Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 146,497,694 Issue: 308 | 7th day of Gathering, Y9
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Meepit vs. Feepit: Which One Are You?

Are you more of a Meepit or a Feepit? Take this quiz and find out!

by victordudes
Galleries Made Easy

So you want to see your name up in lights on the New Features? You want that lovely sentence announcing the winner of the week's Gallery Spotlight to have your username stuck right in there?

by sweetie_pie_8087
Gourmet Club Bowls: the Trophy Guide

A strategy guide for advanced Bowls players...

by vederson
5 Simple Ways to Be Unlike Wallace

Have you been missing your prized rainbow paint brush for the past month? Maybe there's a reason for that...

by lalalalexxiee
Shenkuu River Rush Guide

Once you learn how to play, the game will be much easier than it appears to be.

by jintrepid10
Which Chat Board Do You Belong On?

There are 25 different kinds of neoboards in Neopia. How do you know which you belong to?

by shakinheadtotoe
Neovision: The Guide!

Neovision is a relatively new feature for budding filmmakers hoping to have their work displayed for the world to see.

by aidan_hood
A Brief History of Neopia: Part 2

This, then, is the second half of Neopia's twisted history. Last time we delved deep into the Brain Tree's pulsating memory...

by herdygerdy

Your Shocket is a loyal petpet. Yes, my fellow Neopians, you heard me right. Shockets will follow their owners anywhere...

by kittykatluver4ever
Faerie Crossword 101

The Faerie Crossword is no small task; you need to read the clues, find the answer, type the answer in the correct blank, and then do it 25 more times, which is pretty demanding work.

by sunkissage
7 Steps to Complete Your Back to School List

Everyone has that pesky back to school list lying on their writing desk, waiting to be checked off...

by nerdy_13
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"The Court Dancer's Letters" by kittygirl5170
Today was my first dance in front of Skarl's court, and they loved me! It felt amazing dancing in front of all those people, banging my tambourine, twirling and twisting my feet just the way I know I should...

Other Stories


The Court Dancer’s Letters
Any trip that allows me to dance is a good trip. You know me and how much I love to dance, Mama...

by kittygirl5170


Innocent Rain
The only things that kept him awake were the gentle rain coming down on him and the jingling noise of his leftover Neopoints...

by lovetheyardstick


Shad and Saura: That Other City - Part Four
"Nightsteed," Saura said, recognizing the dark mane and black hooves. "Sir." He bowed slightly...

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl


The Mystery Behind Neoschool: Part Two
I felt sorry for dragging her into all of this, but I knew I just had to distract the Techo long enough for Blusia to find something of use...

by zuziafruzia


Petpet Problems
We tend to think they are not as friendly as they look.

by ratcake


The Air Faerie

by frayedknot

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