Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 96,860,727 Issue: 187 | 22nd day of Eating, Y7
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by wicked_dragonite

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Travis the Lenny
What's so 'Happy' about Grey Day...

by firelion014


Tails of Terror: The Malice of Mr Squishy - Part One
"As punishment," he said, setting them down on the ground, "I think it's time for some scary stories."

Also by Neonick19881988

by huggsy_666


Naming Names
Let’s face it: Some names just get boring after you’ve heard them hundreds of times. However, finding good names for your characters can be daunting sometimes...

by ellenie


Cafeteria Blues
Penny could not believe it! She was the new class president for the year of 2005. All of her hard work for the past two months had really paid off.

by ilar210

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