Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 264 | 3rd day of Storing, Y8
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The Gourmet Game - A Gourmet Club Bowls Guide

Get out a ruler or object with a straight edge. Why? This is a lifesaver when playing Gourmet Club Bowls.

by ron_2793
Just Keep Trying!

I've compiled a list of reasons to help you on your quest to be recognized in the Neopian Times, or maybe even help you get that tricky little avatar.

by ewagon
Your Official Guide to Petpet Cannonball

Because you're reading this right now, I'd assume you still need a little (or a lot) help with this game. After following this guide, hopefully you'd highly improve at Petpet Cannonball. =)

by jellyfiesta
Attack of the Gummy Dice – The Official, Unofficial Guide

Just keep squishing, just keep squishing...

by danman111111
A Neopian Guide to Disguises

Have you always loved sneaking around and hiding in the shadows? Have you ever been caught hiding in your owner's closet? You got caught because you haven't read this amazing guide to spying

by sweeteepie87
Pets Turning Lazy After Halloween

Your pet used to always be active - running, jumping, walking, and having a good time outdoors with friends. Now, it seems that all they do is sit and eat candies and other goodies from trick-or-treating.

by fabulouskrissy20
VernaxEater's Guide to Pwning the Web of Vernax

So, you want to master the Web of Vernax, do you? Well, it looks as if you came to the right place.

by giantspyder
An Exclusive Interview With the Negg Faerie

Negg Faerie: Welcome to the Neggery! Well, I bet the first question on your lips will be, what on earth is a Neggery?

by userplay6088

Yes, that's what you should be doing to the petpetpets.

by neowizard1287
Underwater Fishing

This fished-out stuff isn't junk!

by eevee13579
Is It Really Worth It?

Neopians every day are spending a fortune on Paint Brushes, Petpet Paint Brushes, Morphing Potions and Transmogrification Potions to make their pets and petpets look more "beautiful"...

by aussie_girl777
Gallery Spotlight #200

Galleries are a way of showcasing your favourite items, a unique collection, a place of memories or how rich you are. For some, it's a simple task...

by sparky63428
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Squish Tactics

Yes, it's true; there is yet ANOTHER dice game in Neopia! Don't worry; you don't have to roll the die in this game, all you have to do is... SQUISH THEM TO A PULP! Sorry, I got a little overzealous there, but that is what you have to do to them, squish them. Being the newest game to hit Roo Island it is bound to be a hit, so why not join the fun?

Other Stories


Garnet and Larkyn's Plan
She peered through the dense leaves and then jumped back with shock. There was another Kougra in there!

by aislynn7777


What Really Goes On When You Are Away
Jake laughed excitedly, too pleased with his handiwork to really mind his older sister's current rage. "Mom's gone for the weekend!"

by alexrae963


They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Eleven
"Oh, come on. I mean, they'll never hear a word we say. It'll just be our little secret. That's the fun of it. The only people who will know that this conversation has ever happened..."

by sytra


Everyone Has a Name: Part One
An eternal, spinning vortex hovers in the sky just outside Neopia Central. Every day strange creatures fall from this bizarre rip in the time-space continuum to find themselves in our world. These bizarre creatures are called humans...

by dark_goddess_rising


T4U: Based on True Events!
King Altador hands you...

by sheep_416


Biscuit Pets
Even biscuits need help.

by me_like_juice

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