Harmless Wishes: Part One by ladyariel32
Yannagiba rolled around in his sleep, a wide smile on his
Gelert face. He was far from reality. The striped Gelert was somewhere in dreamland,
a place he adored very much. There, all his wildest wishes and fantasies came
to life and they never disappointed him. That was the beauty of it all.
Tonight, for example, he was eating every single
item on the Golden Dubloon’s menu (except Krawk pie, that is). He munched his
way luxuriously through appetizers, main dishes, and desserts craving for more.
Never before had he felt so hungry. His subconscious mind told him gently that
he was probably dreaming.
I thought so, he said to himself while stuffing
his mouth with tropical breeze.
“Wake up,” a faraway voice called to him.
“I don’t want to,” he growled taking a swig of a
root beer float.
“Come on, Yannagiba! Wake up.”
Cold water splashed on his face snapping him back
into the real world.
“Who did that?” Yannagiba asked ferociously.
“Me, of course!” the same voice replied impatiently.
He turned to look in the direction of the voice and
saw his younger sister glaring at him contemptuously.
“It’s dead early, Nadashikoh!” Yannagiba complained
sneaking a glance outside just to make sure. It was pitch dark.
“I know,” the Faerie Aisha replied rolling her azure
eyes. “Today is Saturday. We’re going shopping, remember?”
“Of course, I remember!” the Gelert exploded. Belle,
their owner, had promised to buy him a new blue Frisbee exactly like the one
he broke while frolicking in the front yard the other day. “I just never heard
her mentioning we were going at this time of day. I mean, it’s hardly light
“Well, she did,” his sister chided shaking her head.
“Now, get up and fix yourself. Everyone else is ready.”
“They are?” Yannagiba asked disbelievingly.
Nadashikoh continued to glare at him as if that would
grind him to pulp.
“Alright, alright,” he muttered. “I’ll get up.”
Fifteen minutes later, he had taken a shower and
was now wolfing down a bowl of cereal. Just like Nadashikoh had said, the rest
of the family was assembled in the living room waiting with irritation for him
to finish.
Only Belle remained in the most cheerful of spirits.
The young teenage girl had tossed on the first decent T-shirt and pair of jeans
she saw in her pile of wrinkled clothes. Usually, the dark-haired girl took
the time to choose her garments wisely and flatten them out a bit so they wouldn’t
look grungy. Today, though, she hadn’t bothered. Shopping always made her just
a little bit giddy.
“Better hurry up, Yannagiba!” she chirped. “We all
woke up early to get some good deals at the Neopian Market Place.”
The Gelert choked down the last spoon of cereal and
hurriedly gulped some apple cider.
“Coming!” he yelled rushing into the living room
on all four paws.
“He’s always late,” Chistomise the Aubergine Chia,
otherwise known as Chi, said with a long-suffering smile. He directed his statement
at his younger brother Yuki.
The Halloween Kacheek just shrugged as if to say,
“You betcha!”
Chi gave him a worried look. Three months and he
still hadn’t warmed up to the rest of the family. Yuki seemed to prefer his
Doglefox’s company instead of theirs.
“I’m here! I’m here!” Yannagiba cried while panting.
“Finally,” Nadashikoh muttered under her breath.
“I heard that,” the Gelert growled.
The Aisha ignored her brother’s words and turned
towards Belle.
“Alright! Now, we can go shopping,” their owner said,
brown eyes sparkling excitedly.
The group made their way to the shops with smiles.
Nadashikoh used her wings wisely and flew up in the blue sky. Yannagiba jogged
keeping a steady pace, taking pleasure in the exercise. Chi and Yuki each took
one of Belle’s hands and walked leisurely. When they reached the place, not
many owners and pets were around. After all, it was pretty early in Neopian
Standard Time.
“You all brought your spending money, right?” Belle
asked the four of them. They nodded breathlessly.
“Okay, let’s split up just like we always do and
meet up in an hour in front of the bank,” the girl instructed. “You can buy
your toys and candy. I’ll take care of the food and books.”
“Yippee!” Yannagiba exclaimed. The others cheered,
as well, and prepared to go.
“Oh, and Yannagiba?” Belle added. “You’ll be in charge
of buying your own Frisbee, alright?”
“Okay,” the Gelert replied, only half listening.
