Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 93,823,843 Issue: 183 | 26th day of Running, Y7
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My Warf Ate My Homework: Problem Petpets

Has your Krawkadon eaten everything in your Neohome, including your sofa? Does your Pinklet have a bit of a gambling problem?

by pluie
The Avatar Depression II

Great sequels always come second… ^_^

by o_apollo_o
NNLHT: Dental Hygiene

My job is to teach you, the reader, how to make sure your pets properly brush their teeth. I will teach you everything you need to know.

by go_girls_2003_twin
The Anti-List List

Every week, as we eagerly flip open our subscription of the Neopian Times, we will see that there is bound to be at least one article featuring a list of things...

by scarletrhapsody
How to Become a Raiders of Maraqua Master!

Of course, the Raiders of Maraqua avatar has been out for quite a while now, but with the new Maraqua plot (go Maraqua!!), what better way to show your support for the watery world?

by vulpy37
Top Ten Ferocious Pet Species

Did you ever want to know about the most ferocious Neopians? Well not Neopians, pet species.

by brennamichael
Dice Escape: A Guide to Success

The aim of the game is to have your dice land on the finishing space with the number on top of the dice matching the number on the finishing space.

by zancs242
Questing Mania, or How to Survive the Quest NeoBoard

Most of the users on Neopets will advise you to keep the quests you get, since (usually) the rewards outweigh the inconvenience of not being able to use the Shop Wizard...

by extreme_fj0rd
Ready! Aim! Fire!!!

Quite possibly the most wanted and admired game avatar around. Whether it's that cool turtum, or just showing off that you got 230+ points in the game makes this avatar a really nice on to add to your collection.

by armin8151991382
Petpet Examiner

Today, we are examining a horned, flying masterpiece – the Bartamus. I will go through several points about them, and by the end you should have a pretty good idea about how they look, act, and much more.

by chokato_tree
User Lookup Mania

What is it about user lookups that gets everyone going? Is it really worth it to spend so much time working with HTML and coding to make your lookup “webpage perfect”?

by funky_junk_banana
Invaders and Foes: The Easter Cybunny

Scrumptious and completely safe candies! I mean, they’re from a stranger, so obviously they’re safe, right?

by blubblub317
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How to Survive With Petpets

Are the neighbors complaining about your Puppyblew’s incessant howling? What, has your Kadoatie got your tongue - literally? If so, never fear; Doctor D., renowned Petpet psychologist, is here!

Other Stories


Shackles of Love – My Sister, My Hero
How free they are. It must be nice to be able to experience such unrestricted flight once again. As Jasmine gazed enviously at the Neopets, thoughts ran through her little head. Why can't I be just like them?

by scarletrhapsody


Galem's Revenge
While Kanrik trudged home, a mysterious shadowy figure approached the Thieves Guild Headquarters. Upon finding it empty, the figure muttered, "Curse you, Kanrik," and stormed away.

by fegeroo


Shades of Darkness: Shadow is Arising - Part Eleven
Pudding swung her blade at my chest in a horizontal arc. I jumped back and saw the orange form approaching...

by jesse12_3


Needed Beginnings: Rorro and Toragi - Part Three
He turned back toward the Rainbow Pool and sat down on the bank, looking down at his reflection once again. It was so different than it had been only moments before, but somehow he felt so much the same.

by tdyans


Zaffia's Days #2
A small snack for Green...

by megawolf77


A Very Stuffed Abode
Am I seeing things?

Art by erratic_abnormality

by 0523ck

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