Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 96,860,727 Issue: 187 | 22nd day of Eating, Y7
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Fish Faces!

by goldchocobo21

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100 Things to do in the Space Station
I just got off the spaceship to the Space Station and I looked around seeing a lot of things. Gormball, Zurroball, Frumball and more! So I took out my notepad, went to the Grundos Café and wrote a nice list...

by dinyana


At the Kadoatery...
And you thought the Kadoaties asking for Draik eggs was bad!

by sunshine_1470


Naming Names
Let’s face it: Some names just get boring after you’ve heard them hundreds of times. However, finding good names for your characters can be daunting sometimes...

by ellenie


The Botanist's Alphabet
Have you ever visited your Aunt Margarie's house? If so, did you ever go out to the backyard to have a picnic? If so, was your mind boggled by all the strange-looking foliage surrounding you?

Also by 0523ck

by costa_rican_girl

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