The Persecution: Part Eight by racerfishy
GabrielQuiet music crept soulfully from the corner of the room where a hunched over Gelert coaxed them from the chipped piano. His long ears hung over his face, gently brushing the keys as his fingers waltzed over them. Gabriel hummed along quietly to himself as he cleaned the bar counter that stretched along the back wall of the small, cozy theater. He, the Gelert, and a Zafara with patchy fur and a mop were the only occupants of the room. The early performance of the jazz ensemble went quite well, and the quiet trio worked to prepare the room for the next show. Gabriel glanced at his pocket watch and smiled. He wasn't due home for a few more hours, but by then the sunrise will have done its damage to Tiberius. He couldn't suppress the chuckles thinking of the sunburn that the vampire would have to deal with for the next few weeks.
The grey Zafara looked up with her tired eyes. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing." Gabriel shrugged and resumed cleaning the counter. "Just a joke someone told me awhile ago." "What joke?" "You wouldn't get it, it's more of an inside joke sort of thing." The Zafara sighed and turned her attention to mopping the polished wood floor. Gabriel dropped his cloth and walked over to the sink where piles of glasses and small dishes were piled carefully. Just has he turned on the faucet to get to work, the sharp tapping of heels sounded down the stairs. The three looked up as a well-dressed purple Ogrin strode into the room. She stood tall despite coming only to Gabriel's shoulder, and an air of importance hovered around her. "Gabriel!"
Gabriel set down the glass he was holding and turned to his boss. "Yes, Iallae?"
"Dad wants to talk to you." Gabriel inwardly groaned. "Why?" She shrugged her delicate shoulders. "I don't know, he didn't tell me." There was something in her eyes that made Gabriel think she was lying, however. He couldn't quite tell, but he thought something like bitterness flashed through her eyes. He knew this conversation wouldn't go well. Gabriel washed his hands and followed Iallae up the stairs, past the dozens of paintings depicting the theater's history. He followed her through the carpeted hallway and past the lobby and main theater, the one where plays and large shows too big for the "basement" theater were held. They walked up another flight of stairs and past a few doors until they reached the one at the end of the hall, where Iallae stopped abruptly. "Go on in." She pushed the door open and turned on her sharp heel, stalking down the hallway. Gabriel adjusted his jacket before stepping in. Salvatore Malice stood waiting, leaning against the oak desk in the center of the room with his arms crossed over his narrow chest. He was Iallae's father, and the former owner of the theater before he passed it on to her. It was only because of that Gabriel still had his job, though as soon as Sal was kicked off the council he was demoted to a server in the second theater. Gabriel didn't mind, it was easier to keep a low profile there and the simple job let him spend more time pursuing his "hobby". He hadn't seen Sal Malice since the incident in town hall, and the grey Ogrin certainly did not look happy to see him. Gabriel tried to think of why he called this meeting as he shut the door. "Hello Sal. How is the family?" "Fine." His eyes were cold and emotionless. Gabriel tried to read his face for a hint of what was happening, but it was pointless. Deciding to play it calm as well, Gabriel leaned against the door. "So what's up?" "Nothing much. I just wanted to talk." "About what?" Sal shifted and put his hands in his pockets. "I heard some interesting news not long ago. About you." "Did you?" Gabriel worked at keeping a straight face. "What did you hear?" "Just some things. Do you by any chance remember the name of the vampire that attacked you in the alley?" Gabriel shrugged. "I think his name was Tiberius something. Why?" "Oh, no reason. Just that my friend told me that the same vampire was found at your house. Unconscious." Sal stepped forward. Gabriel thought that he could hear his heart pounding in his chest. "Heh, this must be some mistake. There isn't any-" "Can it, Gabriel." Sal's mouth stretched across his face in a hard line. "The lies stop now." "What lies?" Sal narrowed his eyes. "You know what I mean. Tiberius said things, you know. He told us some very interesting things." "What um..." Gabriel swallowed nervously. "What things?" "You know." He stepped forward again and grabbed Gabriel by the collar. "The gig is up, Gabriel. Tiberius spilled the beans. You're done." That fool Blumaroo. Gabriel should have silenced that moron when he had the chance. He looked up into Sal's calm eyes. The Ogrin betrayed nothing, not even anger. Gabriel had expected at least something, but that emotionless gaze scared him more than anything else could. He took a deep breath and raised his hand. "Salvatore..." Faster than Gabriel could have thought was possible for someone his age, Sal raised his hand and struck Gabriel across the face. It had caught him off guard and he stumbled, grabbing his throbbing cheek. Before he could regain his balance Sal grabbed Gabriel's arm in a vice like grip. His eyes had changed now; the fury was starting to emerge like smoke from behind the stoic mask. "You ruined dozens of lives! This was more than revenge, it was madness!" Gabriel struggled, but he wasn't any match for Sal's iron fingers. He narrowed his eyes, trying to hide his fear. "They deserved what they got! They destroyed my family and countless others!" "Stop saying that!" Sal tightened his grip. Gabriel could feel his arm starting to tremble. "You've been saying that over and over, but it doesn't make it right! You can't judge an entire group by the actions of one!" Gabriel struggled more. "They're monsters..." "They're people! Have you ever considered that most of them didn't choose that life? Almost every vampire I know was forced into being turned, and they only do what they do to survive!" His face was inches from Gabriel's. All of his focus was on Gabriel's face, and the Ogrin didn't notice when Gabriel slipped his hand into his pocket. "You're the real monster, Gabriel." "No!" He pulled a vial from his pocket and threw it against the wall, shattering the vessel and sending shards of glass spilling across the rug. A small puff of white smoke