Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 93,823,843 Issue: 183 | 26th day of Running, Y7
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High Five!

by goldchocobo21

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Ready! Aim! Fire!!!
Quite possibly the most wanted and admired game avatar around. Whether it's that cool turtum, or just showing off that you got 230+ points in the game makes this avatar a really nice on to add to your collection.

by armin8151991382


Today in Neopia
An apple a day...

by eyeslikestars


The Price of Good Grades - Part Three
As Martin opened his mouth, a cold feeling washed over me, followed by some regret and guilt. I imagined my friends making all kinds of comments. My social life, the sole reason that I had gone to school, would be ruined in this instant.

by shadowcristal


Great Days at the Neopets Cafe
"Bad Food"

by the_arkenstone

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