Achieving My Dreams by ukbasketball
Hi Neopia! Let me introduce myself. My name is BigBlueNation. You can call me Blue for short. I am a young (although not baby) Kougra with BIG dreams. In order for me to achieve all of my dreams, I have decided to seek out those in Neopia who can help me and ask them some questions. My goal is to interview various Neopians to see what I can do so that one day, I can be a great and powerful Neopet. Now, I have first decided to seek out the Lab Ray Scientist. I must say that before this interview, I was rather scared of him. Have you seen those eyes? Of course, other Neopians have often called him a maniac. Is he a maniac? Everyone is free to make their own decisions as to if he is a maniac or not. Hopefully my interview will shed light on the true Lab Ray Scientist. I (Blue) slowly walked down the dark hallway toward the door. The door was large and dark. I can't tell you what color it was. I would not have even known where the door was if ukbasketball had not taken me there before. The lights were so dim I could barely see where I was going. I quietly opened the door and entered into the laboratory. Surprisingly the door didn't make a sound when I opened it. Standing in front of me, in a white lab coat, was the Lab Ray Scientist. There was a purple stain on his jacket. I assumed it was from one of those petpets that exploded at the Petpet Lab Ray earlier that morning. I certainly wasn't going to ask where that stain had come from. I should also say I have asked ukbasketball to please not subject my petpet, Creature, to the petpet lab ray for this very reason. If he were to explode, there is no way of knowing what might happen. I must admit that I was rather nervous. I mean, wouldn't you be nervous if you were about to be face to face with this scary looking Neopet, the Lab Ray Scientist? He hadn't noticed me yet. I took a big deep breath and tried to figure out how to get his attention without startling him. I certainly didn't want to startle him. You never know what would happen if he made any sudden movements. If he hit that button on the lab ray suddenly, I may disappear! Or worse, there could be a meepit invasion of Neopia! While that would make me famous, I certainly did not want to be responsible for that! Obviously, my mind was racing with all the potential terrible things that could happen. I finally decided just to quietly introduce myself.
I said, "Hi, Mr. Lab Ray Scientist. I am BigBlueNation. You can call me Blue if you want. I am a young Neopet with big dreams. There are rumors all around Neopia about you and your lab ray. Can you answer some of my questions?"
The Lab Ray Scientist turned to look at me with those large, scary eyes. I jumped back, almost knocking over the jars that were setting on the shelf behind me. Please don't ask me what was in them. I have no clue! I can't say I really wanted to know either! I was too frightened to say anything at this point!
The Lab Ray Scientist said, "Hello there, Blue. I am glad you came to visit me. No one ever comes to talk to me. They all just want my lab ray to zap them into a MSP Poogle. I will be happy to answer your questions so long as you don't take too long. I can't leave my lab ray unattended for more than five minutes. Otherwise, Dr. Sloth comes in and tries to steal the lab ray. There is a rumor he wants to make an army of clockwork Grundos. Although, I have no idea why. There are things in Neopia that not even I, the greatest scientist ever, understand."
I said, "I promise not to take up much of your time." I looked at my watch to see what time it was. It was 8:02 am NST. Ok, my interview had to be over at 8:07 am.
I asked, "Why does no one ever come to visit you?"
He said, "I believe all of Neopia is scared of me. I don't know why exactly but it is possibly because of my eyes. Sometimes, when I look in the mirror, I scare myself. I mean, have you seen these eyes?"
I said, "Well, I don't think your eyes are that scary!" In reality, his eyes were terrifying me, but I did not want to tell him that. I still wasn't sure if he was a maniac.
I then said, "I have been zapped by your lab ray a few times. Why does it sometimes decrease my stats? With the great plans I have for myself, I need my stats to increase. Is this all part of an evil plan?" The Lab Ray Scientist laughed. It was a creepy laugh, but still a laugh. "Young Neopet, I have no evil plan. You have been talking to Sloth, haven't you? Now let me explain why sometimes you lose stats when using the lab ray. Do you see that part right there?" The Scientist pointed to a loosely hanging piece of his lab ray. "I call that the thingimajig. Sometimes, right when I'm going to hit the button on the lab ray, that thing will wobble. You see, when that thing wobbles, it messes with the ray's trajectory. Instead of the lab ray directly hitting the Neopet, the ray will deviate either to the right or left. This is what causes a Neopet to lose stats. If it were to deviate up or down, there is no telling what will happen."
