Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 105,101,325 Issue: 206 | 2nd day of Gathering, Y7
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ZZZAAAAPPP! The Petpet Lab Ray is here!

So for some Petpet Lab Ray owners or soon-to-be owners here are some things that you may want to consider before zapping your petpet.

by piperandcaleb
A Guide to Snow Wars II

The basics of the game are simple. Your mission is to save the snowmen from invading Lupes and snow flinging Snowbeasts.

by neo9523122
In Defense of the Lab Ray

I am no more evil than an Usuki doll, yet when I walk the streets of Neopia, pets and owners alike often cower in fear or make disgusted faces. Yet I do not regret my time spent under the Ray at all.

by zenfishsticks
The Mystery of Interest

Ever wonder where that money-grubbing, bank-managing Skeith earns all those extra Neopoints to pay everyone daily interest?

by uggazew
Better Than Kelp

Why not enjoy the classic Neopian hangouts instead? Here are twenty fabulous places that even Kelp doesn’t compare to.

by lestatishot
How to Impress King Hagan with Your Knowledge

All he asks is a bit of knowledge for you to come into his throne room. After all, the king of Brightvale learns something new every day from the Neopets that look uneducated, but are intelligent in the inside. Are you up to the challenge?

by king_kino
The Tax Beast – Most Feared Beast in Neopia

It was the most terrifying episode in my entire Neopian life! I was on my way over to the Trading Post to place a bid on a fabulous necklace I heard was up for sale, when it happened. The fearsome Tax Beast jumped out and demanded a portion of my neopoints!

by illianatgd
Advanced Guide to Word Poker

Understanding each category is critical to success in this game particularly if you are aiming for a trophy or simply to get the maximum amount of neopoints everyday.

by trailblazer20
The History of Acaras

Many wonder where these delightful but devious Neocreatures come from. Some say their ears stuck out of Meridell soil waiting to be picked in the summer months.

by astrobabe5
Past the Layers of Lies - the True Jelly Chia

Even in the daytime, no light went through the windows of this factory. I was there to search for the mysterious Jelly Chia. You think I’m crazy, don’t you?

by chibichix
Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Guide to Time Tunnel

You have to figure out the exact combination of colored stones. How? They give you clues.

by shanshui
Brains over Brawn - the Secret in Brightvale Armoury

Brightvale Armoury, despite what many Neopians say, does not 'only defend', it does oh so much more!

by neowizard1287
Search the Neopian Times


"Houston, We Have a Problem" by playmobil_is_my_life
"Your permission to come aboard, Captain?" Wiseguy the glowing Wocky looked at who was in the doorway of the spaceship. It was only Tweetie, his younger brother and fellow astronaut. Wiseguy nodded gravely and answered, "Permission granted."

Other Stories


Shadow Grows Up
Shadow was put in her pink playpen next to where Mrs. Harris was sitting. And naturally as adults do when babies are around, Mrs. Harris started patting Shadow's head and pinching her cheeks and cooing...

by star_29791


Unrigging the Test Your Strength Game
"Have you ever won anything good from that Test your Strength game?" asked Gauve dreamily, biting into a large wormy jam sandwich.

by pansyparkinson14


A Visit to Aunt Lola's: Part Three
"You'll never guess what happened. We're snowed in," Fiona informed her before Aunt Lola could stop her...

by sweetie_me274


Brought Together II: Part Three
The new, possessed version of Smatty brushed herself off and continued to grin as she walked quietly back through the pink and purple halls, which were dimly lit at night...

by springsteen0991


Well Kept Secret
"Are you crazy?"

Idea by _trinitylast_

by darkwolf__untamed


Should've brought a net.

by ghostkomorichu

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