Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 192,673,963 Issue: 655 | 25th day of Swimming, Y16
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Medieval Celebration of Meridell

by oobajooba


With the anniversary of the Discovery of Meridell upon us, what better way to celebrate than to have a look at that great medieval land?

Discovered way back in Year 4, Meridell, along with the Darigan Citadel, was discovered during a plot and war that lasted nearly a whole year! An Aisha named Lisha was playing a game of Neoquest with some friends, and accidentally zapped them into the previously undiscovered land of Meridell. It was there that Lisha was reunited with her long lost brother, Jeran. The prosperity of Meridell, at that time, was provided by an Orb stolen from Lord Darigan. Lord Darigan waged all out war to reclaim his stolen property. When he had the Orb in his possession, he was overcome with a strange magic, and he tried to destroy Meridell. Upon becoming concerned with their leader's strange behaviour, Lord Darigan's own army turned against him. Darigan disappeared, and the Orb split in two. The lengthy battle was over, and there was a fragile truce between the two rival lands. However, two years later, in Year 6, the inevitable happened – the truce was broken. However, it wasn't Lord Darigan that caused the fighting, but Lord Kass. Kass had taken the throne of the Citadel, sending the Court Dancer to bewitch Skarl so that he could take over Meridell without resistance. Darigan came out of hiding, defeating Kass and calling off the troops, saving Meridell.

So, what is there to do in modern day Meridell? Well, you could kiss some Mortogs, and see if they'll turn into royalty (or you may get splattered if they explode, but try not to think about that). You could also visit Meridell Castle, see Snargan and flip some coins – in the game of Double Or Nothing you can win untold fortunes just by getting heads on a coin! One of the more entertaining things to do in Meridell is to watch the Cheese Rolling contest – watch pets chase a wheel of cheese down a steep hill, trying to avoid potholes. Or, if you're of a braver disposition, have a go yourself! Go and see the Techo, buy a cheese wheel and try to duck under some branches!

Then again, you may wish to go and see Illusen, the Earth Faerie. She may ask you for an item, but in return she'll give you some lovely prizes. For example, the Honey Potion is a very pretty potion in itself and packs a punch in the Battledome! Jhudora's foe, Illusen has helped defend Meridell in both the epic battles in its history. If you're weary, and just want somewhere to relax, Illusen's Glade is the place for you!

If you head over to Meri Acres Farm, there's more still to entertain you – you can count some potatoes, pick some berries, or even – if you can bear the smell – hunt through the rubbish dump for some items. You never know what you might find in that disgusting, smelly pile, so you might get lucky. Just remember to have a shower afterwards!

If you're not feeling so bright and cheery, you can head over to the dark and dreary Darigan Citadel. It may have been a decade since Lord Darigan ousted Lord Kass, but he still has issues with some of his people. They were not the biggest fans of his change of heart towards the land underneath, and in the ten years that followed, Darigan has had to deal with some minor infighting. On top of that, Lord Kass made some major changes to the Citadel, of which Darigan did not approve. All things considered, while you can go and visit Lord Darigan in his chambers, it may not be the wisest idea. You'll probably be told, in no uncertain terms, that it's time to leave. On the way down, why not visit the dungeons? Whilst there, you may encounter the guards and inmates playing a game known as Cellblock. This game, invented by Master Vex, the prison warden, is a puzzle game where you try and best your opponent. Master Vex claims that if a prisoner were to beat him, then the prisoner would be released. Whether he's telling the truth or not (hint: he's not) is irrelevant – no prisoner has ever beaten him. Why not try your luck, and see if you can do what no one else has?

After visiting a piece of Neopian history at the Darigan Citadel, head back into town and explore the shops. If you're carrying a large bag of Neopoints with you, head to Merifoods. If you're quick, you may just see a Draik Egg before it goes flying off the shelves! If you're lucky and get your hands on one, you can take it to the Draik Nest and hatch it to get your very own Draik! Depending on which egg you manage to get your hands on, you can get different coloured Draiks. The current options are Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Darigan, Ice, Island, Desert and Zombie. So really, if you want a Draik, there are plenty of options available to you. And, even if you don't like any of the colours that the eggs come in, you can, with some luck, buy or find a paint brush to paint your lovely new Draik any colour you want. On top of that, there are plenty of clothing options, so, if you feel that way inclined, your Draik can have a different look every week!

Not a fan of Draiks? Well, in that case, maybe it's worth looking at a different pet from Meridell! Ixi originated in Meridell, but have since appeared all over Neopia. They also come in many colours, shapes and sizes, and also have some great clothing options! If you've never seen an Ixi before, why not go and visit Sinsi and play some Shapeshifter? She may well best you with her puzzles, but she really is fantastic company. She can tell you all that you need to know about her Ixi friends and family!

If you already have the all the pets that you could need or want, why not have a look at some company for them in the form of petpets? The Meridell petpet shop has many options for you. For example, you could buy a Turtum and take it to play Ultimate Bullseye. Or perhaps, if you're looking for something a little on the slimier side, you could get your pet a Mortog. Just be sure to keep it away from those Mortogs in town getting kissed! After something more resilient? Perhaps a Turmac is for you? They can be seen jumping over hills and collecting berries all over Meridell! Failing that, despite the fact that they are very hard to find around Neopia these days, you could track down a Turdle, and maybe enter it into a race and win some Neopoints?

Well, there you have it! Twelve years after its discovery, there is still plenty to do in modern day Meridell. Be sure to have fun while you're visiting there!

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