Savak: The Redemption - Part Seven by zephandolf
The trip down the duct was slow and painful for Savak.
After a tough episode trying to climb into the duct, Savak had to drag himself
along the narrow passage with what little strength he had. Every step he took
sent a shock of pain through his forelegs, which made him wince every so often.
He was regaining his energy when he rested, but he always tried to keep his
rests brief. There was no way to tell if the Grundos were going to search the
ducts for them.
Though the thought bothered him a little, Kaylee did
her best to help him along. The enemy he had been chasing for so many months
was aiding him in his escape. This gave him conflicting feelings over whether
or not to trust her. Her medallion no longer had power for anything; that was
clear. Velora had no influence over her anymore, but he still had to wonder
exactly whose side she was on.
“Kaylee,” Savak said. “When…when you tried to control
me back in your office, the voice of a certain dark faerie entered my mind.”
“It was Velora,” Kaylee said softly. “Her presence
has been with me ever since I found this blasted piece of silver.”
Savak nodded to himself. It made sense, but it prompted
another question that he had on his mind. “Has she always controlled you?”
“Not always,” Kaylee said. “Unless I angered her,
she usually left me alone. But her desire to control Neopia was forced into
my mind as well. It almost felt as if her desire was my own, even though, somewhere
in my mind, I knew I didn’t want any of it.” The Lupess sighed. “I’m just glad
that she’s gone.”
“Velora isn’t gone,” Savak said grimly. “She’s still
in Jearii’s tower. But her presence has vanished with the power of her medallion.”
Kaylee nodded this time, but remained silent. For
a while, neither said a thing. Then, the Lupess spoke up again.
“Savak,” Kaylee said softly. “I…I’ve wondered, ever
since I saw my daughter on Mystery island…how long have you cared for her?”
Savak didn’t expect the question, and it took him
a moment to form a response in his mind. “We met her on the island only a few
days before we were caught by the natives. We were feeding and protecting her
as part of a pact we made when we arrived on the island. Then, when she joined
our pack, she was taken care of as we have always taken care of each other.”
Kaylee nodded, mostly to herself, but said nothing
for some time. Finally, she said, “Would you continue to care for her?”
“Of course,” Savak replied, a bit uneasy about her
questioning. “She’s a member of our pack. We always take care of our own. Why?”
The Lupess nodded again, ignoring his question. “Thank
you. That’s all I needed to know.”
As Kaylee fell into silence again, Savak wondered
what she was getting at with those questions. He thought a lot about that subject
until they reached the vent to the loading bay where the Ugly Duckling
was docked. The four Lupes crawled through the vent that Savak blasted through
hours before and weaved their way through the containers, reaching the corridor
to the freighter without a hitch. But as they reached the other end of the corridor,
they ran into a short blue Grundo. It was clear that Savak didn’t expect anyone
to be on board the ship, and Bulthor didn’t expect anyone to be boarding it.
But it was Kaylee who broke the standoff, addressing Bulthor directly.
“Bulthor!” she said. “I thought I told you to work
on the Mutation Beam Array!”
“Commander?” the Grundo asked, clearly confused. “What
happened to your fur?”
“Never mind that,” she said, waving her paw. “In any
case, I have new orders for you. You are to take these three…guests back to
Neopia’s surface. Release them back on the plains. I have no use for them.”
“You have your orders, Bulthor. I want this to be
a priority task for you.”
The Grundo shot a quizzical glance to the other three
Lupes before he saluted Kaylee. “I will do as you ask, commander.”
Kaylee nodded in approval. Then, she added, “And,
Bulthor. When you reach the surface, I might suggest finding a new career path.
I don’t think that running cargo for Virtupets is a very promising career for
an intelligent Grundo such as yourself.”
When she said this, a look of unease crossed Bulthor’s
face. But he said nothing, moving back into the ship. Lilia and Heysha followed
behind him, but Savak remained for a moment. “Thanks Kaylee,” he said. “I’m
happy to know you have a heart after all.”
“Just take care of my daughter,” Kaylee said. “And,
take this with you.” Reaching behind her neck, Kaylee slipped the silver chain
over her head and handed the Medallion of Submission over to Savak. “I’m sure
that someone in Faerie Land knows what to do with that.”
Savak gripped the medallion in his paw, but kept his
eye on Kaylee. “You’re not coming with us?” he asked. Kaylee shook her head.
“I have something I need to do here,” she said. “From
everything I experienced over the past several years, I’ve learned that no one
should control anyone like that. Not me, not Velora, not even Dr. Sloth.” She
looked down the corridor a moment before turning back to Savak. “Perhaps in
the future, we will meet again.”
