Tainted Wings by digital_microwave
The vain yellow Acara admired her reflection in her cracked
mirror. Her name was Lilia. Lilia loved the way her glossy fur stood out, her
neat pink paws, and her long, beautiful horns. A ray of sunlight deflected off
her shiny fur when a thought suddenly struck her. She would look better…if only
she had a Faerie paint brush.
She could just imagine it now. Prancing around
the room, she pivoted expertly on her toes as she swished herself around. She
was a gifted ballet dancer. If only her Faerie wings were here to complement
her now. She longed for the day when she would get dainty pink and white wings,
soaring through the air, free to fly anywhere she wanted…
She came down back to reality with a bump. Her
owner, Tilda wouldn't be able to afford one, she thought miserably as she stared
at the broken, tattered window that was set on the cardboard wall in her little
shack of a Neohome.
The door suddenly creaked, and in stepped a
girl of about twelve, her short figure almost bent with all the bags she was
holding. Lilia rushed to help her owner and took hold of a bag, which smelled
strongly of pizza and fajita chips.
"Thanks, Lilia," Tilda mumbled, heaving more
bags onto their rickety, dirty bamboo sofa. Lilia smiled. Maybe she would ask
about the Faerie paint brush later.
As the duo silently ate their lunch, Lilia glanced
up at her owner and shook a little, nervous. "Tilda?"
"Yes, Lilia? You have a question?"
"I was wondering whether I could get painted
with a Faerie paint brush." Lilia said, her lips trembling a little.
Tilda almost choked on her chips. "If I know
a paint brush, especially a Faerie one, it costs about 750,000 neopoints."
"What?" Lilia's eyes bulged out.
"Yes, and if you could help and save a little,
you'll get it in about..." Tilda paused to do some mental calculations, "thirteen
"Arrgh!" a frustrated Lilia screamed, running
around in circles. Tilda sighed. She knew what Lilia was experiencing. It was
something she yearned for, so badly that she was prepared to give up anything
for it. Tilda let out another long sigh. It was no use trying to calm Lilia
down. The berserk Neopet was practically screaming her head off.
Tilda tried a bribe. "To make up for it, I'll
take you to Faerieland tomorrow."
The few simple words calmed Lilia down. "Alright,"
she answered, breathing heavily. If she couldn't get a Faerie paint brush, then
she would go to the land of the faeries.
"Fifteen neopoints, please," the bandana-clad
Aisha at the Uni flight stop said, her mouth full of cake.
Tilda thrust a small bag of neopoints in her
direction, trying to avoid being sprayed with crumbs. She looked at Lilia. The
eager young Acara was doing a small happy dance, watching two green Unis arriving.
The Unis flew over clouds, tinged with pink
and blue; over small streams and rivers, lines of blue completing the greenery
Finally, they landed on a huge cloud. Lilia
got down, and was greeted by a sight to behold. The fountains and springs complemented
the pinkish, gigantic cloud. Faeries were everywhere, hustling and bustling,
carrying out their daily activities. There was the large Wheel of Excitement
in a corner, just tempting people to spin it.
Faerie City was even more magnificent. Little,
squat Faerie shops crowded the entire area; towers were seen everywhere. And
in the midst of it all, seeming even more mysterious and grand was the Faerie
Castle, where the wise Queen Fyora lived.
Grabbing her owner by the hand, Lilia hurried
off to the Wheel of Excitement. Tilda paid 150 neopoints to the light faerie
and heaved the big wheel down. After waiting for a while, it landed on a red
space-500 neopoints. Lilia screamed in delight and gratefully accepted the brown
cloth bag. Yes-the day ahead was to be filled with activities, activities and
A tall, skinny dark faerie groused and griped
in her hideout, which was concealed beneath an invisibility spell. She had just
fired her oh-so-inept assistant, a roly-poly Bruce.
"Humph! And to think that big galoot had thoughts
of being my assistant! He already broke three potion bottles. Well, at least
he didn't touch the acid," she murmured.
