Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,890,957 Issue: 1029 | 21st day of Running, Y27
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Green Wearables for All This Illusen Day!

by _brainchild_


---Starring Chessangie the Royalgirl Draik, Chessella the Pastel Draik, Rasola the Plushie Kougra, Walda the Baby Kacheek, and Christine, their owner!---

      Christine: Welcome! In Issue 979 of the Neopian Times, I wrote about green wearables for baby pets. Well, there are a lot more Neopets in Neopia than just babies, so I figured that for this Illusen Day, my pets and I would examine some green items that can be worn by pets of other colours as well. Every Neopet, even those wearing pet styles, can wear at least one item on this list.

     Angie: Great! The “Baby in a Highchair” wearable from last time didn’t exactly appeal to me.

     Rasola: Even the babies who saw that highchair last time weren’t impressed...

     Ella: Hey, someone will like it for an infant.

     Christine: Anyway, without further ado, here are wearables that can be enjoyed by a variety of pets:


---Bright Green Lipstick---


      Christine: Now you can wear the same shade of lipstick as an Earth Faerie!

     Angie: Meh... I don’t think that it would look good on a Royalgirl Draik such as myself.

     Rasola: Agreed... I’m a Plushie Kougra. The colour wouldn’t match.

     Ella: ---puts it on--- Not bad.

      ---Just then, Walda comes crawling down the stairs.---

      Ella: I see that you woke up from your nap.

     Walda: What’s that?! ---grabs lipstick---

     Ella: Walda! That’s not yours!

     Walda: ---smears lipstick all over her face---

     Angie: You look like a clown, Walda.

     Rasola: Ella, wipe that off her face!

     Ella: ---sighs--- Why do I get to be her “mom” all the time?! She’s supposed to be my sister!

      ---Ella grabs a wet wipe and wipes the green mess off Walda’s face.---

      Walda: NO FAIR!!! That looked PRETTY!!!

     Ella: The end of the lipstick is now all blunt and smashed... What a shame.

     Angie: Not a problem. A new tube can be bought for pocket change on the Shop Wizard.

     Ella: Well, I guess I’ll have to do that, then.

     Rasola: Please check out other colours while you’re at it. Green won’t look good on me.

     Ella: I sure will!

---Green Leaf String Lights---


      Christine: These leaves almost look magical with their gentle glow.

     Ella: Maybe our sister Maldice enchanted them with a magical spell.

     Rasola: Probably, or else they’d wither...

     Walda: Meh. BORING!!! I’m going back upstairs to play.

      ---Walda crawls back up the stairs.---

      Ella: Anyway, these leaves are beautiful and perfect for springtime!

     Angie: I have a feeling that none of the items in this issue are going to be a good match for me, since they’re all green...

     Rasola: There could be some good ones, especially if you’re making a nature-themed customisation!

     Angie: True... It could look good with the Tower Princess Superpack, minus the Enchanted Tower.

     Ella: How can you be a tower princess without a tower?!

     Angie: Hey, a long braid like that of a tower princess is good enough for me.

---Spring Green Chiffon Blouse/Spring Green Ruffle Skirt---



      Christine: These two items go together perfectly!

     Angie: Meh, they look like something my grandma would wear.

     Ella: Come on... they’re not THAT BAD. They would look good on me!

     Rasola: Being a Plushie Kougra, I’d look terrible in that outfit.

     Angie: I know, right? Not good for a Royalgirl Draik like me, either! Regardless, the collar is ugly...

     Ella: ---tries the outfit on--- I like it. What lovely spring colours!

     Angie: Yuck.

     Rasola: Just donate those, will you?


---Beautiful Green Painting Background---


      Christine: Some paintings are so beautiful that they make you want to step right in. This is made possible by the Beautiful Green Painting Background, wearable by any pet!

     Walda: ---crawls downstairs--- Did you say ANY pet?

     Christine: Yes, even babies!

     Walda: Great, I will wear it! I would love to frolic in a spring meadow right about now...

