Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 102,975,150 Issue: 203 | 12th day of Hiding, Y7
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Winning at World Challenges

A lot of people have questions about how the World Challenges work. They can seem pretty complicated, but I think they're worth mastering...

by pianoru
A Guide to Protecting Your Petpet from Petpet Eaters

I have complied a list of all the potential petpet eaters, and ways to keep your petpet safe from them. These are the most prominent predators, and there are of course many others.

by jeminite
Petpets - the Victims of the Gameroom

Meepit Juice Break- This game isn’t so bad if you are a Meepit. Neopians come along and feed you endlessly. But oh… the bloating!!!

by fairiecloudracer
Move Along Now!

We cobbled together this mishmash of Neopian scenarios in which Movement would be helpful, justifications for Movement, possible reasons for the existence of Movement and also some kitchen sinks.

Also by jazz_invincible

by sunset_rose285

Trouble in Faerieland?

It has been said that the Faeries have just become complacent, while others believe that they have lost their love for Neopians. What are we to believe?

by buttafromdaghetto
25 Things to Do with an Unwanted Plushie Gallery

Save them for the next gift-giving holiday. Give them for birthday presents, for Christmas, and for the day that has been cancelled due to lack of interest! What? That's not a gift-giving holiday?

by puppy200010
Skies Over Meridell: the Complete Guide

Bandits have taken over the sky, and it is your job to shoot them down.

by welshgreendragon110
6 Things to Never Ever Ever Ever Do at Kelp

Always call ahead of time!

by lama12122
The Camouflage Menace

Obviously, though, you have not heard of the camouflage menace…well, it is time we inform you. This new color is no picnic…

by monkeylusoup

The point of the game is to eat all the flies before they reach you.

by master_hobo_gogeta
Miraculous Maraquans

Past all of the hustle and bustle of the city, is a quiet and breath-taking beautiful environment, where wild Maraquan pets swim free.

by lama12122
Breadfish? yes. Butterfish? yes. Toastfish? ....

"Breadfish?" she asked, puzzled. "Why is there a breadfish? Is there a butterfish? A toastfish?" She set off to ask the great smart pets of Neopia.

by elinion
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"Faerie Storm" by just_waiting
Strident voices surrounded the palace in Faerieland, echoing off the towers and making their way through the clouds. Earth Faeries were arguing with Water Faeries because the grass and flowers were browning from a lack of water. Fire Faeries were angry with Air Faeries because of the winds that disrupted their flames...

Other Stories


Why I Rescue Kadoaties
If you think I do it for fun, you must be out of your mind. I hate Kadoaties. They're annoying, dainty, squeaky, attention-stealing, vain little critters...

by shadowcristal


Triss and the Psychiatrist
"So, to show her I didn't care what she thought, I stuck my nose up in the air, and realized what a great comeback that was! I'm now perfecting it so I can use it more often."

by o_apollo_o


The Legend of the Sword of Apocalypse: Part Three
Fyora's army had already jumped into action, and one particular dark faerie was hovering above all the rest and all the chaos, probably the general...

by precious_katuch14


Superficial: Part Five
"I hope you're sure about this, May," Farowyn said as we picked our way along the forest trail, our feet crunching through the carpet of brilliant leaves, pushing back intruding branches as we went...

by shelleylow


Simple pleasures, eh?

by flying_hiii


Hard-Learned Lessons
Some things have to be learned the hard way...

by o0little_tiger0o

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