Double Agent: Part One by cruzerchic123
Midnight came. A shadow fell across the land of Meridell.
The Meridellian Farmers looked around the field. Crops had withered so fast and
unexpectedly. It wasn't a drought; magic had caused dead plants in the Meri Acres
They didn't know who caused this unexpected
Someone there did.
A shadow moved silently in the distance, her
feet as light as a White Weewoo feather. On top of a Meridellian farmer's room
a young sixteen-year-old faded blue Zafara crouched down, watched and listened
to the farmers as they talked and argued. Her appearance described of a maroon
cloak dress, showing her shoulders with long sleeves and fingerless gloves.
A black belt wrapped round her slim waist, and the skirt seemed to have been
but at the bottom with a silk undergarment. Light blue hair was tucked in a
hood, and two golden loops were fastened at her right ear, representing she
was one of Lord Kass' fellow minions.
But what was most mysterious about her was not
that she had no name; maybe that would explain her soulless eyes. Double Agent
had no feelings, when she was scared, happy, or sad, her eyes, her face nor
her mouth did not show her feelings. If she had any, that is.
The Skeith King of Meridell called her a Meridellian
Agent, to spy on Lord Kass and what he was up to. What the feeble king did not
know was that the Zafara was actually an agent from Lord Kass, a double agent.
The Zafara would collect secrets from all of Meridell, in return telling other
things that Lord Kass told her. But to Meridell, some were usually half-truth.
She told few lies to her Lord. Swift on her feet, Meridellians still ponder
if she is with them, or their nemesis.
Seeing that it was time, Double Agent stood
up and did a double backflip from the roof, landing gracefully on the ground.
Shifting her eyes to the left and to the right, pleased no one was watching,
she ran off to the Land and Citadel of Kass, unnoticed.
* * * * * * * *
The former Darigan Eyrie General Kass strode
to and fro his new Citadel, staring at a sheet of paper. It was a map of the
former Citadel of Darigan, which explained of the places to persuade the minions
of Darigan to listen to him, Lord Kass.
"Darigan," the warlord uttered, and spat. He
remembered the previous Lord; what a pity the fool was under the full influence
of the Orb and The Three! Now they were with him: Valedia the Dark Faerie, Spirit
of Ambition. Morsus the Ghost Gelert Swordsman, Spirit of Revenge. Caromoire
the Ghost Skeith Lord, Spirit of Greed. And in Kass' mind, they would be pleased
for all his vile biddings. But the Orb, which was believed to be an artifact
made from a very evil and powerful Darkness Faerie, where legends say she threatened
Valedia and the rest of The Three's lives to painful doom if they would not
give her each of their powers.
As for Lord Darigan, why, he couldn't control
the powers of the magical Orb! The Eyrie silently admitted jealousy; that is
why he had helped Jeran to slay the evil Spectre of Darigan. But now all was
under his control. He had the power of the Citadel!
Suddenly the door creaked open. Double Agent
stepped in, her eyes blank. "My Lord, the judge and sheriff now swear fealty
to you," she toned, bowing. Lord Kass grinned evilly and turned to his plans.
"Excellent," he murmured, using a claw to scratch
off the sheriff's name. He pointed to Master Vex's name. "He will be next."
Double Agent's eyes shifted to his plans. From
what she knew, Master Vex was a genius and used to swear his loyalty to Darigan.
Today he takes no side whatsoever, even if they forced Draconacks to bite him.
"He will not be easy to persuade, My Lord," she replied.
"Then he will be locked away in his own cell,"
Lord Kass retorted, chuckling. "I am the new Lord of this Citadel. No one, not
even that feeble Vex, will defy my power."
Double Agent nodded and opened the door. "As
you wish, My Lord," she said. "As you wish." And with that she shut the door.
Lord Kass turned back and looked out from the
Citadel tower. His new minions were toying around, whereas his soldiers were
ready for a wave he would send to Meridell. But it would not do. He needed a
distraction, something that would stop that accursed King Skarl from aiding
Jeran and sending his strongest soldiers in battle!
"Think, Kass, think!" the voice of ambitious
Valedia the Darkness Faerie of the Three hissed in his ear. Kass finally grinned
and chuckled softly.
"Maybe, maybe my fellow Spellcaster can help,"
he smirked.
* * * * * * * *
King Skarl patiently waited. The door creaked
open. A dull blue Zafara stood. "My loyal spy," he grunted eagerly, "what news
would you bring to me today?"
Double Agent did a curtsy. "It seems as though
that Kass is not causing anything suspicious. As the new lord, he plans to maintain
the peace between his land and us. But so far, food supplies and battle weapons
run short in his land ever since he came in-"
"Very well. Take this." The grumpy Blue Skeith
shoved a thousand Neopoints in a bulging bag into Double Agent's arms. "Buy
himself and his army of weaklings a supply of strong, hard-edged weapons and
some food and other stuff, which reminds me tell my cooks to buy some more food
too, deliver what you got to Kass, give him my regards and be off."
Double Agent bowed again. "As you wish, your
Majesty," she whispered, and silently crept out of the court. What she told
the King was very false, save running out of food and supplies. They had very
strong weapons; Magi-in-training were under melee course that needed more staffs,
rods and spell scrolls, which Double Agent knew she could obtain in Brightvale,
where Skarl's wiser brother Hagan ruled. Sometimes I wish I had a challenge
to trick, like Lord Kass, she thought.
