The Daily Lives of Neopets by saphire_emblem
(Saphire's pov)
Today was my first time in Neopia. Owners were told that they could access Neopia to adopt a Neopet. My first Neopet I picked was a yellow Eyrie. She was beautiful and I thought maybe with some love and care we could go through this cybernetic life together as companions! As I was exploring Neopia with Athena, my Eyrie's name, I couldn't but help notice that my pet looked longingly at other pets. I know I couldn't have a clear conversation with here yet, but I knew something was wrong.
When I was about to leave Neopia to go back to the real world, Athena tugged at my shirt. That's when I realized what she had wanted! She didn't want to be alone in our Neohouse! She wanted companions! I laughed and decided I would go to the Pound to see any new friends. I left Athena at home so that I could surprise her. First, I saw a red Xweetok. It was a female and was still at level 1 with only a couple of days on her. She looked at me from the cage she was in and tried to stick her paw through the tiny small cage holes. I smiled and told the pound owner I wanted her. When I adopted the Xweetok, I was given a paper that had all her previous status and found out her name was Glazeria. I smiled as Glazeria looked at me smiling. That's when I thought, maybe I should adopt two more pets? So I did, and I found PeophinPlague, a Peophin, and Icenemeco, a Gelert. PeophinPlague was playing with Glazeria as I was signing the paperwork but I noticed Icenemeco was standing far away. I looked down at the paper with her status and noticed that she was almost a year owned. I could only tell that she was having trust issues because of what happened, but I decided that it was probably for the best since maybe her owner couldn't take care of her. I went to the house Athena was currently in and brought all the pets inside. When Athena woke up, she seemed so delighted! She was very happy with her new sisters and they seemed happy to be given a new home! I smiled as I put food in their dishes that I bought on the way back from the pound. For now, normal food would have to do before we could explore together. I checked off the site and went to go eat dinner with my parents. (Neopet third person pov) Athena looked proudly at her new adopted sisters and started playing with them with her toys. She noticed one pet wasn't playing with her. It was Icenemeco. "Why aren't you playing? Are you sick?" Athena asked politely.
"No, I'm not sick. I just don't want to be here," said Icenemeco.
"Why not? We have toys and plenty of room to play and we have a backyard! Not to mention many books!" said Athena happily. "Don't you know it'll be a matter of time till one of us goes to the pound again? This won't last forever." "Of course it will! Saphire wouldn't do that. She really cares for us, she wouldn't abandon any of us." Athena looked at Icenemeco and tried to figure out as to why she would hate anyone at all. Of course she was at the pound but there had to be a reason why so much hate would be inside her. Athena couldn't figure it out and so went back to play with the others. "What's wrong with her? Is she ok?" Glazeria said. Glazeria had a book in her paws.
"Maybe it was from being in the pound," Peophinplague said. She was in a mini kid pool letting her fin get wet to keep from dryness.
"Maybe..." Athena said.
Athena looked at the moonlight from the window in her and her sister's room. All this time during the whole day, she wanted to make Ice, her nickname because her name was long, feel welcomed her at her new home. During the whole day she, Glazeria and Plague, also peophinplague's new nickname, decided to do basic jobs so that they could enter the Battledome and become mighty warriors. They also decided that they should buy some clothes since it was a fashionable time in Neopia.
"What's wrong, Athena?"
Athena looked up to see Glazeria. Her fur was changed to blue since Saphire thought it would be nice to change her hair color. It looked nice on her too.
"I want Ice to feel welcome, but all day she has been lying down in the corner of the room, not talking to anyone." Athena looked down.
"Look, Athena," Glazeria lay down next to her, "Ice needs time. Not everyone can trust so easily. Ice was kept there for one two days, wondering what she did wrong and not understanding why she was in the pound. She was loved by her owner for a long time, but it was gone. We may never know why she was taken to the pound, but for now, let her think and slowly start to grow to love us all. Don't try so hard; try to get close to her slowly and gently."
Athena looked at Glazeria and slowly smiled.
"Thank you, Glazeria, that was really good advice."
"It's no problem; you just have to put yourself in the person's shoes." Glazeria smiled and went back to her bed to sleep. The next morning, Athena and her sisters went to the kitchen to fix themselves breakfast while they waited for their owner to not be busy anymore. As like yesterday, it was only Athena, Glazeria and Plague doing things together while Ice stayed in her corner. Athena tried not to worry so much as she was making pancakes but felt like maybe she should do something to make her start to trust at least an inch, or at least talk to them.
"I'll be right back," Athena said as she took a plate of buttered pancakes and syrup with her. She went to Ice's corner, since the one room was about all the house, and placed the plate near her. Ice didn't move an inch, just stayed curled up with an angry and sad look. Athena applied syrup to the pancakes and smiled as she walked away.
"Well, let's eat!" Plague said happily, pouring a lot of syrup on her pancakes.
Athena took a bite of her pancakes that were shaped like a cupcake. As she chewed, she looked at Ice secretly to see what she would do. What happened took her by surprise. Ice was eating her pancakes! Whether it was from being hungry or actually wanting to eat the pancakes, Athena was happy. And for a second, she thought she saw Ice smile a bit when she bit into her pancakes.
The End