White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,593,483 Issue: 991 | 8th day of Gathering, Y25
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Sands of an Hourglass

by nick_and_nickette


A few days before that, in Kheru


     A shy Meerca servant entered the throne room of the Kheruvian palace. Approaching the impressive throne and the intimidating Shadow Gelert, he said, "Um, King Ammar?"


     "Um, sire, the hourglass you asked for is, um..."


     "It's gone, sire."

     "What?!", asked the Gelert. "How could it be?"

     "I-I don't know, sire. But we searched for it in every corner of the treasure room. And it's the only thing missing from there."

     "Huh, now that's peculiar", he said. "But if someone stole that, they could've stolen anything else and might still be able to do it, and that concerns me." He sighed, and turned over to one of his servants. "Please, call my brothers for a quick meeting." The servant nodded, and ran out of the room.

     Later, the king and his seven younger brothers met up in the throne room...

     "... so, like I said, what's missing is not all that important, even though I wanted to give it as a present to my queen", said Ammar, "But what concerns me is that something was stolen from the treasure room, even though it's a secure place. Or at least it's supposed to be."

     "And you're right to be concerned about that, o brother and king", said a Desert Usul.

     "What do you suggest we do, Casper?"

     "I'd say change the guards!", growled a Shadow Lupe before Casper could reply. "If they couldn't take care of something so small, we can't trust them."

     "Baber", said Casper, "Don't be so harsh."

     "But it's true, Casper!"

     "But before we take any measures, isn't it best to first investigate what happened?" The Shadow Lupe tried to give a counterargument to this, but fell silent.

     "Who could investigate?", asked Ammar.

     "There's a saying that goes that only a thief can catch a thief", continued Casper, "And one of our best men is a thief."

     "Was", interrupted Hani. "Barkat said he was done with that life."

     "But Hani, could you try and convince him to help us with this?", asked the Usul. "He could be in danger as we all could be."

     The Cybunny sighed. "I might. I'll try."

     "Good. Thank you."

     So the Cybunny prince went out to his best friend's house in the outskirts of the palace to explain to him the situation. Then, he asked, "Who do you think might've done something like this?"

     "I'm unsure, Hani. I'd could've been pretty much everyone", replied the tall Desert Lutari.

     "But who has something against the royal family?" Barkat didn't reply to this question, but he couldn't hide the fear in his eyes. "You just thought of somebody, didn't you?"


     "You might've been a thief your whole life, dear friend, but you've never been a good liar. At least, your guard comes down with me."

     Barkat sighed. "I don't want to talk about it."

     "Barkat, you have to tell me. Don't withhold information from me. It's serious."

     The Desert Lutari sighed again, and finally admitted, "My dad... has always hated your brother ever since... you know."


     "He still considers that it's his fault my mother is dead. But it's not. My mother died for her own mistakes."

     "Yes... but... let's not talk about that. What happened?"

     "I don't know, but I remember he came one night a couple of months ago to ask something of me. But I refused. I had just married Calah and I didn't want him to ruin things for us."

     "I understand. And, you think it was him who stole the hourglass from the treasure room?"

     "He could've been, but as to how, I don't know."

     "And... do you know where he resides?"

     "You want me to go look for him?"

     Hani sighed. "If you could, I'd appreciate it- we'd all do. Ammar, especially, since he's concerned there was a breach in the palace's security."

     "Of course", sighed Barkat.

     "Hey, if you don't want to do it, it's alright."

     "But Ammar chose me since I'm my father's son, right?", said the Lutari sadly. Hani sighed.

     "Barkat... you are so much more than your father's son. Never forget that", said the Cybunny prince sincerely, while touching his shoulder. "Ammar chose you since he said you're one of our best, and you are. Also, because you know how the character in question thinks, no one else has that much knowledge."

     "Yes, yes, that, too", he said, wiping some tears off of his eyes. "Alright. I'll do it."

     "Are you sure?"

     "Yes. I don't want my father hurting my family. I'd never want that." Both hugged tightly after he said these words, and Barkat made preparations for the trip he was just about to set on.


