Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 187,887,734 Issue: 508 | 19th day of Hiding, Y13
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The Clouds

by sweet08540

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Peaches #5: The Restocker's Woe (2)
No pain, no gain!

by jenniferji


The Most Efficient Invasion of Meridell Strategy
Save the villages (to earn game points) and recover the Lost Items in each Mission (to increase your army's attack and defense strengths).

Also by knucklestheechidna52

by mythem


Illusen's Revenge
Never mess with a faerie.

Idea by __rayman__

by sheik_93


The Sorceress's Rising
"Very well, Xandra. From hearing your story, I can only guess that you have some magical abilities. Now, if we could only teach you how to control them..."

Also by princesspesa98 :)

by erroro

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