Latifa scratched her chin in thought. She needed
a Neopet, a small innocent one that she could mould into what she wanted. The
dark faerie closed her eyes, activating her mind-reading power.
After a while, a twisted, evil grin began to
stretch across her face. "Yes, that yellow Acara."
Lilia was admiring the cute little Faerie petpets.
She adored the Alkenore, although she knew that Tilda wouldn't be able to buy
it for her. Speaking of Tilda, she was chatting the day away with the kindly
Faerie shopkeeper.
In her hideout, Latifa cast a spell. It was
to transform her appearance. After all, which little Neopet would trust an evil-looking
faerie clothed in purple?
The purple bursts of magic twisted and turned
like vines around Latifa, the sickly-sweet smell choking her. She knew she only
had to put up with it for a little while, and then it was alright.
An Earth Faerie admired herself in the mirror.
She was perfect. Chestnut brown hair, green dress and all. Latifa snatched a
potion off her shelf. It was time to play with the Acara.
"Hello there, little girl," Latifa cooed, as
she appeared beside the Neopet. She made sure she wasn't seen, and that was
taken care of, because a spell had made the human and faerie shopkeeper fall
into deep slumber.
"Hello, I'm Lilia," the Acara answered.
"Now, I have been noticing you for a while,
and I think you're very sweet. So, you deserve this," Latifa spoke gently, holding
out a potion.
Lilia observed the sparkling red and silver
liquid bubbling inside the bottle. Latifa had whipped it up herself. Actually
it was just a coloured, bubbling mass, but as soon as the foolish Neopet drank
it, it would activate a spell that would make her grow the long-desired wings.
But she would have to pay a terrible price: enslavement.
Lilia did what Latifa wanted. She uncorked the
bottle carefully, letting the silver smoke play across her face. Something wasn't
quite right. Something in the smoke made her stop in her tracks. But Lilia craved
for those wings more than anything in the world, so she gulped it down.
It was horrible, like drinking fire. Lilia bore
with it as long as she could, because the pain was spreading to her arms, her
body…she couldn't withstand the burning sensation any longer, and sank down
onto the floor.
And on her back, wing roots began to grow. And
grow they did, morphing from wing buds into shimmering pink wings with hues
of white, faerie wings, within seconds.
The earth faerie transformed,
showing her true self. "Perfect," she giggled.
"Oomph!" Lilia groaned as she rubbed her head.
She hoped what had happened just now wasn't real. But it was. She saw something
glinting behind her-a set of faerie wings. She gasped, and fondled them lovingly.
At last, her very own wings.
She spied Tilda, asleep at the counter. "Uh-oh,"
she breathed. What would Tilda say? Lilia folded her wings down, pressing them
against her thick fur. They were perfectly hidden.
She gave Tilda a gentle nudge. "Tilda? Can we
go back now?"
"So soon?" Tilda said groggily, rubbing her
eyes. Actually, she was rather pleased at the thought of going home. The day
had worn her out. "Okay," she answered.
Lilia heaved a sigh. She would have to explain
sooner or later.
"Come here, young one…come here," Latifa beckoned,
her voice growing softer and more dangerous by the second. She weaved long bits
of purple magic around her translucent orb, which showed her clearly that Lilia
was sound asleep. Latifa knew the Acara would come here any second.
Sure enough, the magic got into Lilia's head,
hypnotizing her on the spot. You must remember that the mind and body are most
vulnerable while asleep. Lilia heard the voice in her head. It was so mesmerizing,
so enchanting. She obediently got up, and opened her eyes. But no, her eyes
were so big you could have seen the whites, with absolutely no emotion, no feeling
in them.
She undid her window latch, and flew off into
the night sky on her new wings, with no control at all over herself. She only
could do and see what the voice told her.
"Ah, there you are,"
Latifa grinned, stirring away at a vile concoction. "Now, I am missing a few
major ingredients. Please get them for me. They are a fire potion, a chip of
wood off the wheel of mediocrity, a hair from Queen Fyora and a drop of water
from the Rainbow Pool. Go!" the faerie instructed as she pointed a bony finger
at Lilia.
