Just One Thing: Part Three by augiboo7
Also by kittykatluver4ever Daphne
23rd Day of Celebrating, Y11,
Having spent the last week serving ice cream to countless cheery customers, and having to have returned that enthusiasm, I cannot begin to describe my joy at hearing Kai’s most recent news: Mr. Chipper had slipped on a patch of ice, and was, for the time being, incapable of selling ice cream. That did not mean, however, that I would be forced to run his cart full time; instead, I no longer had to go down into the valley every day. As a bonus, Kai was out today working, and I had the cabin to myself. Instead of monopolizing the fire as Jerome might have done, I chose instead to nip over to Taelia’s and ask her about the Advent Calendar. Once I had gotten over the shock of the extremity of our financial issues, I was free to dwell once again upon that Winter Site Theme, but this time I was convinced that I would find answers with the Snow Faerie. So after a quick breakfast, I set out across the snow to visit Taelia, truly happy for the first time in weeks. Taelia lived very close to our cabin. This was fortunate, as it gave me plenty of time to investigate. I didn’t know how accommodating the snow faerie would be. Her icy dwelling was situated near the edge of the mountain, and I shivered as I approached, hunched over and braced against the strong winds. I raised one shaking paw, barely able to contain my excitement, and knocked. “Come in,” came her soft, musical voice, and I hurried through the door, grateful to get inside. She was sitting with her back to the entrance and did not immediately turn around. “You’re in luck. I am in need of some items. Would you be willing to complete a quest for me? I daresay you’re looking for Ice Cream Coupons?” Upon recognizing me, she smiled. “Ah, you’re the girl helping with Mr. Chipper’s ice cream cart. It’s Daphne, right? Surely you don’t need any coupons?” I smiled rather tightly and nodded once, trying hard not to disguise my impatience. “That’s not why I came.” She frowned, and watched me for a moment. “Hm, then why aren’t you tending the cart? Does Mr. Chipper need something?” I looked at my paws, suddenly struck by her elegant and regal manner. “Well, actually, Mr. Chipper slipped this morning and is, for the time being, incapacitated. In truth, I need a favor.” “Oh, is he alright? I’m afraid I can’t really help him, but surely you can manage?” I fidgeted with my scarf, not looking at her. “He closed his cart.” She surveyed me thoughtfully. “Is that so? Well then, what can I do for you?” Eagerly, I launched into my story, explaining about how Kai so desperately wanted the Site Theme, and how I was interested in learning more about the Advent Calendar. As I spoke, a crease appeared in her forehead and deepened as I went on. “...So you see, Miss Taelia, she’s desperate, and I really want to help her,” I pleaded. Her eyes were thoughtful. “And you mentioned a Jerome... your brother, I presume?” “Yes, Miss Taelia, my brother. He’s sick at home with the NeoBlues.” “But it’s not him you wish to help, is it?” I looked sideways. “Well, no. Unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of money, and Jerome... he can wait. He knows how much this means to Kai, and to me.” I bit my lip anxiously, watching her calculating in her head. “It saddens me,” she began, “that a sister would rather learn a few secrets about a silly prize than find a way to cure her sick brother. Do you truly believe that Jerome would be okay with suffering all through the holidays to see you happy?” I blinked. “I—well, it’s not for me, it’s for Kai, and—“ “It sounds to me as if Kai wants only what’s best for your brother and yourself. The Winter Site Theme comes around once a year; surely she can catch it next time.” I sighed, exasperated. “Yes, but I promised that this year would be different, and Jerome would want—” “What Jerome wants and what Jerome needs are two very different things. Leave me now, Daphne, and come back once you’ve straightened out your priorities!” She waved her hand almost lazily, as if she was swatting an irksome Petpetpet, and I was dragged backwards out of her residence by some unseen force. The door sprang to life and slammed shut, as if swept by a particularly violent gust of wind. I fell backwards in the snow and didn’t bother to get up for several minutes. Still in shock, I stumbled through the snow back to our cabin. By nightfall, I had resolved to make a visit to Mr. Chipper to see if he might put in a good word for me, or perhaps accompany me back up the mountain to talk to Taelia and reason with her. However, as I tossed and turned that night, my stomach churned with guilt and I contemplated the faerie’s words. Was I really neglecting Jerome? ~Daphne
Daphne 24th Day of Celebrating, Y11,
Snow blew in flurries around me as I trekked down the mountain. I knew that Mr. Chipper lived on the outskirts of Happy Valley, and I was determined to find his cabin and convince him to help me with the stubborn faerie. Jerome was on the edges of my mind, but I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I could use no distractions. Rapping on the cabin door, I stood shuddering in the cold, until the door opened. There was a young Lutari, and he looked up at me with wide eyes. “Papa!” he called as he turned back and ran inside. “What is it, Derek?” Mr. Chipper hobbled into view, and I smiled. His eyes were full of concern, and I wondered if he had heard about the little incident yesterday. “May I come in?” I asked tentatively. He sighed and nodded, and I followed him through a hallway into a cozy room with a roaring fire. “If you’ve come to talk to me about Taelia, there’s really nothing you can do. You have to prove to her that you’re worthy of her help.” I looked down at my