They all walked in different directions, each wondering
what to buy with their Neopoints.
Yannagiba was, of course, thinking about the brand
new Frisbee he was going to purchase. He decided to visit the Toy Shop just
to see what new plushies were available. But before he could even enter the
shop, the Gelert noticed a tiny tent pitched beside it. The tent was made of
shimmering, translucent material in different colors. Above its entrance hung
a medium-sized white sign that said “The Sand Shop” in clear black letters.
Naturally, Yannagiba’s curiosity was caught. He took a cautious step toward
the tent flap. That did it. He was hooked. The Gelert couldn’t resist lifting
the flap and he took a peek inside.
The inside of the tent was just like its exterior.
The same beautiful material covered the tent’s walls, ceiling, and floor. On
each wall was a row of wooden shelves carrying various bottles of sand and nothing
“Welcome to the Sand Shop, dearie,” a shaky old voice
(it sounded like it belonged to an ancient grandmother) said.
Yannagiba took a good look at the silver-haired Wocky,
the shopkeeper. She was swathed in multicolored scarves from neck to toe. A
large red turban covered her head. Only the upper portion of her face could
be seen (and a lock of silver hair on her forehead). Her fur was grayish black.
She had large yellowish eyes with reddish irises. He tried not to gawk at the
Wocky. Instead, he gazed again at the bottles of sand that the store had for
sale. To his dismay, they were just ordinary bottles of sand, exactly like the
ones from Mystery Island. As far as he was concerned, these items were useless.
A lot of his precious time was wasted. And he still hadn’t bought a new Frisbee.
“Uh, I was just looking,” he said hastily. The Gelert
glanced around nervously trying to maintain his calm (and plotting his escape).
“Would you like to take home a bottle of sand?” the
Wocky offered him pushing a bottle under his purplish nose.
Yannagiba was about to run out of the tent in fright
when he discovered that the sand inside the bottle was quite…unusual. The grains
shone like iridescent glitter. Golden glitter.
“Wow,” he said in an awed tone.
Realizing that she had the Gelert’s attention, the
queer Wocky smiled to herself and put the bottle on her wooden desk.
“Ah, I see you’re attracted to my wishdust,” she
told him mysteriously.
“W-wish dust?” Yannagiba asked confused.
“Wishdust,” she repeated with a cursory nod.
Yannagiba couldn’t help but argue. “But that’s just
a bottle of golden sand. I could get some of that just about…anywhere!” he said,
although he did notice that the stuff in the bottle was too fine to be the sand
he was talking about. He tried vainly to push that thought away.
“Call it whatever you please, youngling,” the shopkeeper
replied with a wink of one eye, “but I call it wishdust.” A small smile crept
on her face.
“And you would call it wishdust because?”
the Gelert demanded (although he had a mighty fine idea why she did).
“It makes your wishes come true,” the Wocky said
Yannagiba’s jaw dropped. That was exactly what he
was thinking. “Surely, that can’t be true?” he gasped looking the Wocky in the
“Of course, it is! This bottle contains genuine
wishdust,” the Wocky said with a delighted laugh. “All you have to do is place
a few grains on your paw and make a wish…” She opened the bottle and poured
some of its contents in one paw.
“I wish I had a strawberry Chia pop,” she stated.
Then, the shopkeeper blew the grains into the air. They disappeared and a strawberry
Chia pop took their place.
All Yannagiba could do was stare at it in amazement.
“How in Neopia?” he blurted out. Then, suddenly, his expression changed into
one of suspicion. He looked around the Wocky furtively, trying to see if she
had just performed an amazing magic trick. He scratched his head. “Is that a
real strawberry Chia pop?”
“Go on. Try it,” the Wocky urged in an almost mocking
tone. She held the Chia pop up to him.
Yannagiba took it and cautiously took a bite. “It
tastes like a real Chia pop, alright. How can I be sure you’re not just some…magician?”
The Wocky laughed and gave him an incredulous look.
“Me, a magician? Why don’t you try the wishdust yourself, dearie? Then, you’ll
see if it really works.” Her eyes glinted mischievously. She offered him the
Yannagiba didn’t need any more encouragement. He
carefully placed a pinch of wishdust on his paw.
“I wish…”
To be continued...