Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 184,658,392 Issue: 487 | 25th day of Running, Y13
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Elephante's Surprise

by boroyan

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Black and White: Psychiatric Troubles
Let's hope he's got a PhD in exiting the digestive system.

by fuzzymonkey31


Doodles and Equations
How long had she sat here, trying to figure out this one math problem?

by cenedra_sapphirez


Dubloon Disaster – Not Just Some Floating Mines
Do you remember the last time you were floating along the shores of Krawk Island on a modest aquatic vessel, content with all the treasure you had accumulated, when you were savagely attacked by a large pirate ship? No?

by gloomyparadise


Happily Ever After?: Part One
But how was she to come up with a story of a family, when she herself had never had one? She didn't know a thing about adoption.

by majikel

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