For an easier life Circulation: 186,509,625 Issue: 507 | 12th day of Hiding, Y13
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Six Tips to Applying for Pets

If you've never done an application before, you might be wondering just how to go about it.

by littlebitlux
How to Beat Bumble Beams

Armed with tips galore, it's like playing a different game, still not easy but certainly with practice very achievable...

Also by meanmoddy

by htamale

Proper Petpet Care

How to tell if an Abominable Snowball is right for you, the differences in the various colors, their habitat, food, and toys, along with tricks you can teach them and even the hazards of owning one.

by jayceedee
Collecting Stamps: An Interview With Malphd

How some dedicated Neopians have accumulated so many stamps!

Also by malphd

by kuroge

Wonderful Wishing Well

What's the secret to winning at the Wishing Well?

by blackwater444
How to be Neo-Royalty – on the Neoboards

Most of us yearn to have our own land where we can be King or Queen, ruling over our loyal subjects with tenderness and care - or with an iron fist of pain and agony, depending on one's personality, that is.

by darkobsession
Meepits and Feepits and Splatting Sock Sloths

Two of the most obnoxious and tedious flash games out there.

by rs_rbn
The Beauty of Brightvale

The Discovery of Brightvale Day – a very special day that comes only once per year, on the 11th Day of Hiding (that's August, in common speak).

Also by mythem

by babygirl122187

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"A Breath of Fresh Air" by toadsdontexist
"Watch out, friends; here comes the great immortal mage Tiburon," he was taunted. "Behold, the experimenter! Mayhap he can tell us where our children have gone. Tiburon, Tiburon!" His head spun with the memories, and he dropped to the ground in the middle of a marketplace in Altador. "No, begone, I beg of you," he cried, scrabbling at the air. The same thoughts had tormented...

Other Stories


The Dare
Don't look up, thought the watcher.

Sahrani looked up.

by i_heart_xweetoks


How The Quintilc Got Its Colour
To learn about a land, one must go to it.

by laughingbear


More Powerful than Magic: Part Five
Hanso muttered to Jazan, "Congratulations. I think we've managed to find someone who's even more annoying than I am!"

by saphira_27


Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Seven
The gates to Sakhmet were clanged shut, just in case the kidnapper tried to escape the city with the princess. Guards tramped across the dark streets...

by hedgehog_queen


Pirates and Sudoku don't mix!
There's nothing like a relaxing game of sudoku to engage the mind unless it involves directing a rowdy bunch of pirates!

by frost_faerie


How the Ghost Got Its Glow
"I wonder what happens if your Ghost Neopet eats these?"

by super_chippy

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