Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 96,860,727 Issue: 187 | 22nd day of Eating, Y7
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Petpet Conspiracies - The Hasee

by deformified


We always hear about Meepits hypnotizing everybody with their large round eyes, and we frequently hear of the so called ‘White Weewoos’ controlling Miss Snowflake in the editor’s office, but what about the other petpets that are passed up for their insignificance?

Nobody has ever thought of the squishy and lovable Hasee actually going against us, but the Hasee, in many ways, is forming a conspiracy, and I can prove it. Listen... err... read and learn.

I take you over to the game of Hasee Bounce. Here, we see the two famous (or infamous) Hasee named Jimmi and Woogi. Let’s watch as a young Cybunny comes and plays. See how she happily walks over and helps them get their Doughnutfruit.

That’s my point. The Hasee, they have those cute, irresistible round heads (or bodies, I don’t know) that everybody is starting to want. While they’re busy trying to capture everybody in their cuteness, they go and steal all of our Doughnutfruit! It may be a couple trees today, but tomorrow, it may be every Doughnutfruit tree on the entire one completed side of Neopia! And once the other side is finished *pokes TNT*, they’ll begin their wrath of conquering each Doughnutfruit tree in the rest of Neopia! And when they don’t get much of their desired food, they cry the irresistible cry of crying irresistibly. Why don’t you purposely lose a game of Hasee Bounce to hear their whine. Don’t fall for it, though, or you’ll be a non-stop player of the hypnotic game of dooooooooooooooooom! *laughs maniacally*

Let me go through each Hasee color and tell you how each takes part in a conspiracy against Neopia.

1. The Hasee - You all already know this one. Read above for more information.

2. The Faerie Hasee - While the normal unpainted Hasee works on the grounds being cute and stealing Doughnutfruit, this winged terror is flying up high in Faerieland distracting important faeries, like Fyora and the Healing Springs Faerie with their cuteness so they don’t find out about what’s REALLY going on down below.

3. The Plushie Hasee - This cuddly Petpet is taking over Neopia one Neopet at a time. They act all innocent, then try and steal any Doughnutfruit in their owner’s owner’s inventory, while at the same time trying to get the owner’s owner to play Hasee Bounce by making the pet want everything Hasee-like because of it’s cuteness,

4. The Tyrannian Hasee - This thing, though you may not notice, is pretty vile. It carries around many of the Flankin terrors that just wait to pounce on you at any moment. Once the Flankin is on your body, the petpetpet will crawl up to you’re head, controlling you’re mind, making you do as they please. The Tyrannian Hasee bites the Flankin before sending it to a human or creature, secreting a venom that lets him control the parasite. This is possibly the most dangerous and hostile Hasee, so approach and handle with caution.

5. The Mutant Hasee - This creature is the only Hasee breed that is perfectly safe for pets to handle. This Petpet was once a normal Hasee, but it did not like the other’s plans, so the Shaman Hasee morphed it into a hideous creature as a consequence.

6. The Fire Hasee - This Hasee would be the viral Tyrannian Hasee’s partner. It approaches each Flankin at birth, in which they are not ignited yet, but have a gasoline covered back, and by using it’s magnificent fire magic, it lights each one on fire, then places them on the rouge Tyrannian Hasee’s back.

7. The Orange Hasee - This, as you have seen, is the normal Hasee’s partner in crime.

8. The Sketch Hasee - This is the Hasee Thief. This two dimensional creature travels to paintings and paper to look like a natural sketch, but when nobody is awake, it steals even MORE Doughnutfruit for the growing Hasee army.

9. The Snow Hasee - Do not EVER eat any berries that this creature offers seemingly kindly. The berries are everlasting an grow on the Hasee’s antennae, so when he picks one off, it will grow back. The berries are addictive, so you will not stop eating them. They are highly toxic and can give you a severe case of the Hoochie Coochies with just one bite.

10. The Island Hasee - Otherwise known as the Hasee Shaman, this petpet is the ruler of the Hasee army. It’s flower pollen is also highly toxic, much like the Snow Hasee’s, and it is released when it feels that its secrets are a little too much revealed. Hey, look, there’s a Hasee Shaman right now! Anyways, other Hasee are not susceptible to the pollen. This little devil specializes in magic.

11. The Maraquan Hasee - Poisonous for obvious reasons. When it is lease expected, it puffs up to the size of a beach ball and its little spine releases a toxin that lets it control your mind. You know, somebody better warn Isca about the Maraquan Hasee swimming in her room...

12. The Yellow Hasee - This Hasee has no evil intentions, but does not disagree with the Hasee acts. It has been given the ability to blind by shining brightly and the power of thunder magic.

So, there you have the ways each Hasee participates in the Revolution of the Hasee. Protect your Doughnutfruit by putting them in your Safety Deposit Box or your Shop or Trades. You never know when a Hasee might pop out and control your mind.

The Hasee seem tamable, but you could never tame one by itself, you would have to tame them all at once. Why? Because once one Hasee is turned good, the rest will come to re-recruit the fallen warrior of doom. So, good luck if you are going to try and tame. May the tameness be with you.

Authors Note: This is my first NT publishing! Tune into Petpet Conspiracies next time (if accepted) for information on the Abominable Snowball!

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