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Spending Skill Points WISELY in NeoQuest II

by parkerchempro


GAMES ROOM - There have been many guides written about NeoQuest II and many of these guides tell you how to spend your skill points. However, I have yet to find one that will suggest NOT spending 15 skill points on your skills. I have an entirely different approach to spending skill points to help you avoid “wasting” points. First, I would like to reintroduce you to the 4 characters who will comprise your party along with all of their skills and a suggested order for spending their skill points. Then I’ll explain WHY I do it this way.


Rohane is your main character and with whom you begin your game. He's your basic warrior and, if your skill points are spent correctly, will do the most amount of damage each turn. Towards the end of the game, he can be doing critical attacks of over 150 HP of damage and be doing that nearly every other turn in battle. Let's look at his skills.

Critical Attacks: This skill will increase the likelihood of a critical attack. The higher the skill level, the more likely it is that he will deal a critical attack. At maximum, he can be dealing criticals nearly every other turn. It does vary though.

Is this skill necessary? Absolutely!

Damage Increase: This skill increases the maximum POSSIBLE damage that Rohane can inflict each turn. Note that I said POSSIBLE. He won't hit to maximum every turn. He may even miss sometimes. Phooey! :(

Is this skill necessary? Oh my YES! DEFINITELY!

Combat Focus: Contrary to most of my gaming experience, this skill does NOT focus strength; it focuses DEFENCE and DECREASES the strength of Rohane's attack. What this means is that Rohane will take less damage when he is focused but his attacks will also do less damage. The exception to this is Critical Attacks. His Criticals will still hit nearly as hard as when he isn't focused.

Is this skill necessary? No

Stunning Strikes: This skill increases the likelihood of stunning the enemy. Again, the higher the skill, the higher the probability that he will stun whatever he hits. Some bosses are immune to stunning strikes but if you can get it to work, it can knock an enemy's next turn back by as much as 5 seconds. Wow!!

Is this skill necessary? Yes

Battle Taunt: This does exactly what it says it will. Rohane sticks his thumbs in his ears, wiggles his fingers at the enemy, sticks his tongue out, and says, "Nyah Nyah Nyah Nyaaaaah!!!" This, of course, gets the enemies attention and they attack him instead of one of your weaker party members. If you have a party member who is nearly dead, this tactic can save them until they have time to get healed.

Is this skill necessary? A point or two here is very necessary but that's about it.

Innate Magic Resistance: The higher this skill is, the more likely that Rohane will resist or take less damage from a Magic attack. This skill can enable him to resist being slowed or mesmerized as well as resisting/taking less damage from actual magic attacks.

Is this skill necessary? Not really. Rohane can take a fair amount of damage and there just aren't that many enemies who use mesmerize. A couple of points here is all that's needed.

Innate Melee Haste: This skill reduces the amount of time in between Rohane's attacks. The higher the skill level, the faster he can hit again.

Is this skill necessary? Oh my YES! DEFINITELY!

Suggested order for spending skill points:

All modes:

Damage Increase: 9 points

Innate Magic Resistance: 2 points

Damage Increase: 2 points

Battle Taunt: 1 point

Critical Attacks: 11 points

Stunning Strikes: 11 points

Innate Melee Haste: 11 points

Note that you've only spent 47 points of the possible 59 in the game. You will save those last 12 points to be spent after your FIRST battle with King Terask when you have gotten all of the possible final equipment for each character. If Rohane has gotten no equipment from the last 4 bosses, then you will want to spend those 12 points on Damage Increase, Critical Attacks, and Innate Melee Haste. If he has gotten some equipment from those bosses, then spend your skill points accordingly. Note also that a skill can only go to level 15 and no higher. So if you've spent 15 points on Damage Increase and get a weapon towards the end that has a bonus on Damage Increase, then you've wasted those points.


