Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 122,607,461 Issue: 247 | 7th day of Swimming, Y8
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Blandfish: Bland in Disguise?

But the fish of the Underwater Fishing Cavern are not always as exciting as expected. There is one fish in particular that doesn't bring a smile, or a laugh, or really any expression at all, to anyone's face...

by syprodrgon2
How to Play Yooyuball... Without a Yooyu!

So you've caught Altador Cup fever and you want a piece of the action, but you don't live in Neopia, so you can't get hold of a Yooyu? No problem!

by rookina
Whack a Staff Member - a Guide to Smacking Our Heroes

You have staff members stick their head up out of their cubicles, and then you bonk them over the head with your trusty mallet.

by axel_roze
Reeling in the Slot Tycoons

Ever feel swindled at the slot machines? Watching them spin, were you certain those reels were going to fall in line, but some hidden force made them land less favorably? Well, do you want to know what that something is?

Also by dragon_cleric

by heretosee

An Interview with Hannah & Gwyl

I'm here to talk to two of Neopia's well-known characters – and ask them a few questions o' course. This here is Hannah (the Brave)...

by weaponstar
Skies Over Meridell: Not About Flying in the Air

An important thing to know about this game is that this is NOT Battledome In The Air. Your only attack weapons are your cannons and your only defence is simply "flying out of the way" or "dodging."

by charlixsparkles
A Manly Man’s Guide to Neopian Femininity

Believe or not, Neopia is overrun mainly by femininity, which makes it increasingly difficult for a mega manly man pet to survive.

by o_apollo_o
There Is No Such Thing as Too Much Barbecue!

In my opinion, it's all about small bits of intensely flavored things. No one wants anything heavy. It's about light, it's about fresh, it's about juicy!

by purplepassiony2k
Regarding the Exchange of Round, Wet Projectiles

Anything can be thrown in an active snowball fight. I've been known to accidentally throw my pet's petpet Abominable Snowball at people. In a snowball fight, however, snowballs are the most preferable type of ammunition.

by phsycoticdancer
Taking Care of Your Invisible Neopet

The first step is knowing where your beloved neopet is.

by blahblahblah091
The Other Side of Neopia FAQ

Wake up surprised to find a whole new Neopia? Your questions are answered here!

by mistyscooby
Just How Smooth Was the Altador Cup?

Together, the crowd witnessed the rise and fall of a rain of mortogs, annoying faerie quests, and some really rude mutant Yooyus...

by iamskot
NeoSports Broadcast: Altador Cup Round Four

Today's match, Darigan against Haunted Woods! It should be quite a match today, for both teams' offence is great!

by pei_panda_jr
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Guide for Manly Men

All of the following things do not contain one manly thing about them: the color pink, Usuki dolls, shades of purple, the Rainbow Pool, faerie magic, Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop… And that’s nothing. Believe or not, Neopia is overrun mainly by femininity, which makes it increasingly difficult for a mega manly man pet to survive. The effect that females have had upon Neopia is overwhelming and opens up so many questions. Why are all the faeries...

Other Stories


The Fearsome Twosome
It was perfect. Its wings were pointed in just the right way; the cloth was professionally stitched, and the pitchfork looked sharp and menacing...

by molly102394


Some Assembly Required
I had suggested reading, I had begged them to play board games quietly, but it was of no avail-the two insisted upon singing the "Rain, Rain, Go Away" song at the top of their lungs...

by trisshamster


Pages of a Lost Past: Part Three
None of them had said a word for several hours. The only noises came from the paddle slicing through the clear water and the Island Techo who had been humming since they had left Mystery Island...

by sibertiger9


Dusk in Tyrannia: Part Six
A Darigan Eyrie gave us a lift. Obsidian was less than thrilled to be flying, and yowled for several minutes before simply shoving his muzzle into the Eyrie's neck fur and closing his eyes...

by alkuna_


Lost Integrity
The Apocalypse is upon us.

by _demon_master


Shoyru Squadron: Agents of Faerie
The Draco Debacle Part 14

by the_darkjedi

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