Before Savak could say anything more, the brown Lupess
turned and ran down the corridor, back into the battleship. For a while, Savak
only remained where he was, looking down the corridor, and gripping the lifeless
medallion in his paw. It was Heysha’s voice that finally aroused him.
“Savak,” she said. “Bulthor’s ready to launch, but
he needs to close all the hatches. You need to come in the ship.”
Looking at the medallion in his paw, Savak nodded
slowly. “Alright,” he said. “Let’s go.”
As soon as he set foot on the ship, Heysha led him
along down the short corridor to the door at the far end, which Savak had avoided
when he was looking for Heysha. The door at the end actually led directly to
the ship’s bridge. Needless to say, the bridge’s interior was the same old gray.
Bulthor was seated in the pilot’s station in the front of the bridge, working
over his controls. Lilia had taken a seat among the chairs in the back of the
bridge, probably placed there for observers, not personnel. When he arrived,
the red Kyrii Megan looked him over from where she stood at the front of the
bridge. “Is he the last one?” she asked.
“Yes, I am,” Savak said. “Kaylee will remain on the
“She will what?” Lilia asked.
Savak gave Lilia an apologetic look. “She said she
had something to do there,” he said. “But she didn’t tell me what.”
“Alright,” Bulthor said without turning. “If it’s
just the three of you, then we might as well cast off. Megan, get ready to release
the docking clamps. I’m going to signal the Vengeance’s bridge.”
As Bulthor and Megan got the ship ready to launch,
Savak seated himself next to Lilia, and Heysha sat on his other side. Lilia’s
ears were drooped slightly, and Savak felt sorry for her. Once again, she had
been separated from her mother, a mother she barely knew. He nudged her slightly.
“Are you alright?”
For a moment, she didn’t respond. Then, she nodded.
“I’ll be fine,” she said. “I just want to go home.”
“We’ll be there soon, don’t worry,” Heysha said. Savak
smiled at her, glad she was able to add her support.
A few moments later, after receiving clearance from
the Battleship, the Ugly Duckling released her docking clamps, drifted
away into open space. Then she engaged her engines to return to Neopia. After
setting his course, Bulthor leaned back in his seat. “That’s that,” he said.
“Now, all we have to do is sit back and enjoy…”
A flash of light out the side of the view-port caught
everyone’s attention. Shifting to get a better view, Savak saw the Vengeance
briefly before it was engulfed in a fireball. A moment later, Bulthor’s ship
rocked with the resulting shockwave, almost causing Savak to fall out of his
“What happened?” Savak asked.
“The Vengeance has been caught in some kind
of explosion!” Bulthor exclaimed. “I’ve lost contact with her bridge. Megan,
see if you can raise anyone from that battleship, find out what’s happening
over there.”
As he said this, the ship lurched suddenly. There
was a massive bang, then the groaning of metal. The lights on the bridge flickered,
but regained power after a moment. Then an alarm was set off.
“We’ve been struck by debris from the Vengeance!”
Bulthor explained. “We’re losing main power. I’m switching to the backup systems.
Megan, try to keep those engines online. If anything, I don’t want to end up
as a pancake on the Tyrannian Plateau to go with that omelet!”
As he said this, the ship lurched again, and Savak
felt the ship go into a faster spin. He could only imagine what the fate of
the Ugly Duckling was, and he hoped that he was wrong.
* * *
The darkness of night shrouded the plains, broken
only by starlight, and a brightening sky far in the east. In the hours before
dawn, a great fireball fell from the sky with a roar and burrowed a rift into
the ground before it finally came to a halt. The Ugly Duckling lay on
her side, trails of smoke rising not only from her engines, but from her scorched
and twisted hull. The ground around it burned briefly, but the fires didn’t
spread on the frost-covered ground.
A panel on the side of the ship was suddenly thrust
open and a blue Grundo hopped out, then reached back inside to assist his passengers.
Lilia, once she was out of the ship, made her way quickly to the ground, limping
slightly. Savak emerged next, painfully hauling himself out of the ship. He
stayed next to Bulthor as they both helped to pull Heysha out of the wreck.
She didn’t move, even as they carried her to the ground. Savak and Bulthor laid
her down away from the scorched ground near the wrecked ship, just before Megan
emerged from the hatch, carrying with her a medical kit.
“Is she alright?” Savak asked desperately. Bulthor
shook his head.