Mipsy is the second character you will meet during the game. She can be found in the first house on your left after you can cross the bridge in White River. She is your basic black mage and casts offensive magic spells. As such, her melee defence (that's her physical defence) is very low and she can take quite a beating if you're not careful. However, this is offset by the fact that she is a powerhouse especially in the first few chapters of the game. Her magic attacks will be invaluable in the latter parts of the game as it’s the only attack that can hit with full strength against enemies that use Combat Focus, such as the bionic Cybunnies and Techo blademasters in Chapter 5. Let's look at her skills.

Direct Damage: This skill targets a single enemy with a fairly potent magic attack. At maximum, Mipsy can cast Obliterate and do up to 100 HP of damage.

Is this skill necessary? Many bosses are highly resistant to magic attacks; especially Hubrid Nox and King Terask. However, it's been my experience that this skill is still very nice to have for those bosses who aren't so resistant and for all of those random battles in between.

Group Direct Damage: This skill targets the entire enemy group with a magic attack. At maximum, Mipsy can cast Astral Maelstrom and deal up to 64 HP of damage to EACH enemy in the group. The biggest drawback to this skill is that she takes more time in between attacks.

Is this skill necessary? Again, we have the quandary of magic resistant bosses and then add in the fact that this skill won't hit nearly as hard as Direct Damage will. However, in the beginning stages of the game, this skill is invaluable as Mipsy will PLOW through enemy sets.

Group Haste: This skill does exactly what it says it will do; speed your entire party up so their next turn comes quicker.

Is this skill necessary? Absolutely! Group haste will last longer than using a potion and it costs you no gold. However, at maximum, it will only speed you up by 38% whereas potions can speed you up by as much as 65%. Even so, this skill is VERY important.

Slowing: This skill will slow a single enemy down. Mipsy casts it very quickly and at maximum, it can slow an enemy by 65%. However, one of Mipsy's final possible weapons has a -5 on Slowing rendering this skill largely useless. Add in the fact that many bosses will resist it or be immune to it and it's just not worth the expenditure. Use slowing potions instead.

Is this skill necessary? No

Damage Shields: This skill puts a barrier up around every member of your party that will deal a small amount of damage if the enemy physically attacks you. There is no chance of this being resisted and even with small amounts of damage, it will add up in the long run.

Is this skill necessary? I rarely use this skill but that is a personal choice.

Innate Melee Defense: This skill will enable Mipsy to take less damage from physical attacks.

Is this skill necessary? Yes. But she really only needs about 6 points or so here except for Insane when this skill should be taken higher.

Innate Casting Haste: This skill reduces the amount of time for Mipsy to cast a spell....any spell. The higher the skill level, the faster she can go again.

Is this skill necessary? Oh my YES! DEFINITELY!

Suggested order for spending skill points:

Normal and Evil modes:

Group Direct Damage OR Direct Damage: 11 points

Innate Melee Defence: 6 points

Innate Casting Haste: 11 points

Direct Damage OR Damage Shields: 11 points

Group Haste: 11 points

I prefer using Group Direct Damage and Direct Damage in the choices above, but that is a personal choice.

Insane Mode:

Group Direct Damage OR Direct Damage (pick one or the other): 11 points

Innate Melee Defence: 6 points

Innate Casting Haste: 11 points

Innate Melee Defence: 5 points

Group Haste: 11 points

Save the remaining 9 points (Normal or Evil) or 15 points (Insane mode). The most important skills for Mipsy to have in that last battle are, in order: 1. Group Haste, 2. Innate Casting Haste, 3. Direct Damage or Damage Shields (whichever one you chose), and 4. Innate Melee Defence. The Innate Melee Defence is much more important on Insane mode than in the other 2 modes. If you're playing Insane, you should move this skill up into the 3rd place in the order of importance and any points she has left over should go on Damage Shields.


Talinia is the third character you will meet during the game. She can be found in the Mountainside Inn just north of the exit of the Caves of Terror in Chapter 2. She is your archer and can fire up to 4 arrows at a fairly fast pace. She can also slow the enemy down in a variety of ways. She will never hit as hard as Rohane, but towards the end of the game she can deal over 100 HP of damage to your enemy.