I said, "Well, that sounds complicated. Why don't you fix it?"
The Lab Ray Scientist stared at me with those creepy eyes and said, "Do you think I haven't tried to fix it?"
Now I was scared. I said, "I'm sure that you have tried to fix it, please don't zap me!" He said, "I can't zap you. You've already used the lab ray today!" I wiped the sweat off my brow, I was so happy for that. I think I may have angered him slightly with that last question! I then said, "Can I ask what all you have tried?" He said, "Well, throughout the years I have tried numerous items to fix it. First, I tried air faerie gum. That didn't work as right when I put the gum on it, the gum flew away. That caused the thingimajig to wobble even more. A few years later, I tried Blue Glitter Glue. Well, that didn't work either. The glue melted and the glitter went everywhere. I don't like glitter! Most recently, I tried to use Bacon Tape. Well, it tasted delicious, but it certainly didn't hold anything."
I said, "So, have you just given up?"
He said, "No, I recently acquired Mallard Tape from The Coincidence. I plan to try it next."
I said, "Well, that may work well!" I was hoping that he wouldn't try it while I was still in the lab. You never know, something could explode! I didn't want to be the next stain on his lab coat.
I then said, "So you really aren't trying to decrease stats with your lab ray."
The Lab Ray Scientist then said, "That is correct, Blue. This ray was never designed to decrease any stats."
I said, "I really didn't think you were an evil scientist! I knew you were only trying to help us Neopets!" He said, "It is not like I am Dr. Sloth!" Now, it was time to move on to another question I had. This was really important to me. As you will see, it is all a part of my big dreams for what I am to become in the future. I said, "So about these possible color changes that can occur with the lab rays..."
The Lab Ray Scientist once again looked at me with those creepy eyes. He then said,"Go on."
I said, "Well, one day I want to be a Grey Kougra. What can I do to increase my chances of becoming grey?"
I noticed he had an evil looking grin. He then said, "Well, seeing as you are already a Kougra, you could convince ukbasketball to buy a Grey Paint Brush for you. Then you wouldn't have to take a chance with my lab ray making you a Green Uni!"
I said, "I have tried. She told me that it would cost a lot to make me grey with a paint brush. You know how these Neopets users are. They like to save every neopoint."
The Scientist said, "Yes, that is true. Well, keep visiting my lab ray every day and I'm sure you will become grey someday. It may take many years though. I also cannot guarantee you will still be a Kougra." He grinned at me. I can't say his grin made him look any less like a maniac.
Suddenly the Lab Ray Scientist said, "That is enough! I must get back to my ray now. Dr. Sloth will be here soon. You may come back to visit the lab daily and I will zap you. I believe you have asked plenty of questions for a lifetime though."
I then thanked him for answering my questions. All of a sudden, there was a Chia that entered the lab and made her way in front of the lab ray. I must say she looked frightened! I quickly exited the lab through the door as I heard the lab ray warming up. I stood outside the lab for a few minutes collecting my thoughts. Suddenly, out came a coconut JubJub. Beside of the coconut JubJub was a proud owner of a new avatar! Apparently the pet had been "Pwned by the Lab Ray." I breathed a sigh of relief. At least that pet didn't disappear and apparently the thingimajig hadn't wobbled this time.
Well, there it is. Now, it's up to each Neopian to decide for themselves if the Lab Ray Scientist qualifies as a maniac. I still haven't decided if the Lab Ray Scientist is a maniac. It is also up to each Neopets user to decide if they want to put their pet(s) in front of the lab ray. I mean, what if the thingimajig wobbles and something bad happens? Maybe the Neopians, like my owner, are the maniacs? I mean, what owner would put their pet in front of a lab ray that has a part known as a thingimajig? That is something we all should think about!
My first interview has been completed. I'm not sure I was given the full five minutes that the Lab Ray Scientist told me I was allowed. When I looked at my watch again, it had stopped working. I found that odd. I am sure there was something in that lab that caused it to stop. What was it? I guess we will never know!
While the interview was short, I feel that I now understand the Lab Ray Scientist a little better. I know that if ukbasketball continues to allow me to visit with the Lab Ray Scientist, eventually I will become an amazing awesome looking Grey Kougra! I will soon be interviewing other Neopians who can help me achieve my dreams. It has been suggested that I seek out the evil Dr. Sloth to seek his advice for becoming great and powerful. Needless to say, I dread that interview as I have no desire to become a Grundo of any color!
The End