Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 120,791,029 Issue: 244 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y8
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Petpets of Geraptiku

Remember, if you intend to adopt a Crocalu, please keep it with you as long as you can, and please don’t release it into the sewers, no matter how good your intentions are.

by duster119
The Public, Your Pets, and You

If only there was a behavior training school in Neopia! But there’s not, and so I’m here to offer you some good tips on keeping your pets in line instead.

by thesecondringbearer
The 3 Ps to Avatar Collecting

There are three things every avatar collector needs in order to allow their collections to grow. And no, I'm not referring to neopoints or connections with influential people...

by cdnshedevil666
A Word on Description

I'm sure that there are a number of writers out there who are trying to figure out how to approach writing a story. Truth be told, there are many good approaches, and any one of them could lead to a good story...

by zephandolf
Wing Socks: Menace or Marvel?

Winged pets from all over Neopia ran to buy these when they first came out at the Clothing Store. They were sold out for at least a month!

by mimi_is_online
Seiged's Guide to Being a Pirate

Every pirate needs a good sword. Without one you are just a Neopet dressed in a funny outfit.

by zeonion
Don't Get Pied - A Carnival of Terror Guide

This is by far one of the most enjoyable games featured on the site. Where else do you get to blow up Dr. Frank Sloth's evil little experiments and get a good laugh out of it in the process?

by nbajd2525
Fancy Living: What High Class Color is Your Pet?

Of course, you’re probably very familiar with the paint brush colors, but which high ranking style is for you? This quick quiz will help you answer that very question...

by katiecoo802
Hostess of the Best Kau Party

With Kau Day just around the corner, I decided to give you some great ides (and tips) to throw the hottest, coolest Kau party that nobody will forget!

by ellen1117
Yooyuball - The Yooyu View

As you may know, Yooyu train their entire lives to get the chance to participate in this sport. But what do they do during all of that training? Well, here you can find out, because I have an exclusive interview with one of the Yooyu participants!

by katcrzy559
Team Brightvale: a Bunch of Cheaters?

Brightvale's supporters tend to point out that no one has actually seen them cheat before, but the team's description doesn’t seem to leave any room for error...

by elevendays
Search the Neopian Times


"Dancing to the Music of Your Heart" by animalnutz1993
Ask her father, and he will say that Danielle's "silly dancing fantasies" are a thing of the past. What he doesn't know is that whenever he isn't around, Danielle dances to the beat of her chores and to her relaxation. With the wind flowing through her thick pink fur, she twirled while she swept, she swayed while planting seeds, and she leapt through the air while...

Other Stories


The Blumaroo Who Couldn't Jump
"I-I'm M-muddytoes," Muddytoes said, trying to be brave, but he was stuttering so much that Tiger, Blake and Wilson could tell he was scared...

by eggy_the_great


Mark the Mynci and his Maladies in Meridell
A tale of wonder and excitement straight from the recordbooks of King Skarl of Meridell...

by buck268804


The Fall of Qasala: Part Seven
As much as I hated Jazan, I knew that Razul loved him intensely, and that his loss would prove devastating for my King. I wanted more than anything to go down onto the sand and search for Jazan and Nightsteed...

by danama


Behind the Forbidden Door: Part Two
The big, glowing blue letters on the screen displayed the same maddening message he had seen so many times over the past month: ACCESS DENIED. Flingon put his head in his hands and stifled a moan. Sloth was going to be furious...

by sarahleeadvent


Qnde & Szoo: Invisible friend
Doctor...? You have to help him...

by shubi5


Modern Marvels
The Mystic has to be mystical sometime...

by flarethdragon

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