* * * * * * * *
The sun rose high in the sky the next day. Kass
was beaming as Double Agent walked in, along with his Spellcaster Morguss, an
elderly Moehog.
"Hello, Morguss," he said. He turned to Double
Agent. "Give me your stats, Agent!" he snapped.
"My Lord, King Skarl does not suspect any of
your plans, due to what I have told him. All goes well," she said, "but I believe
we should try something to distract Skarl. That way, we have better chance of
getting into Meridell."
"And a distraction my assistant has come up
with," he laughed. He nodded to the green withered Moehog, who stepped forward.
"Tell her, Morguss."
"You see, Zafara Double Agent," she cackled.
"My stupid daughter Chantel has a knack for dancing instead of practicing her
spells. With a bit of magic I have come up with a perfectly genius plan. I told
Lord Kass and at first he was reluctant on trying it. I would send Chantel to
dance for King Skarl!"
"Pardon the verbal intrusion, Mistress Morguss,"
the Zafara said, "but, how would the King actually fall for some Darigan Dancer?
The Meridellians think the Darigan citizens look quite horrid." She stroked
her blue ear and fondled with the golden hoops. "I still cannot figure why I
am not like you with appearance."
"Er, well..." Morguss stammered. "We shall cast
this spell on her, so she is more like you. Of course since you were originally
"Shut your mouth, Morguss!" Lord Kass barked.
He cleared his throat and whirled around. "Double Agent, you have been most
useful. You will escort Chantel to Meridell castle tomorrow at the crack of
dawn. Be ready, got that? Both of you."
"As you wish, my Lord," the maidens replied.
As Morguss left, Double Agent couldn't help but turn back to her leader.
"My Lord," she said, "must we really launch
an attack on Meridell? I mean, they are only so innocent and only want peace-"
"But they stole the Orb from us," the Eyrie
replied, beginning to get suspicious.
Double Agent shifted her eyes, deciding whether
to tell her Lord the truth or not. I always tell him the truth; perhaps I should
see if he is that smart. "King Skarl says that he expects your attack. He's
got his troops ready. He doesn't want to take over our land, you just-"
"SILENCE!" Lord Kass boomed, towering over Double
Agent, his eyes burning. "Don't forget whose side you're on, Zafara Double Agent!
I know about your little tricks. You no longer work for Lord Darigan because
he is dead and you do not, I repeat, do NOT work for Meridell! You work for
me, Lord Kass! If you don't I'll slay you right where you stand! Am I clear
to you?!"
Double Agent shrank back, but her eyes showed
no emotion whatsoever. "Quite crystal, my Lord," she replied simply. "Quite
crystal." And she disappeared, carefully shutting the door as Kass returned
to his plan on war.
* * * * * * * *
The sun rose over Kass' land. If you saw the
Kass Citadel you would see Zafara Double Agent waiting patiently at the doors
of the Citadel, caring about nothing.
The doors opened. Out walked two Eyrie Soldiers
and a striking Gypsy brown Aisha with entrancing yellow eyes and green pupils.
She was garbed in a red vest and a flowing crimson skirt over a white silk garment,
one year younger than Zephyrne. Her amber hair had been combed into curls and
shone in the beams of sun, and two golden loops were attached to her right ear.
A strange circlet adorned her head, and neither Chantel nor Double Agent paid
attention to the strange patterns that were woven on the pretty entrancing object.
"Let's go," one of the Eyrie guards growled,
shoving Chantel out the door. The Aisha shot a dirty look at the guards, then
walked on. She stopped to stare at Double Agent, then continued walking. Double
Agent silently followed.
Time passed by like a Catamara swimming swiftly
and quietly for Negg Flakes. It was before that they reached the border of the
country Meridell did Chantel speak to Double Agent.
"Is Meridell a peaceful place?" she questioned.
Zafara Double Agent looked forward. A large
castle could be seen from their distance. "Not always," Double Agent said.
"I've always dreamed of seeing Meridell, but
you know my mother Morguss." Chantel brushed some locks from her face. "I'm
nervous. I'm gonna be dancing in front of the King. What if I trip or fall while
The Zafara stopped dead in her tracks. "You
shouldn't be afraid. King Skarl can sense fear, even as much as you hide it,"
she advised. She caught the dismay, which ran over the Brown Aisha's face.
They continued on, neither talking nor even
shifting eyes at each other. Suddenly Chantel spoke up. "Does the name, Zephyrne,
sound familiar to you?"
Silence. Double Agent was pondering deep into
her mind. That name, Zephyrne, it sounded so familiar, so close...
"I don't know," Double Agent finally responded
to Chantel. "Although I might think about it. Look, there is the castle. We're
almost there."
As the King's guards let the Darigan citizens
through, Chantel held her breath. The room was enormous, and filled with stained
glass windows that when beams of sunlight wanted to go in, they would come as
the many colors of the rainbow.
"Go in," Double Agent said. As the dancer timidly
approached King Skarl, Double Agent followed as the doors slammed shut behind
the duo.