Increased Bow Damage: This skill increases the maximum amount of POSSIBLE damage that Talinia can dish out. There's that word POSSIBLE again. Sigh :(

Is this skill necessary? Absolutely!

Multiple Targets: This skill allows Talinia to fire 2,3, or 4 arrow depending on her skill level. At level 5, she will be able to fire 2 arrows about every 10 sec. of elapsed battle time. Level 10 is her fastest 3 arrows, and level 15 is her fastest 4 arrows. In between the times that she can fire multiple arrows, she can still fire a single arrow.

Is this skill necessary? This skill is very nice for the random enemies but largely useless in boss battles. However, there are a LOT more random battles than there are bosses. It's a personal choice and I do use :D

Ranged: This skill is kind of hard to understand. Basically, if an enemy targets Talinia (he doesn't need to hit her...he can miss and this will still work), then his next turn is delayed. At maximum, I have seen enemies delayed up to 8 seconds when they try to hit Talinia. Note that this only works on enemies who have tried to or have hit Talinia.

Is this skill necessary? This is another personal choice. Talinia does seem to get targeted a LOT so I find it useful.

Shockwave: This skill will increase the likelihood of Talinia causing a shockwave that stuns all of the enemies. Sounds nice, right? It is except for the fact that it doesn't make a lot of difference in the later boss battles. At maximum, Talinia can cause shockwaves about every 3rd turn or so and will knock a normal enemy back about 2 seconds or so.

Is this skill necessary? Until very recently, I have always used this skill. However, after my last game when I noted that it did not help in the battles against Hubrid Nox and King Terask, I decided to not use it in my current game. However, keep in mind that there are a lot more random battles than there are bosses and a 2 second setback can really be worthwhile.

Slowing Strike: This skill allows Talinia to slow an enemy directly if she hits them with an arrow. At maximum, it can slow for 5%. However, keep in mind that it's cumulative and keeps adding on top of whatever the enemy is slowed for. It doesn't always work and some enemies are immune to it. Of note, King Terask is immune. Is this skill necessary? No

Innate Magic Resistance: Just like Rohane's.

Is this skill necessary? Nope. Again, only a point or 2 will suffice here

Innate Melee Haste: Just like Rohane's

Is this skill necessary? Oh my YES! DEFINITELY!

Talinia skills can be spent in a number of ways. This is just 1 suggestion.

All Modes:

Increased Bow Damage: 10 points (yes! just 10!!)

Multiple Targets: 10 points (fastest 3 arrows)

Innate Melee Haste: 11 points

Shockwave OR Ranged: 10 points if Shockwave; 11 points if Ranged

Innate Magic Resistance: 2 points

Shockwave or Ranged: 5 points on the one you DIDN'T choose earlier

Stock up the remaining 11 points for your final battle. The most important skills for Talinia to have are, in order: 1. Increased Bow Damage, 2. Innate Melee Haste, 3. Ranged or Shockwave (I prefer Ranged), and finally, 4. Innate Magic Resistance.


Velm is the last character you will meet and after you see his skill options, you will jump for JOY! Finally! A white mage and HEALER!!! YAY!!! No more struggling for potions! You can sell the lot of them! Well, I never did but you could probably sell all of them except the last 3 or so types. His skills are as follows:

Healing: This skill will heal a single party member for up to 150 HP with Renew.

Is this skill necessary? You CAN get by with this skill but I prefer to not use it unless I have several extra points at the end. Why don't I use it anymore? See the next skill. :D

Group Healing: This skill will heal your entire party for up to 90 HP with Panacea. That will take care of most all damage in the game. A couple of rounds of Group Healing will take care of nearly anything. Another nice aspect of healing skills is that it will unmesmerize any of your characters as long as they also NEED healed...even if they're just down by 1 HP! How wonderful!

Is this skill necessary? YESYESYESYES!!! :D

Group Shielding: This skill puts up a protective barrier around every party member and increases their Melee Defence and Magic Resistance. At maximum, Protection of Infinity will add 30 points to each of these. Whoooohoooo!!

