Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 191,735,390 Issue: 617 | 18th day of Collecting, Y15
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Stars are Just Big Balls of Gas!

by stealmyname

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Blair's Battle with Neopia
Social justice comes to Neopets.

by kandikatze


The Alice Tea Club: Part One
"I thought of the greatest, neatest idea!" Char went on. "I'd like to start a teatime club!"

by aisha_enchantress110


(IN)SANE- Coltzan's Shrine
Coltzan, powerful King of granting higher stats, items, treasures, and riches, summons the great... scamander.

by rocksockgirl95


With Many Faces: Part Three
I furiously knocked aside potions and brushes that were either too cute or too intimidating. "I'm going to right this, as soon as possible."

by encroached

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