stayed in the air where the vial was, and slowly grew as Sal turned to see what Gabriel had thrown. It wasn't much, but Sal's momentary distraction was enough for Gabriel to gain the upper hand. He yanked his arm away and shoved Sal with both hands at the cloud of smoke. The Ogrin tripped from surprise and fell against the wall; coughing in the middle of the now Neopet sized cloud of smoke. He feverishly waved his hands in front of his face to try and drive the smoke away. Gabriel stepped back as Sal lunged at him from the center of the cloud, but he could tell the gas was already taking effect like it had on Tiberius. "You.... come back..." But it was pointless, Gabriel was already through the door and on his way out of the theater. His first instinct was to run, to get far away, but he knew it wouldn't do any good. If Sal had already found out about this then more people had, and Gabriel knew that even he couldn't wipe that information away. He was done for... and Gabriel knew that. He knew deep in his heart that he couldn't go on from here. He had failed. ***** The sun rose over the horizon and shed a soft light over the rooftops of Neovia, giving birth to a new day. The news of Gabriel's doings spread quickly through the town, and vampires emerged from the woodwork to converse once again with neighbors that had spent the past weeks shunning them. Apologies flowed from the mouths of citizens into the ears of the shaken vampires, and peace once again settled into the crevices of the buildings of the sleepy town. The mayor himself climbed onto his pedestal at the base of the town hall to issue a formal apology, and to restore vampires their former rights. It would be a long time before the inhabitants could trust one another again, but for now normalcy was beginning to descend once again upon the town. Everything was set right, for the citizens anyway. Gabriel huddled next to Rose on her couch in Meepit Oaks, her dream given smile giving him comfort despite what he knew was coming to him. He knew that his hours of freedom were numbered; it was only a matter of time before someone found him and brought him to justice. He knew he could run for it, his gut was telling him to run and never look back... but he couldn't. He couldn't leave Neovia. He could never abandon Rose or even Zara. They were his family, even if they weren't truly his anymore. There was a soft knock on the door, and Gabriel took a deep breath as he looked up. He glanced back down at his sleeping wife, a calm smile spread across her face. It gave him strength. "Come in." The door creaked open and a lanky figure walked in. Gabriel subconsciously wrapped his arms tighter around Rose as he watched the figure enter. "Sal." "Gabriel." Sal shut the door and sat on the edge of Rose's bed, opposite from Gabriel and Rose. She didn't even stir, she was in her own world. "So you found me." Sal rubbed his eyes. He looked tired, mostly likely worn out from Gabriel's poison. The Ogrin was also calm, not angry at all. Not like the man that Gabriel had fought only hours before. "It wasn't hard, I had a hunch you would be here." "You didn't think I would skip town?" Sal shook his head. "No. You're a family man, like me. I know you wouldn't leave her." He gestured at Rose. Gabriel smiled. "She was what kept me going all these years, you know. She's the reason I did what I did." Sal nodded thoughtfully. "Did she know?" Gabriel shrugged slowly, stroking Rose's hair as he did. "I told her everything, but I don't think much of it settled." He sighed, and Gabriel thought he saw compassion flash in Sal's purple eyes. Several silent minutes ticked by before Sal broke the silence. "The town wants your head, you know. You're public enemy number one." "I figured. And the vampires?" "Do I even have to say?" Gabriel nodded. "So you're just going to turn me in then? Go ahead, I'm done running. I'm tired of playing this game." It was true, it wasn't until now that Gabriel felt the fatigue in his bones. There was a long pause before Sal spoke again. "No." "No?" Gabriel looked up in surprise. Sal nodded. "No. While I was recovering from your attack I had some time to think. I thought about what I would have done if I was in your shoes. It doesn't mean it was right, but it also means I understand. I would go to the ends of Neopia for my family, like I know you would for yours." Gabriel glanced at Rose. "So you forgive me?" "I didn't say that." Sal crossed his arms over his chest. "I said I wouldn't turn you into the townspeople or let them decide your fate." Gabriel tried to steady his shaking hands. "So what are you going to do with me?" Sal smiled. "Something I think you deserve." Before Gabriel could question further, the door flew open and two burly Neopets in white coats stepped into the room. Gabriel turned to Sal. "What is this?" "Your punishment." Sal smiled. "I figured jail wasn't good enough for you." The Neopets grabbed Gabriel by his arms and dragged him roughly off the couch, waking Rose. She shook her head and tried to focus her bleary eyes on Gabriel. "What? What is happening...?" Sal laid a hand on her arm. Gabriel wasn't sure why, but the action angered him. He struggled against the grips of the Neopets. "Let me go!" Sal shook his head. "I don't think so." He turned to Rose. "It's nothing, Rose. Gabriel is going to be fine. In fact, you should be happy for him. He'll be living here with you, I had him declared insane. He'll be living on the third floor, safe and sound in his own little cell." Gabriel felt like the world around him was spinning. No, no he couldn't be locked up in the infernal place. The third floor was where the mutants were kept, the hopeless cases that never saw the light of day. He couldn't... he'd rather be in jail. "No! Please! Send me to jail, give me to the townspeople, anything but this!" "Aw, Gabriel, if you hate this place so much why do you keep your wife here?" Sal smiled as the Neopets dragged Gabriel from the room, Rose's eyes following them like two lost souls. Gabriel only managed to hear a few words before the Neopets dragged him off toward the third floor stairs. "Don't worry, Rose, it's all over now. Everything is going to be just fine." ***** Thank you to all of my friends at the Plotters, especially June. Without your help this story could have never existed. This is my biggest accomplishment, and it couldn't have happened without you.
The End