     Meanwhile, in another part of the desert


     "Well, first time we've been here in the desert and we're not in Qasala nor Sakhmet, right, Brynn?"

     "Yeah, Hanso. You're right about that."

     The Ixi and Kougra sat beside each other while looking at the sky in a balcony.

     "I just wish we had come here on vacation and not for work", grumbled the Ixi.

     She smiled. "Oh, but we did have our little vacation before this, y'know."

     "Yes, and it was very nice. But it's been over a year since we tied the knot. It's only been work since then."

     "I know."

     Hanso sighed. "I'd only wish we could... I dunno, settle down somewhere nice." He then covered his mouth after realizing what he just said out loud.

     "You, Hansen Wright, "settle down"?"

     "Geez, did you really have to use my full name, Mrs. Wright?"

     The Kougra giggled, "I like it, Mr. Wright."

     "Alright. Yes, I'd like that. I like travelling with you and everything, but we've been doing this for a while now. I wanna change things up."

     "Me too, Hanso, me too."

     "I'd also wish we had come alone on this trip. Not that our company is bad, but I wanted to spend some time just with you."

     "Aren't we doing that just now?", asked Brynn.

     "Well... yeah, we are, but she's coming back eventually, and she's a little... eccentric."

     "I think she's really sweet."

     "Really? She barely talks and she's grouchy most of the time, and is always so formal. She's like a female Jazan. Well, she's also a Kyrii, I think they're all low-ley grouchy all the time." Brynn giggled.

     "Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Wright", said a voice. Brynn and Hanso turned around, and saw a bespectacled Faerie Kyrii looking at them, unimpressed. "I have returned from my errands."

     "Oh, hi, Ava", said Hanso a bit nervously, wondering if she had heard anything from his conversation with his wife. "How long have you been there, um...?"

     "Why, were you talking about me? I did feel my ears burning just a tad." Hanso swallowed nervously. "I kid, I just got here." Hanso sighed in relief. "But we Kyriis have good hearing, you know", she added drily, then left.

     Hanso stuttered, "I-I- uh- wait!", he cried as he got up and after her. "I'm sorry if anything I said hurt your feelings."

     "You don't need to apologize, not to me, at least", said Ava. Then, she added, firmly, "But don't ever compare me again to anyone else, even though you compared me to someone I deeply respect. I'm my own person. And, also, don't put all of the members of my species in the same bag, will you?"

     Hanso swallowed. "Yes, ma'am."

     "I have a name. I like being called by it."

     "Yes, Ava."

     "Good. Now... what we were sent to do here... could you please call your wife?"

     "Of course. Brynn?" The Orange Kougra entered the room. Ava then set out a map on a table. "Alright, these are the locations of the artefacts we've found so far. We only still need the Hourglasses of Time."

     "Fancy name they have, huh?", jested Hanso, trying to lighten the mood, but was only met with a glare from the Faerie Kyrii. He looked down shily. "I'm sorry."

     "What is their importance to Queen Fyora, Ava?", asked Brynn.

     "Each of them in themselves are harmless. But those were crafted as conduits for magic, and if someone gathered all of them together... That person could alter our timeline and change things in favour of their own interests. There are five, in total. They were crafted in a city named Nebu, but it mysteriously disappeared a long time ago. Yet they could be buried somewhere, or... the city might still exist."

     "Why do you suspect that?", asked Brynn.

     "This is the Lost Desert that isn't "lost", Brynneth. All sorts of things have happened here. Lost cities get uncovered, rebuilt and ruled over. Not everything is the way it seems, wouldn't you agree?"

     "Yes, absolutely", said the Kougra.

     "Yeah, Qasala is an example of that", added Hanso.

     "Speaking of Qasala, Hansen, you have contact with the King of Qasala, right, you two have a friendship, yes?"

     "With Jazan? Yes, why?"

     "I want you to call him and ask some information of him."

     "What kind of information?"