Is this skill necessary? ABSOLUTELY! Without this skill, King Terask will STOMP you into the ground.

Mesmerize: Finally! You will have the ability to mesmerize the enemy. However, most bosses are either highly resistant or just plain immune to being mesmerized. Another note on mesmerize: a mesmerized enemy can be unmesmerized by either taking damage from one of your party members or by being healed by their group. If you decide to use mesmerize during random battles or during the battle with the 4 Faeries, then you shouldn’t be using any group attacks at all.

Is this skill necessary? I prefer this skill over Celestial Hammer but again it's a personal choice.

Celestial Hammer: Another hard to understand skill. This is Velm's ONLY offensive attack. At maximum, this skill will deal up to 45HP of damage as well as stun the enemy for up to 3 seconds.

Is this skill necessary? Not really but it's a personal choice. Velm will spend most of his time healing.

Innate Melee Defense: Just like Mipsy's.

Is this skill necessary? Yes. But only about 6 points unless you're doing Insane mode.

Innate Casting Haste: Just like Mipsy’s.

Is this skill necessary? Oh my YES! DEFINITELY!

Suggested order for spending skill points:

Normal and Evil modes:

Group Healing: 11 points

Group Shielding: 11 points

Innate Melee Defence: 6 points

Innate Casting Haste: 11 points

Mesmerize OR Celestial Hammer: 8 points

Insane Mode:

Group Healing: 11 points

Group Shielding: 11 points

Innate Melee Defence: 6 points

Innate Casting Haste: 11 points

Innate Melee Defence: 5 points

Up to 5 points can be spent on Mesmerize OR Celestial Hammer

Stock up the remaining 12 points (Normal and Evil) or 10 points (Insane) for your final battle. The most important skills for Velm to have in that last battle are, in order: 1. Group Healing, 2. Group Shielding, 3. Innate Casting Haste, and then 4. Innate Melee Defence. The Innate Melee Defence is much more important on Insane mode than in the other 2 modes. If you're playing Insane, you should move this skill up into the 3rd place in the order of importance. If you have some points left over, you can spend them on Healing if you want.

Why am I saving so many points?

You should note that I never once suggested spending 15 points on ANY skill but rather to spend up to 10 or 11 and then hold onto the rest of them. I noted above that this could be a big waste in skill points. Let's look at that a little more closely. During the final 4 boss battles (Faerie Thief 3rd time, both Pant Devils, and King Terask (1st time), you will receive your final equipment. Each member of your party has 2 final weapons as well as 1-2 final armours that they can possibly get in these battles. For instance, Rohane may get one or both of these swords: Sword of Dominion and/or Sword of Apocalypse. It is entirely possible that he will get one, both, or neither of them at all. The Sword of Dominion has bonuses of + 1 on Damage Increase, + 2 on Critical Attacks and Stunning Strikes, + 3 on Battle Taunt whereas the Sword of Apocalypse has bonuses of + 2 on ALL 5 offensive skills. I've suggested putting your skill points almost exclusively on Damage Increase, Critical Attacks, and Stunning Strikes, and if you’re lucky enough to get the Sword of Apocalypse, your skills will look something like this:

Damage Increase: 11 (+ 2)

Critical Attacks: 11 (+ 2)

Stunning Strikes: 11 (+ 2)

Combat Focus: 0 (+ 2)

Battle Taunt: 1 (+ 2)

Innate Magic Resistance: 2

Innate Melee Haste: 11

Notice that weapons NEVER have defensive bonuses. The last 2 skills for every character are their defensive ones. The other 5 are all offensive ones. You may have noticed that you could have spent a few more skills points on those first 3 skills. I really don’t recommend doing this as some of the other weapons you can receive throughout the game can have a + 4 bonus on one of those. No sense wasting skill points and you can get all the way to King Terask, the final battle, with only 11 points on each of those first 3 and the last one. Rohane might also get Jeran’s Battle Armour (+ 4's on the defensive skills) or the Darigan’s Fire Cloak (+ 4 and + 3 on the defensive skills) or neither of them or both of them.

