Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,506,696 Issue: 987 | 14th day of Swimming, Y25
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Cassile's Kindness Adventure

by celinedgd


It was a beautiful morning in Shenkuu and the conditions were perfect for some surfing, for those who dared go through the treacherous waters which seemed to cascade almost infinitely, some belonthiss jumping upwards and gliding through the air before splashing back into the water.

To Cassile, this was a wonderful sight, one she would never tire of. Her eyes were lit up with wonder as she took in her surroundings as she usually did, all the while being careful as she navigated on her surfboard and tried not to hit any rocks that she might've overlooked.

Bowe smirked at her as he saw how distracted she was. "Hey don't get too sidetracked!" He shouted.

"Psh, never!" She laughed goodnaturedly. "I just-" She interrupted herself when she saw that Bowe was dangerously close to hitting a rock. "Bowe, be care-"

The warning did not have time to land as the Techo's body smashed against it. Cassile cringed as she went over to him to make sure he was okay.

"Nothing broken!" He assured as she approached him. She sighed in relief and grinned. "Well, looks like I win again."

"Hey don't get too cocky."

They laughed.

"Well, looks like that's it for me today." Bowe said as he moved his arm in a circular motion to help the muscle relax. He got up to the shore and took his surfboard before starting to walk in the direction of his home. "See ya Cassile, have a great day!"

She waved at him and wished him the same.

After a few heartbeats, the Lupe decided to head home as well. As she did, she picked up a fish, as there was usually a stray Tomamu on a nearby tree, squawking at her. She smiled as she handed the creature its treat. It devoured it in one single gulp. Entering the house, she immediately deposited her board where it rightfully belonged in her closet and went to the refrigerator to get a treat for herself. She settled on her couch absentmindedly chewing on her food, not even bothering to check what she had picked.

Outside, rain began to fall. Cassile laid down on her couch and sighed. For an hour, she stayed that way. After this, she got tired of it and got up. She let her legs guide her to her kitchen, then picked something from the pantry. A box. On the box were instructions on how to make Peanut Butter Hegelob Cookies. Hmm, this could be fun. She started the oven and read the instructions. Choosing a bowl, she poured the contents of the box in it and proceeded to follow the steps; add an egg, some water, etc. She put the whole thing in the oven when she was done, and went to wait on her couch again.

She would give the cookies to her neighbours, she decided. Because why not? She smiled at the thought of their joy in receiving them. However, she noticed the Tomamu outside of her house getting drenched from all the rain. Her heart went out to the Petpet, and without thinking, she grabbed an umbrella and rushed out, putting the umbrella above it to protect it. The Tomamu squawked in appreciation and carefully nuzzled her. She giggled and pet it, before going back inside. The Lupe shook herself to dispel the water from her fur and then went back to her kitchen, checking the timer on the oven. There was still time before her cookies were ready.

Searching for more ways to be useful and kind, she found that there were things she could give away. Clothes, plushies, and a lot of other essential items in a Neopet's life. She took boxes and went to fill two of them with different things; One for items to be shipped to Neopia Central for the Money Tree, and another to leave outside somewhere and find free plushies! She bounced in excitement.

Right then, her oven beeped, alerting her to the fact her cookies were ready. She ran over and tried not to stumble in her enthusiasm, and picked the tray with her kitchen gloves. She looked at her handiwork. They were perfect! All that was to be done about them now was wait for them to cool down enough. Another idea went off in her head. She would write letters of appreciation and kind words, both for Neopets she knew and for strangers. Sitting down at her desk, she picked up paper and a quill, and wrote. Things like "You are wonderful" , "You are beautiful and so much more" , "I believe in you, you're awesome!" were written among many others. When she finished, she went to pick up her tray of cookies and, satisfied they had cooled down enough, went to take her raincoat before stepping outside and knocking on a neighbour's door.

An elderly female Cybunny answered the door.

"Oh hello Cassile, what can I do for you?" She asked.

Cassile grinned. "More like what can I do for you! Would you like a cookie?" She presented them to the Cybunny.

"Oh with great pleasure, thank you, my dear!" She exclaimed. "It's so kind of you. Any special occasion?"

Cassile giggled. "No need for a special occasion to be kind. The elderly Neopian nodded. "True."

They bid each other good day after a bit more talking, and Cassile went on to other neighbours. Each of them smiled at the unexpected act. Already, the seeds of kindness were planted. She knew the ripple effect would take on, they would pay it forward.

Already, her mind tried to come up with other ways to spread kindness. Planting a tree was the next thing to come to mind. But seeing as rain was still pouring, it wasn't the best idea, but she saved it for later. After making sure the necessities she wanted to send to Neopia Central were shipped, she left the box of plushies on the side of a road, hoping they would be found. She grabbed the kind words she had written and went to distribute them and hide them in places others could find them. Some were very grateful as they had needed it, and some did not understand, but that was okay. The important thing was that she was doing this and made some Neopians happy.

Along the way, she met with Bowe again. He waved at her and they walked towards each other.

"Hey Cassile, what are you doing out?" He asked.

"I could ask the same of you."

"It's of no importance." He said nonchalantly.

"Fine. I'm spreading acts of kindness. I was bored and thought it would be a good idea. Saves us all from a dreary day too."

"What a great idea! I love that." Bowe nodded approvingly.

Just then, they noticed a few children staring at them in awe.

Bowe chuckled. "Looks like our fans are here." Cassile chuckled in turn, and found something in her pocket. It was a Cassile plushie. A plushie of herself. She handed it to the child closest to her who was apparently a fan of hers. "Here." She said. "Take it." The child gasped in delight. "Thank you!" And ran away. Another of them tugged at Bowe's pants. "Sir, could I get an autograph on my surfboard plushie?" The child closest to him asked, pulling a plushie of his own surfboard. The Techo complied eagerly.

When he faced Cassile again, he thought for a moment.

"Maybe we could visit children in the Neohospital soon. I think they'd appreciate it."

"Great idea!" She agreed. "We can call later to let them know out plan."

Soon, after waving goodbye to Bowe, Cassile headed to the Exotic Foods shop, where Orrin welcomed her with a high five and a polite conversation. She asked if she could pay for the next Neopian to come buy food. The Nimmo was a little bewildered at the question, but agreed.

As if on cue, a customer came in, looking a bit sad. Orrin smiled at them. "Why hello there. What would you like?" The customer pointed to all the things they would be taking. Orrin's smile widened. "Well good news, because Cassile here just paid for you, you don't have to give me a Neopoint."

The customer's eyes widened and they turned to Cassile. "For real?"

She nodded.

"You don't know how much this means to me." They cried. "I've been down on my luck for some time now. Can I have a hug?"

"Certainly." Cassile opened her arms and hugged them.

She then left, and noticed the sky becoming brighter, which lifted her spirits even more. She went to get flowers, and walked wherever other Neopets wandered, distributing them with gusto, gratitude plain on the faces of all who received them, and even when she ran out of flowers to give, some were happy just watching her kind deed.

Cassile started to feel exhausted, and quickly went back home.

Satisfied with her day, she let the giddiness take over her as she all but dropped herself on her couch.

"What a day." She whispered, content.

A thought crossed her mind; Her pen pal.

"Wait until I tell this to Prytariel..."

     The End.

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