     "I am a faerie Neopet who has lived in Faerieland all her life, and I understand some things about magic, but I have never practiced it, yet he did in the past. And my expertise about this desert's history isn't as wide as the King's. So I request of you to ask him if he could give you information about the Hourglasses of Time." Hanso sighed. "Is there a problem?"

     "I don't know if he'd be willing to talk about magic stuff. He said he wanted to put all that behind him."

     "You never know unless you ask him", said Brynn.

     Hanso grabbed his phone. "Yes... Alright, I'll text him before calling to know if it's okay to do so, because last time I called him out of the blue he was in a meeting, and I wouldn't want to interrupt him again. He doesn't like being interrupted. I learned that the hard way", he chuckled, and so did Brynn, but Ava remained serious. "Oh, he said yes. Good."

     So the Blue Ixi phoned the Kyrii king. "Hello?"

     "Hello, Hanso. You wanted to speak to me?"

     "Yes, I wanted to ask you something. We are here in the desert, I don't know which part exactly, uhh, but we were sent by Queen Fyora with an expert on finding artefacts, who's unsure of the story of some particular artefacts here on the desert, she wanted me to ask you-"

     Jazan interrupted, "Hanso, put me on speaker."

     "... what?"

     "You heard me."

     "Alright...", so the Ixi put the phone on speaker. "I just did."

     Then Jazan said, "Hello, Ava. How come it wasn't you who called me directly? You know, I'm a bit insulted."

     "My phone is charging, dear king", she jested.

     Brynn and Hanso were perplexed by their banter. "You two know each other?", asked Hanso.

     "We met and became really good friends not long after the time you saved Faerieland", explained Ava.

     Hanso protested, "Hey, I didn't know you had "really good friends" aside from me, Jazi, now I'm insulted."

     "Oh, jealous, are you, Hanso? I have a life outside of you", chuckled Jazan, to which Hanso snorted. "Alright. What did Ava want to ask me so desperately that she asked you to do it?"

     "I- um-", stuttered Hanso, still dumbfounded.

     Ava spoke, "It's about the Hourglasses of Time, Jazan. What can you tell us about them?"

     Jazan went silent. "Jazan?", asked Ava.

     "The Hourglasses of Time... why is Fyora interested in those? They have been lost for many years", asked Jazan, in a more serious tone.

     "Because she sensed a disturbance around here, around where the city of Nebu used to be."

     Brynn and Hanso looked at each other, then at her. "Why didn't you tell us that?", asked Brynn.

     "Because that was some time ago, but it faded. Yet, she decided to send me with you so I could investigate further, and with your help, bring those artefacts to her so she could keep them safe. I apologize for not disclosing such information to you - I didn't want you to alarm much, since, as I explained, that happened some time, some months ago."

     "The only reason it could've faded is that someone stopped trying to use them for their nefarious purposes", said Jazan.

     "Or, someone was stopped from doing so. And that's what I want to find out."

     "Very well, dear Ava. You were sent with two of Fyora's finest people to find that out - not that you weren't fine enough on your own, but I'm sure they'll help you. You three will be able to accomplish your mission."

     "Thank you, Jazan", said Ava. "Send my regards to Nabile and the others."

     "Of course, as well as to your husband. Goodbye, Brynn, Hanso. Please stop by before you leave, will you?"

     "Of course, Jazan, we will, thank you.", said Brynn. Then Jazan hanged up.

     Hanso was still so shocked by Ava's true nature, he remained silent, until Brynn asked, "Dear? Are you alright?"

     "Yes, but... not everything, or everyone, is the way it seems, wouldn't you agree?"

     "Touché", chuckled Ava.


     That night, on that desert road city

     Barkat had arrived to that city by a fruit cart owned by a friend, so as not to raise suspicions. He had stayed there the whole day, and, after the sun set, he set out to the city's streets, wearing a cloak, and went to an alley between two houses.

     He opened a door on the floor, that uncovered some stairs, and he went down them. They led to a room barely alit with oil lamps. He called several times, "Dad?", but he didn't get an answer. As he was about to leave, however, he felt something sharp and pointy touch his back.