     Angie: Well, now you can!

     Rasola: I think that this background would look great on any of us.

     Ella: It would especially look good on me, a Pastel Draik!

          ---Walda frolics in the spring meadow and steps all over the flowers.---

          Rasola: Way to go, Walda! Now the flowers are ruined.

     Walda: I don’t caaaarrrreeee! It was fun.

---Curly Enchanted Forest Green Wig---


      Christine: This wig is so beautiful and soft, just like forest moss!

     Walda: Can it be worn by babies?

     Christine: No, unfortunately.

     Walda: NO FAIR!!! ---stomps off---

     Rasola: What a brat.

     Ella: I’m used to it. This wig would look great on me!

     Angie: ---pets wig--- This is very soft indeed! The artists should make it in baby sizes soon.

     Rasola: Why, to please the brat?!

     Ella: I think that a lot of babies would enjoy this wig, not just Walda.

     Angie: This wig smells like a mossy forest, too! No perfume needed.

     Rasola: Meh, I prefer sweeter scents, as would Walda...

---Dyeworks Green: Baby Playtime Overalls---


      Christine: These overalls, only wearable by babies, are perfect for painting, going to the beach, summer picnics, and just about anything, really!

     Walda: Did you say “babies?”

     Christine: Yes, I did! This is something you can wear, Walda.

     Walda: ---puts the overalls on--- They are perfect!

     Ella: I wouldn’t paint while in them, Walda, since paint will stain such a light colour.

     Christine: Maybe you’re right...

     Walda: I don’t caaaarrrreeee!!! I will do what I want. ---sticks tongue out---

     Ella: Well, I’m not buying you a new pair if you ruin them.

     Walda: Whatever!

     Angie: She really doesn’t care, does she?

     Rasola: That’s about what I’d expect from a baby...

---Dyeworks Green: Maraquan White Beaded Gown---


      Christine: This green gown, which ebbs and flows with the elegance of the sea, is only wearable by Maraquans.

     Walda: BOO!!! I don’t care, then. ---crawls upstairs---

     Angie: None of us can wear this... Why are we even covering it?

     Christine: Because there will be Maraquan Neopets reading this article who are in search of something they can wear. Maraquans have limited options!

     Ella: Well, it would be very pretty on me if I could wear it. ---sigh---

     Angie: Come on, Ella. A converted Draik has thousands of wearable options. You have NO right to complain.

     Rasola: Even Vandagyres have a lot of options nowadays!

     Angie: I just want all wearables converted to HTML5.

     Rasola: They’re working on it... slowly but surely!

---Dyeworks Green: Mutant Stylish Jet Black Wig---


      Christine: This slick, shiny wig, only wearable by Mutants, is the latest trend!

     Ella: Yay, something else I can’t wear! Not that I would want to wear that ugly wig anyway...

     Angie: I don’t think that the wig is long enough.

     Rasola: Not everyone wants their hair dragging across the floor, Angie... I sure don't.

     Ella: Rasola is right. That braid is OUT OF CONTROL... Cut it in half!

     Angie: NO!!! ---clutches braid defensively---

     Rasola: I didn’t think that hair could grow so long... Do you use magical faerie dust in your shampoo or something?

     Ella: She does, but she won’t admit it.

     Rasola: Well, although that Mutant wig wouldn’t look good on me anyway, I’d still prefer it over Neopia’s longest braid, that drags all over the floor, any day.


      Christine: So, which item was everyone’s favourite?

     Walda: The baby overalls, of course! So comfy...

     Angie: The Beautiful Green Painting Background. Its flowers smell lovely!

     Ella: I liked the Spring Green Chiffon Blouse and Spring Green Ruffle Skirt.

     Walda: ---rolls eyes--- Okay, Grandma!

     Rasola: I liked the Green Leaf String Lights. They’re glowing and magical, and would look great on all of us!

     Christine: Anyway, there are so many wearables in Neopia that any Neopet should be able to find the perfect green outfit this Illusen Day. Until next time, dear readers!


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