Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 187,887,734 Issue: 508 | 19th day of Hiding, Y13
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Something has happened!

by campih400

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NeoTeen Magazine Issue 1
In this issue: new make-up and nail tips from Usuki herself, advice, and an interview with cutie Garin about being a part of The Curse of Maraqua, Hannah and the Pirate Caves, and his personal life!

by rivercity_3601


The Lotus Blooms Twice
What a peaceful day this was.

by kiki587695


Torch in the Darkness: Part Two
It'll be worth it, I told myself and started putting one foot in front of the other on the bough. The snack gradually inched closer. I was almost there...

Art by ellbot1998

by ellbot1998


More Powerful than Magic: Part Six
If it had been any other night, Jazan would have been excited. The Vault of Queens contained some of the most powerful artifacts that had ever existed in Neopia, but mere mortals were rarely allowed inside.

by saphira_27

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