Maraquan?

Answer: I had a Maraquan Lupe once. I got him by the Lab Ray. But, it’s very rare if you get a Maraquan pet from the Lab Ray. You COULD buy the paintbrush, but they’re very rare and super expensive! They’re a whopping seven million neopoints. Or, you could flatter the Fountain Faerie into giving you a quest (Warning- Don’t tell her that she looks exactly like that chubby Maraquan Lupe down the road! It’s insulting, for some reason).

Question: Do I need any special items for my Maraquan pet?

Answer: Yes, which brings me to my next section...

Part Two: Special Items


As stated above, Maraquan pets don’t always eat kelp and seaweed, even though they do enjoy it. Some food like Sushi Rolls, Seafood Cocktails and Flotsam Kelp Shakes have seaweed, fish and kelp IN the food. If you can’t afford seafood, you could try growing kelp in your Neohome. Giant Green and Brown Kelp, along with Cheery Plants and Grey Sea Ferns, are extremely cheap. You can grow them in your Classic Neohome. Make sure you cook them very well because they are extremely tough to chew. (Add cream, butter, and Altador Cheese Platter if it’s chopped finely, to it for a tasty snack!). Kelp is very healthy, but make sure that you have some variety in your seafood. You can also take your neopet to Kelp or the Golden Dubloon for a fancy treat!


Bath toys are essential for young Maraquan pets or pets that have newly been painted/zapped to Maraquan. Young pets will enjoy them and it will encourage new Maraquan pets to like the water (which is a MUST for Maraquan pets). Goldy themed toys and Grundo sponges are plentiful, and are very fun!

For books, you may want to choose the Maraquan Colouring Book. It is loads of fun and teaches pets about Maraqua. Also, try Koi themed books. Healing Koi, Feed Koi and Koi Tales are some very good examples of books with an underwater theme.


Maraquan pets can’t wear clothes, sorry! But they like backgrounds, especially if they’re from Maraqua. Oh, anything to do with shells! But make sure that it’s water proof first. If you have a vain Maraquan pet or a Maraquan pet that simply likes to dress up, try giving her grooming items instead. Just make sure that you add extra layers, so it doesn’t wash off.

And, stress the concept of natural beauty to your Maraquan pet.

Part Three- An Interview with a Maraquan Lupe

Me: Hey! Hey, wait! Stop!

The Maraquan Lupe: Huh? What? What do you want?

Me: Can I do an interview with you?

T.M.L: Sure. Is it for The Awesome & Cool Times?

Me: Err, no. The Neopian Times.

T.M.L: I HATE that newspaper!

Me: *gasp* What? Why?

T.M.L: It isn’t waterproof! How can I ever read it?

Me: Well, ask your owner to-

T.M.L: My owner? All she does is send neomails to TNT, begging them to make Maraquan pets be able to wear clothes!

Me: I see... do YOU want to wear clothes?

T.M.L: Not really.

Me: And what’s it like being a Maraquan pet?

T.M.L: Wet.

Me: Okay. But what’s the best part?

T.M.L: I aced Gym at Neoschool because we were doing a unit on swimming!

Me: Congrats. What’s the absolute worst part?

T.M.L: I really hate the mobs of people trying to adopt me.

Me: Oh, I see. Don’t you like it that you’re high in demand?

T.M.L: Err, sort of. I’d rather be.... unnoticed.

Me: Fascinating. What has been the highlight of your life?

T.M.L: When the TNT redid Maraqua! Can you spell DIVINE?

Me: I can, in fact. But, that’s all the time we have for today and-

T.M.L: Do you want to hear me sing?

Me: Not really, I have to-

T.M.L: *off key* Bubble bubble! Bubble SPLASH! Bubble SPLASH SPLASH bubble... yeah!

Me: Wow, but I have to-

T.M.L: Encore! Encore!

Me: ALRIGHT! I’m leaving now!

So, you see, Maraquan pets are fascinating creatures that require a nice amount of care. But, the end result is worth it. Trust me, when you see your Maraquan pet diving into the crystal water against the red Neopian sun... it’s all worth it.

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