White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 192,063,087 Issue: 628 | 17th day of Sleeping, Y16
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The Chosen One

by calliegraphy


It was dark, that she could tell, but as she tried to reach up to touch her face but the whispers and gasps that followed made her freeze. There were other people? Why couldn't she see them? Where was she? Wherever she was smelled like there was a leak... water was dripping somewhere behind her and the ground she lay on was cold but in places sticky. Emmsy slowly reached up once again and carefully let her fingers rest against her scales. A soft fabric replaced the tough surface of her face and she gently wrapped a claw around it before pulling it from her face.

     The light that shone in her eyes made her immediately regret giving up the safety of the blindfold, but as her eyes adjusted to her surroundings Emmsy felt more than regret build up inside. Fear had overcome.

     "I-- What is this place...?" she choked out, trying to find the faces of the voices.

     There was no response. Nothing but darkness behind the candles in front of her. Everything, including herself, was enveloped in a blanket of darkness that seemed unending.

     "I know you're there!" Emmsy's boldness found its way up to the surface. "Answer me!"

     Minutes passed and with every shaky breath, Emmsy became more nervous as to what was going on.

      "You're frightened." A voice without an ounce of concern for her responded but refused to reveal itself.

     "I'm not frightened of a voice!" Emmsy could feel the tip of her tail go cold, a common warning when she finds herself extremely upset.

     "Regardless, you're still frightened," the voice taunted.

     "Should I be?" Emmsy inquired, her voice shaking.

     "There's nothing to fear from us... yet." A different voice interceded this time, a female.

     "I haven't done anything to warrant a threat. Why am I here?" Emmsy tried to lift herself from her position on the floor but quickly fell back down. She was weak... but why? What had happened to her?

     "How does she not know?" the female voice whispered, a slight shake of worry in her tone. "Of course she doesn't know! She's the secret wea—"

     "Silence!" The squawk of a Lenny is unmistakable... especially when they are upset. "She knows what she needs to; the rest is not her concern."

     This voice was much more eloquent. The Lenny who owned it was obviously one of great importance... royalty perhaps? Emmsy pondered the idea momentarily until she saw the light shift in front of her as someone stepped from the shadows. But just as the Lenny's beak broke the darkness, the blindfold was put back over her eyes.

     "Hey!" Emmsy cried. "I haven't done anything!"

     "Exactly," the Lenny responded, her voice much closer. "How can we trust you? What is it about you that would entice us?"

     Emmsy scoffed, she wasn't one to impress people who hid their faces. "I couldn't tell you. You brought me here, remember?"

     Her snark was often not appreciated and after she said it, she realized this might be one of those moments.

     The more she thought about it, Emmsy started to remember stories she had heard of pets being selected by the factions, but the war was long over... The Oracle remained, she knew, but were the factions really strong enough to keep gathering affiliates? She'd taken part in the war, in allegiance with The Sway, but she never met anyone or knew anything about where her orders originated. Upon the end of the war, she'd received the letter congratulating her on her connection with the supreme faction but that was the last word.

     Emmsy's gut twisted as she began to gather her nerve. Enough was enough! Even if this was one of those stories she heard about, it was NOT okay! Who kidnaps pets and forces them to join a war?! Ugh, that is so Y1.

     "Enough!" Emmsy hollered, reaching up to tug away the blindfold and face her aggressor one-on-one.

     The gasp of cloaked pets around her didn't distract her this time. She was looking for the Lenny, the one who seemed so keen on keeping her prisoner.

     "Where's the Lenny?" Emmsy looked into the shocked expressions of those around her, slowly lifting herself off of the ground to stand for the first time in what seemed like forever.

     When she rose to her feet, her vantage point was better now. Now that she was at eye level of most of those around her, her nervousness started to dissipate. Emmsy could hold her own if it came to it.

     "I said," Emmsy stood taller, trying to stand her ground, even though she was surrounded."Where. Is. The. Lenny?!"

     Emmsy's eyes narrowed as she turned in a circle, eyeing everyone in the room.

     "Who me?" the familiar voice cawed. "I'm right here, child."

     The Lenny held her hands in front of her, a smirk across her face, taunting her.