paws, mortified. “So... she told you about our little argument?” Mr. Chipper’s eyes softened. “Look, Daphne, you really should be concentrating on Jerome. I know Kai very well... she can wait for him. It’s a small sacrifice, but she’s willing to wait for the Site Theme.” I wrinkled my nose, and knew that it was no good. Smiling, I stood up. “Well, I suppose I’d better go now. Jerome’s home again, you know, I should go see him.” Soon I was out the door, muttering to myself about wasting time. My hike up the mountain seemed to take very little time and before I knew it, I was once again tapping upon Taelia’s door. The door swung open, though nobody was there to greet me. Trembling just slightly, I crept over the threshold, hardly daring to take a breath. “You again?” Her tone was reproachful, and I gave an involuntary shudder. “I-I’ve come to see if perhaps you would reconsider... you see, it’s too late for Jerome, but maybe not for Kai...” I trailed off, bracing myself for her reaction. “It’s never too late, Daphne. I will not help you if you can’t understand that.” I let out a noise of frustration and stormed out of her home, screaming “USELESS!” as I went. I stomped through the snow and slammed our cabin door. Jerome was sitting in the kitchen, staring at the wall. “What’s your problem?” he asked dully. I knew I should have been grateful that he was making an effort not to snap, but I was still fuming. “Nothing,” I said sharply. He didn’t answer me. I picked up the untouched plate of cookies and the full mug of hot chocolate beside him on the table. “You finished?” I asked him, my voice bitingly sarcastic. Without responding, he turned and looked at me, his eyes empty of emotion, hauntingly void of feeling. I dropped the mug and plate and they shattered on the floor with a crash. We both looked at the mess and watched as the cold liquid trickled towards the carpet under the table. He gave an odd sort of jerk, as though to pick up the fragmented dishes, but seemed to think better of it. “I’ll get it,” I said breathlessly, hurrying over. I was mechanical in my cleaning; not really paying attention to what I was doing. It was as if the image of his hollow gaze was permanently branded on the inside of my eyelids. No matter how many times I blinked I could not rid myself of the horrifying image. He was like an empty shell, and I cursed myself over and over again, wondering how I could possibly have looked at him every day these past few weeks and not seen immediately the desperation of his condition. Before I knew what was going on, I found myself sprinting back to where Taelia lived, my heart pounding in time to the words resounding in my brain: it’s not too late, it’s never too late. I burst into the palace of ice, and she smiled at me keenly. “I’m... so... sorry.... Please, help... me.... I know... it’s... not... too late,” I panted. “I need a favor,” she said simply. My chest heaving, I nodded. “Anything.” “Well then, I need a few items. You have one hour.” She handed me a list, and I suppressed a groan. On the list were just three items:
- Ice Cream (any flavor)
- Today’s Advent Calendar Prizes
- One Job Coupon (any color)
I knew why she had chosen these items, but it didn’t make the realization any easier. I had to set aside my pride and apologize to Mr. Chipper, Kai, and, ultimately, Jerome. I supposed that by giving Taelia the Advent Calendar prizes, I was letting go of my fixation—for I knew now that that was what it had become: an obsession that had taken over and trumped the true issues of precedence. I swallowed, and nodded. “I’ll be back in an hour,” I promised, rushing out the door. I found myself once again waiting outside Mr. Chipper’s cabin. The blue Lutari answered the door this time, but he did not look angry to see me. “Hello, Daphne. Do you need something?” “No. Well... yes, actually.” He didn’t invite me inside; instead, he sat down on the porch and looked expectantly at me. I closed my eyes and kept them closed for a few seconds. This wasn’t going to be easy, but I knew that it had to be done. I took a deep breath. “Mr. Chipper... I’m so sorry for the way I’ve been acting. It wasn’t fair to you and it definitely wasn’t fair to Jerome. I see now... I have to do whatever it takes to help him. I owe him that much.” He smiled. “Daphne, I assure you that I understand. You’re doing the right thing, and that’s what matters. It’s just that it took you a little while to realize what to do.” I looked at my paws, feeling awkward. “And... I need something else from you as well...” “Ah, yes. What flavor should we get Taelia?” he asked thoughtfully. I stared. “How do you know about that?” He chuckled. “That Snow Faerie has a certain affinity for my ice cream,” he said with a grin. Ten minutes later, I was standing in line at the Advent Calendar, a bag packed with snow and ice cream over my shoulder. The little green Aisha who was handing out gifts draped a garland around my neck and shoved a plushie in my mouth. I gave a muffled chuckle and filed out of the area, following the line. I knew I would not be back tomorrow, at least not alone. I dropped off my bag and garland on the front porch of our cabin, hugged the plushie, and went inside. Kai was in the kitchen, eating lunch. I assumed that Jerome was upstairs sleeping, which was fine by me because then she couldn’t make any excuses to talk to him rather than to me. She didn’t look up as I shut the door. If she was at all surprised that I was home early, she didn’t show it. I walked over to where she sat, hesitant. She focused on her meal, although she was particularly savage with her utensils. I quickly launched into my apology because, just like with Mr. Chipper, it had to be done. “Kai.... You don’t have to look at me, and after this you can continue to pretend