The Fun of Unsuccessful Saving by chaotizitaet
Saving, in terms of saving neopoints, is the bane of every user who wants to see certain wishes fulfilled. And let me tell you, I have not met a single Neopets player who has not this one wish - a dream pet perhaps, or an extensive gallery of items, an avatar - something that will require a ton of neopoints to get. But since a ton of neopoints does not lie around unattended in the busy streets of Neopia Central (or any other street of Neopia, including the space-bound territories of Virtupets Space Station and Neopia’s moon Kreludor), especially not when you need it – “Woohooo, something has happened: I just found 50 neopoints on the floor.” Not really the aforementioned ton, so this proves my previous statement; – saving is the necessary evil if you ever want to see your wish fulfilled. So, after having realized this truth, the natural reaction is to humbly make up your mind to save. Perhaps you have by this time even read one of the multiple and most likely extremely helpful guides on how to manage this task of saving successfully. Good for you! But really, what is the fun of saving successfully? Wouldn’t it be much more fun to try unsuccessful saving? What, you don’t know what unsuccessful saving is? You think it a contradiction? Perhaps you are correct in your assumption, but it’s a fun activity nonetheless. Therefore, to enlighten your mind and introduce you to this great pastime, I have below compiled the five most basic and most promising points to be adhered to for a successful unsuccessful saving:
1) Find new friends The easiest way to save would be to start carrying around all those precious neopoints you've earned by playing games and simply not touch them. As a result of carrying so many neopoints with you, you might soon find yourself haunted by the Tax Beast, Dr. Sloth, and the greedy Kadoatie, a certain bunch of Ghosts, Icy Skeletons and nasty Bugs who all steal your precious neopoints without even giving you a pretty trophy in return, as all Tax Beast High Scores have been disabled. Many might consider them a nuisance, but to you, when you attempt the unsuccessful saving, they are simply new friends, who’ll help you in your endeavour!
2) Give in to new temptations
You have carefully saved your neopoints in the bank (avoiding winning the aforementioned new friends – how could you?) and are already on a first name basis with the green Skeith who manages the bank. It is then that TNT in their endless creativity release something new you absolutely have to have. Like making a certain irresistible colour available for your pet or releasing an item you find too cute not to have or which would get you a new avatar, and which have simply nothing to do with the dream which led you on the road of saving in the beginning. Don’t bother asking yourself if you really need this new item/colour/avatar. Simply go to the bank, get the necessary neopoints and just buy yourself the new thing! With your bank balance now being less than before, you are well on your way to mastering the unsuccessful saving.
3) Get bored and quit for a while
In order to save neopoints you have to get neopoints, or in other words earn them. This can be achieved by playing games, by restocking your shop, by trading valuable items at the Trading Post or setting up auctions, or by being a stock market tycoon, winning contests, etc. There are almost endless possibilities to get those neopoints you were initially determined to save. Most users prefer one method to the other, usually focusing on only that one method of earning neopoints. The advantage is that, with time, you become quite proficient in that method. The disadvantage is that eventually you’ll become bored with your chosen method. Now what to do when getting bored? Well, simply quit earning neopoints for a while. Don't worry, you’ll get back into the rhythm eventually. Under no circumstances try any of the other methods of earning neopoints for variety’s sake if you attempt the unsuccessful saving. Who needs variety anyway?
4) Have a heart for whiny people
Whiny people can be met almost everywhere in Neopia. After all, it is so much easier to whine about not being able to achieve something rather than sit down and put in hard work in order to achieve it. Usually whiners are politely asked to either quit whining or take their complaints elsewhere, but if they are lucky and the other people are patient, they are given advice how best to achieve something under their own steam. Truth is, these whiners already know most of the advice; they simply want the attention of others. This is where you come into play. Simply send these whiners something nice (and by nice I don’t mean anything cheap like a soggy old box) – if it is within your price range. Anything helping them to achieve their dream without putting further effort into it is advisable, and you can even buy them the Blobikins they have been wanting forever. Congratulations! Not only have you been notably charitable, but you are also one step closer to achieving grandmastery of unsuccessful saving.
5) Indulge in expensive hobbies Saving takes time and sometimes a long, long, long time will pass before you see your wish fulfilled. As saving is equally boring – after all, you earn and earn neopoints but do nothing with them other than wait till they have amassed to a certain amount – you are definitely in need of a diversion to survive this long, long, long time of boredom. High time to redecorate your neohome, to send your neopet to training school and spruce up your neopet’s wardrobe! Okay, it will cost some pretty neopoints, but then again, who cares as long as the result is a marvellous neohome, a wardrobe befitting any kind of true Neopian Royalty and a neopet so strong that even the mighty Snowager shivers with fear and not because of the freezing cold temperatures in the Ice Caves? Any activity which is not related to your initial wish but keeps you spending neopoints now and then or even oftener is a perfect choice as it means you have accomplished unsuccessful saving!
There you have it: Unsuccessful saving is definitely much more fun than successful saving! Okay, I’ll admit that as true master of unsuccessful saving you will most likely never see your wish fulfilled, but perhaps you are lucky and someone else is following the same path and adhering to above mentioned Point 4) will help you in your misery if you whine loud enough.