     "Yes, you." Emmsy crossed her arms, her stance defensive.

     "Calm down, wild one," the Lenny cooed, obviously amused with her. "You've got nothing to fear from this place. You've revealed yourself."

     The grin on the Lenny's face stretched wider as she motioned to Emmsy. "You are chosen."

     Emmsy stared at the Lenny in disbelief. Was this not the same Neopet that had blindfolded her and dragged her into Fyora knows where?! What was she even talking about? Chosen? That's baloney.

     "What does that even mean? I demand my release, you... loon!" Emmsy stared at her, and the Lenny stared back. Not a word was exchanged for an extended moment and Emmsy became increasingly frustrated as the seconds ticked by.

     "Release me, I said!" As her voice roared, the room lit up, shining a bright purple.

     "Ah ha! I knew it!" The Lenny cheered, obviously pleased with herself. "I'm afraid your release is out of the question, dear."

     Emmsy's boldness sank back within her and just as quickly as the room has lit up, it was dark again.

     "I..." Emmsy stuttered before taking a breath and shooting a dark look towards her kidnapper. "I don't think you're in a position to tell me what is out of the question, are you?"

     The Lenny's cackling stopped and she just stared at Emmsy.

     "I don't know who you are, or what you want with me, but I am not a prisoner. I will not be yours to keep." Emmsy stretched her wings, slowly rising herself above the ground.

     "If you can escape, the freedom is yours," the Lenny challenged.

     "I am not going to be tested. If I am 'chosen', then there's something to fear in me, right? I doubt you'd want me to figure it out, because if I do, you're the first to feel my wrath." Emmsy stared her down as she waited her reaction.

     "I-I..." The Lenny hesitated.

     "Think about it," Emmsy hovered over her, "What if I managed to tap into whatever it is you think you can control?"

     The Lenny backed away from her, reaching for the wall behind her before pulling a lever that exposed the exit.

     "They'll be coming for you, chosen one." The Lenny's voice wasn't one of fear, but of warning.

     "Should you find yourself being hunted, The Sway's offer of refuge stands. However, I am obliged to warn you." The Lenny's eyes had become much more serious.

     "Should you choose to stay factionless for the times to come... there is nothing we can do for you, child."

     Emmsy's eyes narrowed as she started for the exit, the cloaked witnesses moving out of her way.

     "I do so choose." Emmsy turned and darted for the exit.

     What was that Lenny talking about? What did she mean 'times to come'? The war was over, right? There wasn't anything to fear. Or... maybe... maybe the factions still existed. Maybe they were still bitter with each other. She couldn't focus on that now, she had fought in the war but she wasn't going to be used as some secret weapon in the Skirmish Battles, not in a million lifetimes.

     As she kept up her pace towards the way out, Emmsy could see the sunlight in front of her. How had it been so dark down there? Its the middle of the day! As she reached the way out, she slowed and kept hidden for a moment. Could the Lenny have been right about the other factions? If they were legitimate Sway members and they wanted her... what are the possibilities that the other factions having an interest in her? Would they really hunt her down just to put her through the terror that she had just been through? That was the last thing she wanted.

     "No," Emmsy breathed out. "I will not be a pawn. I will not be there's to abuse. I am in control of whatever happens now."

     Was she really, though? Was there really any way to control the future if it was on such fragile ground? Maybe. Maybe not. There was no way to predict what, if anything, the factions would do with a rumor like this. Besides, what would they do with her if she couldn't even control it? She's a ticking time bomb. Quite possibly as big of a threat as she is an advantage.

     "First things first," Emmsy whispered, still hidden from plain sight. "I need answers. Where can I get answers..?"

     Answers were indeed the first step. Answers followed by solutions. But was there anyone in Neopia could even help her?

     "Oh, Fyora." Emmsy groaned. "What do I do? Where do I go?"

     With a heavy breath, Emmsy burst out of the ground and into the sky. She closed her eyes and started north, at this point... anywhere is better than that Sway hideout and she certainly wouldn't get any answers about her new found problem hiding away. She had to take control, that is if she didn't want to get caught up in something she couldn't handle.

     Hopefully wherever she landed, she'd get a lead. That's the best she could hope for at least.

The End

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