Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 192,063,087 Issue: 628 | 17th day of Sleeping, Y16
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The Results Are Grave

by kougra_luff

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Trophies FAQ
I've seen a lot of people asking about the same thing in the games board so I decided to take note of the most frequently asked questions about trophies.

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Once a Thief: Part Three
Don't show fear. Don't show confidence. Don't show anything for the matter. The phrase spoken by Carson's older brother continued to replay in his mind.

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How to Play NQI and NQII Without Losing Your Mind
A list of tips to prevent you from becoming as crazy as Mr. Insane while adventuring in the Neoquest world.

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It Takes a Thief: Part Nine
Hanso was typically honest with himself, even when he was lying to everyone else. It tended to keep him from doing things that he'd view as stupid later.

by saphira_27

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