Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 91,831,644 Issue: 177 | 11th day of Awakening, Y7
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Das Kaupital: A Government Study of Neopia

How many of you actually think about how this planet is run?

by pk_fire14
A Study of Valentine's Day

“What do you do to celebrate Valentine’s Day?”

by charmedhorses
Gallery of Evil: Didn't Get In

The Gallery of Evil is home of the most evil villains known to Neopia. Tax Beast, Dr. Sloth, Rock Beast…villains galore. However, there are many villains who applied for the entry who never made it...

by mainframericky
Observations of the Wild Skree

I’m honestly not sure how to explain what has happened. It would seem everything that could go wrong did go wrong...

by resurrectedwarrior
User Lookup Spotlight: How to get started.

Due to numerous concerns amongst Neopians on getting to know each other, you can see quite a large number of different lookups...

by obn0xious
A Guide for the Clueless Wannabe Kadoatie Feeder

It certainly doesn’t take long for them to get lonely in those cages, so of course, they need something that make them happy while waiting for their owner to return. That’s where you come in.

by blubblub317
Item Descriptions For The Alternative Neopian: A Fifth Helping

Ripped Skarl : All those months at the gym finally paid off!

Also by simsman24000

by too_kule

Ice Cream Machine - So cool, it's freezing...

Everyone loves Ice Cream, right?

by jazz_invincible
10 Flowers for Valentine's Day

Forget the old cookies and chocolates. They’re out, and flowers are in! ‘Why flowers?’ you may ask.

by shadowcristal
5 Steps for Success in Valentine Making

Welcome to the informational article about how to make your perfect valentine. We will cover this lesson in 565 easy steps! *Sees everyone start to walk away.* Wait, come back! How does five steps sound?

by hottamale0774
Search the Neopian Times


"Oh, Valentine!" by xxfroggehxx
I covered my eyes as I looked at the enclosed picture of my strawberry fields painted Poogle friend. I read it one more time. Hidden place?....

Other Stories


Golden Eyed Friend
Anri, your poem is beautiful. It sounds like you wrote this for someone, like a personal love poem or something. Did you?

by who_caresxx


Cold Neocolas
My Neocolas at home weren't cold, and that's just not cool...

by christinetran


The Case of the Invisible Incident: Part Four
Maybe the self-made punk Usul had more to her then I first guessed. I'd have to investigate further just to be sure, though…

by tambourine_chimp


Savak: The Search - Part Two
"Is there a map nearby?" he asked. "I would like to plan our…'stay' here."

by zephandolf


Ironies of Neopia: Valentine's Special
Just when you think you know someone...

Also by shadih_temporary

by blubblub317


Just Great! Valentine's Day
"Valentine's Day"

by jeaniesofatso

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