Lilia flew out to Neopia Central, where stealthily
she broke into a shop. She came out minutes later with a fire potion, which
she tucked into a cloth bag. She broke off a small piece of wood from the wheel,
which wasn't easy. She did the Queen Fyora job quickly, flying away at the last
moment when the Queen jumped, cursing. She put the drop of water into a small
vessel, and then brought them all back to Latifa.
A few strands of shaggy purple hair fell over
Latifa's face. She brushed them back quickly, looking at the sedentary Acara.
"Very good job, Lilia. You can go back now." The Acara flew back home. It was
eerie, the way she looked, like a little servant robot.
The next day, rays of warm sunshine woke Lilia
up. She yawned and stretched, feeling rather stiff and cramped, which obviously
resulted from the events of the night before. Lilia felt strange. She remembered
flying, but for what reason and for who, she didn't know. She felt lethargic,
and smoothed out her bedraggled fur.
Her day went on in an untidy fashion. Even Tilda
could not quite place her finger on the situation. She saw how tired her Neopet
looked, the sagging eyes, the sluggish movements, the rumpled fur. Usually she
was full of zest, excitement and hyperactivity. It was like she had been away
at night. Little did the unsuspecting owner know that she had hit the nail on
the head.
Lilia gradually transformed from hyper Neopet
to tired Neopet. Latifa was keeping her nose to the grindstone, asking her to
fetch more and more items with each passing day. Tilda was worried sick, and
she became a skeleton of her former self.
The only one who got
benefits out of this affair was, needless to say, Latifa. She made deadly concoctions
and cast evil spells everyday, getting ready to overthrow Queen Fyora.
And Lilia? Well, one day she sat in front of
her mirror, brushing out her fur. She was horrified at the sight she saw. This
creature in the mirror didn't look like her at all! Where was the glossy fur,
the bright twinkling eyes, the polished horns? Lilia carefully thought this
over. She then realized that this had all started from the day she got those
wings. Who had given it to her? Ah, it was an earth faerie. But what earth faerie
would poison her life like this? Lilia decided to pretend to sleep tonight.
She might be able to find out the culprit.
Lilia lay in bed, her eyes closed but her mind
alert. She would have to be hit by some sort of force by now. And then she heard
it. A voice as soft as the whisper of the trees, seeming to beckon her to go
someplace. Almost naturally, she began to fly, her wings propelling her forward.
She was shocked because she found out that she had no control over her wings.
Lilia was sent to Latifa's hideout. The dark
faerie sensed that something was wrong, but she didn't know what. Lilia just
stood there, listening to the faerie say out a list of items.
What? So, she was merely a servant, sent to
fetch items? Well, no more!
She spoke out. "You witch, you! You made me
lose all pleasures of my life! I don't want those wings anymore! They're tainted!
Tainted, I tell you! Don't wear that expression on your face! Take them back!"
Latifa just gaped. She didn't know how, but
this smart cookie of an Acara found out about her plan. "Fine," she hissed dangerously,
"you want me to take them back, and I'll take them back!" She sent a blast of
purple and black magic towards Lilia's back, hitting her wings.
This was even worse than drinking that evil
potion. Lilia felt her wings being ripped off, and unbearable pain was unleashed
upon her. She had never felt so much pain before, it was like a white-hot knife,
searing down her back. She screamed, and flopped onto the floor, writhing. Her
body seemed to twist painfully, adding to the vile treatment. Amidst Latifa's
evil chuckles, the blue mists swirling about, and the pungent smell of various
potions, Lilia felt she was falling, falling into an abyss.
Latifa cursed, stomping about. Humph, and it
was going so well too. She had mind-wiped the Acara and sent her home. Time
to look for a new assistant, gullible and vulnerable enough. Latifa turned to
arrange the items on her shelves, and hung on a wall, was the pair of tainted
wings, now turned to dark, black stone.
The End