     "You sure have guts to show up here, son", said a voice darkly.

     "Nice to see you too, dad", said Barkat nonchalantly.

     "What are you doing here?", asked the Brown Elderly Lutari.

     "I need some information", said the younger Lutari, crossing his arms.

     "And you think I'm going to give it to you just like that?", mocked the other Lutari.

     Barkat continued, "There was an hourglass stolen from the palace, and it's important to the king."

     "Bah! Don't mention me that pathetic wimp-" But Barkat angrily grabbed him by the collar at this comment. The elder winced. "You've gotten strong, my boy", he said sarcastically.

     "Stop playing around, dad. I know you stole it. Where is it?"

     "Why did the great King Ammar of Kheru send you to retrieve only that?", he mocked once more. "Like I said, he's pathetic."

     "It's not because of that, dad. He's concerned about his palace's security."

     "Oh now it's that he's concerned about that. He couldn't keep your mother safe. And he promised he'd give her a royal pardon and release her."

     Barkat looked at him with a mix of sadness and rage. Finally, he said, "My mother died because she was a criminal, just like you." The elder looked at him angrily, and sighed.

     "Fine." He then walked away from his son and turned to a chest, and took out a small gilded hourglass. "Here's your pathetic little trinket for your pathetic king, Barkat."

     "Thank you, dad." But as Barkat was about to take it, the old man hit him on the head with a frying pan, knocking him unconscious. As he looked down on the cloaked figure, he snorted. "I never thought my own son would become so pathetic", he said darkly. So he took out and put on his own cloak and went out to the city.


     Barkat awoke a couple of hours after that, his head still throbbing from the pain of being hit with the pan. "Ow...", he said while rubbing himself, then, he looked up, and saw his father on a chair. "Dad?", he asked. "Where is the hourglass?"

     The elder only laughed in derision. "Where is the hourglass?!", insisted Barkat angrily.

     "I sold it to some foreigners", said the other Lutari. "But they must be gone by now. Or not."

     Barkat rose and ran up the stairs, and down the dark streets of the city barely lit by the moonlight. He then asked his friend, the one with the fruit cart, who knew the city well, "Hey. Seen any foreigners come today?"

     "Yes, there was a family of four, an Acara, a Zafara, and their sons, an Eyrie and a Xweetok."

     "Did you see where they went? I think my dad sold something to one of them, and it's what I was sent to retrieve."

     The Yurble pointed to a building. "They're staying in that establishment."

     "Thank you."

     Barkat walked towards it, and stealthily arrived to the room where the family slept. He felt his breath shake just a bit - he was nervous and didn't feel all too well, since he swore he'd give up his thieving life. But he knew that the item in question didn't belong to the family, but rightfully belonged to the king, the king who had done so much for him in the past. So, he swallowed, took a deep breath, and carefully took the item from where it was put - on top of a table.

     He then left, and made his way towards the fruit cart once more so he could rest until daylight.

     After the sun rose, he went out to grab something quick to eat. And, coincidentally, Brynn, Hanso and Ava were eating on the same place.

     Hanso was talking to his wife as he ate, but then he saw Barkat not too far from them. Since he got silent, Brynn asked, "Hanso, anything wrong?"

     "I know that guy. The Lutari."

     "Yes, and...?"

     "He's a thief. I remember meeting him when we were younger, once I was, uhhh- borrowing something from a fruit vendor on a bazaar... ahah..." Brynn raised an eyebrow, unamused. "Yeah... I don't remember his name, though. But it's definitely him. I never forget a face."

     "And? You think he might've stolen something important?"

     "Not necessarily, dear, but... I don't know, he seems shady. I'm going to try to talk to him to see if he remembers me."

     "Okay, but... be careful, will you?", she said, a bit concerned.

     "I will, don't worry."