“I don’t know,” the Grundo replied. When Megan came
over, he took the kit from her and opened it up. “She’s still alive, but she
fell pretty hard in the crash.”
“We need to get her to the hospital then!” the red
Lupe said. “We need to have a doctor look at her.”
“I don’t even know if it’s safe to move her yet,”
Bulthor explained. “She probably has a concussion, not to mention any internal
bleeding. I think it’s safest to let her lay here for the time being.”
Sadly, Savak crouched down next to the Lupess, gazing
at her closed eyes. “Oh, Heysha,” he mumbled. “Why did you have to follow me?”
Bulthor only glanced briefly at Savak with sympathy
before he turned to Megan. “Go to Neopia Central; see if you can find a doctor
to bring…”
As he was speaking, a strange humming noise filled
the air. Savak immediately recognized it as the sound of a faerie transport…no,
several of them, descending to the plains, and the crash site.
“Faeries!” Megan said, voicing Savak’s thoughts. “If
they’re coming here, I suppose that saves me a trip.”
Savak sat up as he spotted the transport’s lights
as they descended from Faerie Land. Bulthor left Savak to go with Megan and
meet the transports as they arrived. While the transports drew closer, several
differently colored lights darted away from the transports, speeding to the
ground where the Ugly Duckling lay in a heap. One of the faeries landed
closer to Savak and the others. The red Lupe recognized the light faerie immediately,
though it took her a moment to recognize him.
“Savak?” Jearii asked. “Why are you here? And why
are you red?” She paused as she saw the medallion that Savak had in his paw.
“Is that the Medallion of Submission?”
Savak looked at the medallion in his paw. The silver
metal looked different now that it no longer bore Velora’s magical energy. Once
it seemed to suck in all the light around it, but now is was just a dull hunk
of silver. His fur bristled slightly as he realized that this one piece of metal
was the source of his problems. It was because of this medallion that the Medallion
of Light was formed. It was because of this medallion that Savak was sucked
into a long and tiresome chase that, in the end, seriously injured someone close
to him. Frustrated, Savak tossed the medallion to Jearii’s feet.
“Take it,” he growled. “It’s more trouble than it’s
Jearii picked up the medallion and flipped it from
one hand to the other before she looked back at Savak. Kneeling, she palmed
the broken medallion around Savak’s neck. “Well, this explains why I lost contact
with you, and your red fur. But how did it happen? And how did you get this
from Kaylee?”
Savak ignored Jearii, settling himself down next to
Heysha again. When Jearii shifted to kneel next to Heysha, he didn’t move, even
though he was aware of her presence.
“She’s injured,” the faerie observed. For a moment,
Savak didn’t do anything. Then, he nodded grimly.
“She hit her head in the crash,” he explained. “We…we
don’t know what else is wrong with her. But she’s not moving. She’s been unconscious
for some time.”
Jearii nodded sadly, then leaned over the unmoving
Lupess, waving her hand over her. Then, she placed her hands on Heysha’s chest,
and her head. Her palms radiated light for a moment, then faded as she backed
away. Turning to Savak, Jearii smiled. “She’ll be fine, now,” she said. “She
just needs some rest.”
Savak sighed with relief, knowing that Heysha would
recover. He gave Jearii a grateful look, and she smiled back briefly before
she held up the Medallion of Submission. “Now that I have your full attention,”
she said. “How did you get this from Kaylee?”
“She gave it to me,” Savak said, shrugging. “But that
was long after it lost its power. What I want to know is why it did.”
The light faerie flipped the medallion over in her
hands, examining its surface. “Well, it does have some wear, but that’s to be
expected. I don’t see any kind of damage that would leak its energy.” She examined
it a moment more before looking back to Savak again. “I suppose, after seventy
years of use, it just ran out of energy.”
Savak nodded, remembering what Jearii had told him
about vessels containing magical energy, and how they would lose their charge
over time.
The sun rose above the horizon, illuminating the crash
site as the faeries helped Bulthor to clean up the site, and hopefully recover
the Grundo’s ship. Lilia had joined Savak and Jearii as they watched the recovery
operation. No one said much, though there wasn’t much to say. Then, after a
while, Jearii stood up and held out her hand to Savak. “Come,” she said. “These
faerie’s can take care of everything here. We have business elsewhere.”
Savak hesitated briefly, looking back at Heysha. Lilia
walked over to the motionless Lupess, sitting down beside her and nodding to
“I’ll watch her, don’t worry,” she said.
Savak gave Lilia a grateful look before he followed
Jearii to the waiting transport.
To be continued...