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No Yooyu For You: A Guide To Petpets in Yooyuball

by goodsigns


Don't you wish that you could play Yooyuball year round? You could, if only you could afford a Yooyu. Those bouncy little critters can be quite expensive, however. Well, I have a solution! Hello, my name is Ed, and I'm the Striped Aisha who's going to guide you through the many different petpets available for those who want to play Yooyuball, but who can't get an actual Yooyu.

We will be judging petpets in comparison to those most like a Yooyu and those least like a Yooyu. The categories to keep in mind are aerodynamics, weight, durability, and attitude, as well as cost and special effects. A petpet with a 10 in a category will mean that it is exactly like a Yooyu, while a petpet with a 1 is the furthest thing from a Yooyu.


  • Aerodynamics: 6
  • Weight: 6
  • Durability: 4
  • Attitude: 10
  • Cost: 3,500 neopoints
  • Special Effects: Slime

Slorgs without a doubt have the right attitude for Yooyuball. These excitable little slugs are eager to please their owners in any way possible, which includes being tossed around. I myself have a Slorg who thoroughly enjoys a good game of Yooyuball. Their slippery mucus-like slime also creates an interesting challenge and players will need to make sure to have a good handle on the petpet. They have an adequate weight for throwing; however, due to their lack of a skeleton, they are not the most durable petpet and should not be used if the game is going to get particularly rough. At less than 5,000 neopoints, the Slorg is a good alternative for the price-conscious Yooyuball player.

Abominable Snowball

  • Aerodynamics: 7
  • Weight: 6
  • Durability: 9 (as long as the weather is cold)
  • Attitude: 6
  • Cost: 50 Neopoints
  • Special Effects: Slow-Down

Even more cost-efficient than the Slorg, Abominable Snowballs can be used as a replacement for a Yooyu. Like a living snowball, these guys are great for passing down a field. And, if your Abominable Snowball happens to fall apart, they can simply be rebuilt, giving them a 9 in durability. Abominable Snowballs act much like the Snow Yooyu, and will cause the player handling them to slow down. Abominable Snowballs don't always like being used, thrown, and rebuilt, however, so be sure to respect your petpet's wishes.


  • Aerodynamics: 6
  • Weight: 9
  • Durability: 5
  • Attitude: 7
  • Cost: 20,000 neopoints
  • Special Effects: Run-Away

Antwerphs have nearly the perfect weight for Yooyuball, almost exactly like that of a real Yooyu. They need to be handled carefully, though, and like the Slorg, should not be used in rough games. They're usually willing to play; however, they don't like to stay curled up for very long, and thus will periodically get up and run away from the players, creating a very comical chase scene.


  • Aerodynamics: 7
  • Weight: 7
  • Durability: 7
  • Attitude: 2
  • Cost: 200,000 neopoints
  • Special Effects: None

Babycas have excellent aerodynamics, weight, and durability for Yooyuball and, on the field, behave as a normal Yooyu would. Their gelatinous, bouncy bodies do not bruise or get damaged easily. However, they also do not like sports very much at all, and if being used in a game, will often cry uncontrollably, drawing the attention of the PPL and raising some uncomfortable questions. They are one of the more expensive Yooyu replacements, all though they are still not as expensive as the Yooyu.


  • Aerodynamics: 7
  • Weight: 3
  • Durability: 8
  • Attitude: 7
  • Cost: 10,000 neopoints
  • Special Effects: None

Turtums' tough protective shells make them extremely durable and wonderful for Yooyuball. They also have very good aerodynamics for throwing. On the other hand, they are very heavy and only the strongest Neopets would be able to pick them up and handle them. Turtums tolerate being used for Yooyuball and some of them even enjoy it; however, they would much rather spend their time playing Ultimate Bullseye and will do their best to convince you to play that instead.

GX-4 Oscillabot

  • Aerodynamics: 6
  • Weight: 5
  • Durability: 2
  • Attitude: 7
  • Cost: 5 neopoints
  • Special Effects: Explosion

I've added the GX-4 Oscillabot due to its uncannily familiar ability to explode after a random amount of time. All though GX-4 Oscillabots rarely malfunction during everyday use, it appears that, after they have been tossed and kicked during Yooyuball, they blow up. That being said, they have average weight and aerodynamics, and don't appear to be particularly opposed to being used as a Yooyu replacement, even though it ultimately results in their demise.

Roburg 3T3

  • Aerodynamics: 7
  • Weight: 5
  • Durability: 7
  • Attitude: 3
  • Cost: 10 neopoints
  • Special Effects: None

Another inexpensive robot petpet, the Roburg 3T3 is much more durable than the GX-4 Oscillabot. It can retract its legs and shut its lid to become spherical with good aerodynamics; although, as it only does this when it is frightened, it is obvious that the Roburg 3T3 does not enjoy Yooyuball at all.


  • Aerodynamics: 4
  • Weight: 3
  • Durability: 8
  • Attitude: 5
  • Cost: 800 neopoints
  • Special Effects: Secret

The Floud is perhaps the most unusual Yooyu replacement. Extremely light, they can be thrown about the same distance as a crumpled up piece of paper. What they lack in aerodynamics and weight, however, they make up in durability. They can bump into anything and appear perfectly uninjured. It is unclear how they feel about Yooyuball; they do not get excited about it, but neither do they appear to have any aversion to it. For that reason, they get a five in attitude. They have an extremely unusual special effect, which I will let you discover for yourselves. Here's a hint: feed them carrots.


  • Aerodynamics: 5
  • Weight: 6
  • Durability: 4
  • Attitude: 8
  • Cost: 14,000 neopoints
  • Special Effects: Curves

Crystacats are more than willing to play Yooyuball, but if they are bumped, bruised, or hurt in anyway, they get incredibly moody and refuse to continue on with the game. Like the Faeire Yooyu, when being used, they tend to curve away from the horizontal.


  • Aerodynamics: 9
  • Weight: 5
  • Durability: 7
  • Attitude: 8
  • Cost: 11,000 neopoints
  • Special Effects: Bounce

Cheerlubs love to play and while make a high-pitched squeaking sound while playing Yooyuball. Their rubbery skin gives them a bouncy quality while also giving them rather high durability. They're easy to throw and have high aerodynamics; however, they also weigh less than the average Yooyu so players will have to compensate or else risk over-throwing them.

And there you have it, a list of petpets that can replace the Yooyu in this loveable game! I hope you're all practicing; after all, it will be only a matter of time before Yooyuball season is upon us again!

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