Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 110,063,363 Issue: 180 | 4th day of Running, Y7
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by confuzerated

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Boycott the Tongue Shrinkers!
They are nightmares for everyone in Neopia. These villainous ‘THINGS’ may appear harmless, but they are NOTHING of the sort.

by kikik312


Virtu Agents
"The Briefing"

by agentsaepenon


Escape from Kreludor: Part One
"Sadie...I know how you feel. But this is my final chance to prove to myself that Sloth hasn't won yet. Please forgive me. I have to got, but send my regards to Jenny when you're on Recruiting Duty!"

by cyborg8000


Slightly Insane
Some pets just weren't meant to smile...

by penguizon

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