Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 120,559,293 Issue: 234 | 7th day of Eating, Y8
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Valiant Petpets at Their Best

I believe that after the terrible misfortune that Neopia faced with the species of Meepits, pets and their owners deserve to know the personality of each Altadorian petpet before they save up their hard-earned Neopoints and splurge on one of them...

by lassie_nikki
Why You Shouldn't Make a Neohome

You're thinking, "is this guy mad? Why the heck should I not make this beautiful home?" I'll show you why not.

by masterofphantom
Discovering Qasala: a Guide to the Lost City

Qasala was founded about two thousand years ago, by a clan of desert nomads named the Qasl clan, also known as Qasalans.

by mazoku_kuiin
Let's Talk Trash: How to Properly Dispose of One-Neopoint Items

I've been to the city countless times, and I don't remember a time when the streets were spotless. There was always a Chia Pop wrapper, Neocola can, or rotten left sock laying on the ground somewhere.

by darkerstrife
What's in a Name?

Alright, let’s get started. As a general rule numbers are a no-no. There are some exceptions, though, but we will get to that later.

by danman111111
Rainy Day Joys

Still, we had a fantastic time. It opened my eyes to the many possibilities available to brighten a rainy day...

by enkelilintu
Hungry Skeith: Just One More Jelly Left...

Unless you want to be buried under a pile of jellies, you better take a look at this guide!

by rob456bie789
The Cauldron Clash

Please restrain your applause and welcome Edna, witch of the Haunted Woods, and Sophie, witch of Bogshot!

by imperialmaraqua422
Little Known Facts About the Aisha

There are two main types of Aishas-Nutmeg Aishas and Saffron Aishas. Nutmeg Aishas are the most common...

by glamness
A Public Service Announcement by the NSPCPP

Well, we at the NSPCPP are completely against this. Petpets are for life, not just for avatars.

by havenlad
All That Glitters...

I'm here to tell you jewelry can enhance anyone's look like no other accessory. It's the perfect accessory for casual to fancy, and is a wonderful way to express your unique personality!

by purplepassiony2k
The Return of the Return of Dr. Sloth!

TROTRODS resembles a number of other Neopian action games, such as Pterattack and Swarm. You're armed with a few lasers and sent out to protect your home from massive squadrons of flying enemies.

by amaratantatyri
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"The Mortog of Meridell" by _the_antagonist_
All I could tell was that my body was being lifted into the air, jumbled and tossed within the bag, which felt rather slimy to me. I also suddenly heard this horrible sound ringing in my delicate Mortog ears, some unearthly noise... "Errr-ribbit!" Something croaked...

Other Stories


What Hard Work Pays For
Grimacing at the weight piling up on her back, she forced herself to stay still. "We don't want to be late on the job. Remember what happened last time?"

by stallion555


As he caught a glimpse of a small Goldy, he dove into the water and quickly snatched it out of the low water...

by kesenaie0


How The Drenched Came To Be: Part Two
And something that worried her even more, she was having a bad vision despite the fact that she was blessed with good visions. For a split second she wondered if now there were no more good visions to see...

by ewagon


Plushie Eaters: Part One
"I saw one eat a plushie the other day!" Penelope wailed, the tears finally coming as she remembered the swift motion...

by literalluau


A # 1 - Chia
When good Chias go bad...

by a_number_1


Liff & Canf

by emmacatty

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