like I don’t exist, but I need you to at least listen.” She didn’t say anything, so I took a deep breath and proceeded. “I’ve been a real jerk these past couple of weeks. I got so wrapped up in the Advent Calendar, I forgot what was really important—you and Jerome. I’m really sorry for the way I’ve been acting... and now I’m going to help Jerome. I just need something from you. Can you ever forgive me?” She finally turned to me and I could plainly see tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. “Daphne... of course I forgive you!” She hugged me, sobbing. “But I’m sorry. There’s nothing you can do for him. We’ll have to keep saving, and we can help him eventually, but I don’t think he’ll enjoy the Day of Giving.” Her tone turned bitter and there were more tears welling up in her eyes. I looked up at her. “Never say that!” I told her fiercely. “I just need a job coupon, any color. Please, just trust me on this.” Wordlessly, she reached into her pocket, pulled out a pink slip of paper, and held it out for me. I took it from her and left her standing alone, tears flowing silently down her face. Clearly, she didn’t believe that anything I did would help. I could only hope that Taelia would be able to make him feel better. Turning, I bolted out and dashed towards Taelia’s place. I burst through the door, breathing heavily, and Taelia looked up at me. “Well?” “I’ve got them... everything you asked for,” I panted. I presented her with the required objects. She looked pleased. “Perfect... I’ll be back in a moment. You’ve truly done well. Has everything been set right?” I sighed. “Not everything...” She surveyed me thoughtfully. “I think we can fix that.” I smiled, my eyes overflowing. She left the room for a moment and soon returned with the solution in her hands. I took a ragged breath, overwhelmed, and received it from her, cradling the cure like a precious snowflake. “Thank you,” I breathed. She smiled and watched me leave. ~Daphne
Daphne 25th Day of Celebrating, Y11,
I was up early, having decided to save my surprise for the Day of Giving. I set it on the counter and ran to shake Kai awake. “Come with me to the kitchen,” I whispered. “And don’t wake up Jerome!” She wrinkled her nose. “Why are you so happy?” I held back a giggle; I was practically bouncing with excitement. “Just come and see this,” I murmured. She rolled her eyes and followed me. “Daphne... oh my goodness, how did you do it?” Kai gasped. She fell to her knees, but still made her way towards the Tasty Pie, tears falling freely from her eyes. I pulled her into a tight hug, and dragged her into a standing position. “Wait here. I’m going to go get Jerome.” She nodded, now smiling widely, and I went to drag my brother out of bed. Jerome
25th Day of Celebrating, Y11,
Daphne woke me up early this morning. I groggily blinked the sleep out of my eyes and found myself looking into her excited face. She dashed out of my room without a word, indicating with her head that I should follow her out. I peeked out the window, but the sky was still dark. I frowned, wondering why in the world she would wake me up so early. I had no clue what was going on, having long since given up on hoping for a cure; every bit of my concentration was focused on keeping quiet in front of Kai and Daphne so that I would not ruin the festivities. Daphne came back into my room, still inexplicably excited about something and then bounded out again. I rolled my eyes, an action that had turned into a habit, and then remembered: today was the 25th day of Celebrating, also known as the Day of Giving. Oh, so that was it. I hardly felt any better, but I dragged myself out of the room anyway. Our cottage was the same as ever, but a strangely wonderful aroma lingered in the air. I discovered the source: a huge pie that sat in the center of our dining table. I tilted my head to one side in surprise. Nothing ever smelled delicious to me these days but this pie was the exception. Daphne and Kai were standing near the table and watching me quietly, wide grins plastered across their faces. Kai was crying. Ordinarily, I would've walked away and said that I wasn't hungry, but something kept my eyes on that pastry. I felt a tiny flicker of hope as something deep inside me shifted. Slowly, tentatively, I lowered my head and took a bite. It was absolutely delicious. Surprised, I immediately began to eat more. As I ate, that minute speck of hope grew and grew and grew. Soon, I felt... happy. I paused, halfway done with my pie, as I realized what I had been given. This was it. This had to be the Tasty Pie, the cure to my NeoBlues, that gift I had wanted since the moment of my diagnosis. I continued eating my pie, relishing every single mouthful. When I finished, I leapt up noiselessly and hugged both Kai and Daphne, crying tears of joy. My owner and my sister laughed and I laughed with them, enjoying the sound that had for so long been absent from my life. Suddenly, everything was so beautiful. The tree in the corner shone with all its colorful dots of light and the large number of presents stacked underneath it got me back into the holiday spirit. The flakes outside spiraled to the ground, coating the landscape with a chilly but lovely layer of snow. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, waking from its slumber. The fire blazed joyously, emitting a warm glow. I was engulfed by an overwhelming sense of belonging: I was exactly where I ought to be. I was home. Abandoning at once the pie crumbs left on the plate, I thanked Kai and Daphne over and over in enthusiastic whispers. I remembered wishing for many things in previous years, always having had to pick one. This year, however, I had wanted just one thing... and I got my wish. ~ Jerome
The End
Special thanks to caitroxs and xaliaz.