     So Hanso later followed the Lutari down the streets of the city, and saw him in the fruit cart. But he saw something that caught his attention in a bag - something shiny. Something like-

     "An hourglass?", said Hanso to himself. "It looks like the ones in one of the illustrations in Ava's map... I wonder if it is one of them". Hanso walked up to Barkat, and said, "Hey." Barkat turned around and saw the Blue Ixi approach. "You. Remember me?"

     "Unfortunately, yes", said Barkat sarcastically. "You're Hanso, the hero of Faerieland. You're also the Blue Ixi that stole my food ages ago."

     Hanso was amused by this. "You have good memory, um-"


     "Barkat! Yeah, I didn't remember your name", chuckled Hanso, but Barkat crossed his arms.

     "What do you want?", asked the Lutari.

     "What do you mean?"

     "You want something from me. I saw you look at me from across the food place earlier."

     "Really? I-"

     "If it's the hourglass trinket, well, I'm sorry, bud, but that belongs to my king", spat the Lutari.

     "Actually, bud, I'm looking for some ancient hourglasses that could actually be dangerous magical artefacts, and I believe yours is one of 'em."

     "Really? I don't believe you."

     "Oh, but, believe me. Could I take a look at it?"

     "Yeah. How about no? Let's go!", exclaimed Barkat as he jumped into the cart, that then set out rapidly outside of the city.

     Hanso chased after it. "Hey! Wait up!" He almost managed to reach Barkat, but the Lutari threw some fruits at Hanso, which stopped the Ixi on his tracks. After he wiped the fruit juice off of his face, the Lutari and the cart were long gone. "Agh-!"


     Hanso then returned to the establishment where himself, Brynn and Ava were staying in. Brynn saw Hanso splattered in fruit juice, and asked, "What happened?"

     "The guy had one of the Hourglasses, I'm sure of it. I tried to take it from him, but he defeated me", sighed the Ixi. "I don't know where we might've went. I'm so sorry, both of you."

     Brynn approached him and patted him on the back. "Dear, don't apologize. You tried."

     Ava sighed. "Yes, but now I wonder what we are going to do now... Hm... the guy had a name?"

     "Barkat, why?"

     "I'm going to ask my contact if he knows of anyone named Barkat, a Lutari thief."

     "Oh, your contact whose name begins with a J?", jested Hanso.

     "Touché", smirked Ava as she texted on her phone. "Oh, yes, he does. He's the royal thief for the family of the city of Kheru."

     "Oh! Great! Information!", exclaimed Brynn.

     "But where is that city of Kheru?", asked Hanso, and Brynn shrugged and shook her head.

     Ava said, "My contact whose name begins with a J knows. He'll meet up with us south from here tomorrow, as he's going to go there for a meeting."

     "Fantastic!", said Hanso. "That's good news. Now, all I need is a shower and to rest", he chuckled, and so did Brynn. She followed Hanso to help him out and talk to him, while Ava remained alone with her phone, texting her friend, the king.

     "Ava...", he texted, "I'm concerned about someone potentially using the Hourglasses. It could mean danger to all of Neopia, not just the desert. It could greatly alter things. My father was after them for a long time, but thankfully, he never managed to get them."

     Ava sighed, and texted in reply, "I understand, dear friend. I am worried as well."

     "I just hope this isn't the beginning of a sand storm for all of us. That's what vanished the city of Nebu many decades ago", continued Jazan.

     "I, for some reason, believe it might still exist."

     "You do?"

     "Someone once told me I believe in endless possibilities, and I still do, despite some of them potentially being red herrings", she typed. "Not everything or everyone is as it seems, wouldn't you agree, o king?"

     "I do, and I've always admired that of you and Nabi. That ability to never stop believing."

     "I got it from my mother", typed Ava with a smile. "She always believed she'd see the day her city would be rebuilt. But... sadly, she's no longer with us. Yet I have her eyes. I can see for her what she couldn't see."

     "Yes, you can, and you will, dearest Ava", replied Jazan.

     "Thank you for believing in me as well, Jazi."



     So, what happened to the family of four?

To be continued…

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