Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 104,800,928 Issue: 204 | 18th day of Hiding, Y7
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A Handy Guide to Getting Rich the Slow Way

Many guides found around the internet tell you how to get rich quickly, but how many will tell you how to do it slowly?

by master_1_jedi
Conquering Qwerty: a Typing Terror Guide

But after a few tries I realized that typing fast wasn’t the only skill you needed to be good at this game. At the end of each round, bonus points are awarded for how accurate you are for that particular level.

by incheesuswetrust
Leaving Your Mark on the Neoboards

So if you want to dress your posts to impress, all you have to do is follow this simple guide for finding the signature that suits your unique style!

by sum41girl2k
...and *Pop* Go the Balls!

No, not icky Zurroball or boring old Gormball, I'm talking about the *sort of* new and better game, Frumball!!! The one that might resemble Korbat's Lab to you at first, but don't fear, it's better than that as well! ;)

by krysym
10 Recipes for Hidden Tower Items

For less than 3500 NP, you will be able to make any one of ten Hidden Tower items, all by yourself! Simply follow these instructions, and your pets will be Battledome masters in no time!

by medanteth
What Did You Say? Languages of Neopia

This handy pocket sized guide is intended to help you learn the basics of many indigenous languages by examining each world separately.

by horserider12302
The Revenge

But the truth? It probably does stop Scarblade from attacking our beloved Maraqua further...

by peacenjoy58
Music and Mystery - the Truth Behind Those Pianos

But we’ve all asked ourselves questions about them: When are they going? Where did they get all their stuff from?

by laydeezam
The Ultimate Guide to Girl Unis

Girl Unis are VERY picky about what they eat (I’ll explain later). You have to know what they like to eat, and what they do not like to eat.

by unicorngirl383
Mastering Hasee Bounce

You’ve got a time limit! You didn’t think you could just keep those Hasees bouncing forever, did you?

by nut862
Investigation on Roo Island: Dice-A-Roo

How MANY annoying Roo minions have bounced around you, taunting you with phrases like ‘Tra la la’, ‘191273 is such a lot of Neopoints!’, and ‘I’m hungry!’ ???

by deldrimmor
How to Make Your Neopets Look Like They Got Painted

Tip # 5: If you want to make your pet look like it’s been painted with the Snow Paint brush, play in the snow all day with your Neopet. When you come inside you will have a snow covered Neopet.

by soccergirl1017
The Pants Dance

A unique, step-by-step guide on how to effectively taunt the Pant Devil.

by infernal_kitty
Search the Neopian Times


"I'll Have the Tofu Bowl, Please." by peachifruit
"Look at this." The dark room was quiet and still, save one tall silhouetted figure pacing back and forth. His head tilted down, hands limp at his sides, he stood at one side of the room for a while, then quickly turned on one heel to face his shadowy audience. "Look at this place! The Virtupets Space Station, huh...?"

Other Stories


Curse of the Revenge
He loved his grandfather. He always told Garin tales of his ancestors, all of whom were pirates. Garin vowed that one day he would follow in their footsteps...

by lama12122


"I'll Have the Tofu Bowl, Please."
"Look at this place! The Virtupets Space Station, huh...? An absolute atrocity; everywhere you look, there's some insipid 'Buy-Me' sign or a tourist trap... This place isn't my evil lair anymore-- It's a tourist attraction!"

by peachifruit


Heather's New Home: Part One
Heather walked in. She looked down at her Ixi hooves. She felt so oddly bright and colorful, in her purple Faerie coat, compared to the ghost, Halloween, Darigan, and shadow pets studying her curiously...

by fuzzeh_sonya


Because of Jhudora's Book: Part One
Something caught Athelda's eye. The green Zafara's eyes wandered around the street. It was in the gutter, and it was glowing slightly. An eerie, dark glow...

by kemppotatoe


Short Stuff
You must be this tall to ride.

Also drawn by sillygirl_543

by unknown_xx


Hungry Cobrall
Things aren't always what they seem...

by fire_fly196

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