Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,723,333 Issue: 999 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y26
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Finding a new hob-pea!

by devotedly

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Your Guide to Terror Mountain
Is this thing on? Oh hello! Welcome to your tour of Terror Mountain. Bundle up with your jackets and gloves because this tour might get a little chilly! Collab with 4everhardys1fan

by tamimarieb


Ramona and The Snowager
"As Ramona stepped out of her hut, the snow started falling harder. Neopets and their owners quickly ran in and out of the building across the way..."

by peppermintandrea


Snown't Worry About It
Snow Neopets have a strange sense of humour...

by icecreamkatana


10 Budget-Friendly Petpets to Avoid and 10 Alternatives
The low price tag on some Petpets makes them a tempting option but cheap does not mean easy!

by missbeasty

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