Example 1: Sword of Apocalypse and Jeran’s Battle Armour

Critical Attacks: 11 (+ 2)

Damage Increase: 11 (+ 2)

Stunning Strikes: 11 (+ 2)

Combat Focus: 0 (+ 2)

Battle Taunt: 2 (+ 2)

Innate Magic Resistance: 2 (+ 4)

Innate Melee Haste: 11 (+ 4)

If you've followed my recommendations, Rohane should have 12 points to spend. Spend 2 points on Damage Increase (13 (+ 2) = 15), 2 points on Critical Attacks, 2 points on Stunning Strikes, and throw the rest on Innate Magic Resistance. He's one very stout fellow now. :)

Example 2: Sword of Kings and Defender’s Plate (both bought in Cirrus; no bonuses)

Damage Increase: 11

Critical Attacks: 11

Stunning Strikes: 11

Combat Focus: 0

Battle Taunt: 1

Innate Magic Resistance: 2

Innate Melee Haste: 11

Spend those 12 points you have saved up as such: 4 points each on Damage Increase, Critical Attacks, and Innate Melee Haste. You want him hitting hard and fast. Hopefully, your Rohane will be somewhere in between these examples.

Talinia can receive the Bow of Light (+ 5 on each of Increased Bow Damage and Shockwave---that explains why you only have 10 on each of these rather than 11 but has a – 2 on Ranged and a – 1 on Stunning Strikes) or the Bow of Destiny (+ 2 on all 5 offensive skills).

Velm's best weapon for his skills as I have suggested is NOT one of the final ones he can get but rather an earlier one; the staff of mettle. Note that it isn't capitalized. I've received this staff from the 4 faeries, Hubrid Nox, Esophagor, and in random battles in the latter parts of chapter 4. Keep an eye out for this staff. If you don't find that one, then carefully look over the others for the best bonuses on Group Healing and Group Shielding. Remember that he isn't there for his strength. A very early staff with bonuses there may serve him better than the Staff of Righteous Fury (+ 2 on all 5 offensive skills) or the Staff of Vengeance (+ 4 on Celestial Hammer, + 3 on Healing, + 2 on Group Shielding, + 1 on Mesmerization, and – 1 on Group Healing).

Mipsy's best weapon is either the Wand of Force (+ 3 on Direct Damage, Group Direct Damage, Group Haste, and Damage Shields but a – 5 on Slowing) or the Wand of Reality (+ 4 on Group Haste, + 3 on Slowing, + 2 on Damage Shields, + 1 on Group Direct Damage and – 1 on Direct Damage). Look for the best bonuses on Group Haste and either Direct Damage or Damage Shields (whichever one you chose) and possibly Group Direct Damage.

Final Notes on Weapons

You should never buy weapons for Mipsy or Velm, as the weapons bought do not have bonuses. Keep all of your old weapons for them until you get one that has better bonuses on it. For instance, during one game, I received almost no weapons for Mipsy and did not get any of her final ones. I used a very early weapon that had a + 2 bonus on Group Haste in the final battle with King Terask. That was 2 points that I could spend elsewhere. :)

You should only buy new weapons for Rohane and Talinia if there is a significant difference in the DMG rating of the weapon. It just isn't worth losing good bonuses for only a point or 2 of extra DMG.

You should buy weapons for Rohane and Talinia as well as new armour for EVERYONE at your stop in Cirrus in Chapter 5. This is the LAST place to buy weapons and armour and it's always possible that these weapons/armour will be the best you have for any of your characters. It’s horribly expensive, especially on Insane mode so if you're short on gold, go out and do some fighting and earn more. You can always sell any old equipment that you have but you should ONLY sell enough to allow you to purchase what you need. Why? If you die, your gold is cut in half. (Unless you’re playing Insane mode. In this case, your game is OVER!) Use your inventory to store that gold.

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