Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 171,601,943 Issue: 397 | 19th day of Relaxing, Y11
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Ugga Smash Game Guide

A very good guide to get you the golden Ugga Smash trophy!

by gipskrabbel
Enjoying KeyQuest

Here are some tips for enjoying your KeyQuest experience more fully, with fewer real quitters and better feelings among accidental leavers.

by chicwithawrench
Which Iconic Neopian Villain Are You?

If you've always wanted to know what evil Neopian denizen you most resemble, look no further than this simple multiple-choice quiz!

by autotune
Raiders of Maraqua - How to Conquer It

Simply guide Karpoh around the ruins and push the treasure into the chest. Sounds easy, doesn't it?

by kiwi_catastrophie
What Defines a Dream?

Every Neopian has a dream. How do they find their dream? I try to find out...

by tinselteeth_kinda
Eva's Practical Guide to Pound Surfing

Basically, it's the action of entering the pound and refreshing on a constant basis, looking out for painted, limited edition, well-named, or dream pets.

by pokemonmastereva222
Dark Faerie Bubbles: If You Cut Them, Do They Bleed?

Where did these bubbles come from? What do they do outside of the games room? Are they, indeed, evil?

by darthtingle
Sixteen Summer Avatars!

You cannot feel truly complete without sporting your favourite from our Sixteen Summer Avatars...

by tanyawebber
The Top 9 Questions; Altador Cup IV

Do you support your team out of loyalty, or winability?

by the_academy_awards
Vickles' Pickles

This article was not endorsed by Health Frog Groceries (HELT), Meri Acres Farm, or the Darigan Citadel Fan Club.

by maraqua_royal
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Iconic Villains & You

Neopia's resident evils have been a major part of our history and culture. Who can possibly forget the insane, twisted brilliance of Dr Frank Sloth - or his dastardly schemes to rule Neopia? And what about the mysterious Shadow Usul, the once beautiful Vira, the undisguised avarice of the (Angry) Tax Beast? Granted, a few of these shady characters aren't exactly criminal masterminds per se, but sometimes a little evil goes a long way. (It's the thought that counts!)...

Other Stories


The New Kids
It sure did look like an amazing school. It even had a frozen yoghurt machine in the cafeteria!

by capricornhunter


Close Up
He smiled and closed his eyes, basking in the cold light of the moon. He never felt the long years he spent studying celestial movements were wasted.

by macana


Faeries: Before the Fame - Part Four
The Light Faerie looked miserable, as if she had spent the last few hours weeping. "Celeste, I'm worried about Zoë," she stated gravely.

by a_greenparrot


400 Steps in the Darkness: Part Two
"Your neomail surprised me. I didn't expect anybody to come here again and ask about him, not after such a long time. How many years has it been?"

by iloenchen


HOOPLA! - Chips

by _pokemon12_63


The one time when you can possibly be lost when thinking.

by poperbabe

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