Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 187,618,584 Issue: 523 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y13
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A Guide to Getting Published in the Poetry Contest

Whether you are looking to release the poet that you know is dwelling inside you or just wanting to add a trophy to your collection, look no further than the Poetry Contest!

by kaddiez
Brucey Wearables for Bruce Day

To celebrate Bruce Day, treat your Bruce to some snazzy clothes made exclusively for Bruces.

by rock_star_megs
Beyond the App – What Fosters are Looking For

When many people apply for their dream pet, they seldom think about another factor that plays a key role...

by 5966001
Willowbruk’s Top Five Treasure-Hunting Destinations

There's nothing I love better than to feel the hot sand of the Lost Desert beneath my paws, or the cool dirt of Geraptiku, or the springy grasses of Faerieland.

by sophieninetyfive
Training to Defend Neopia: A Defender Trainer Guide

To be a super hero or even a defender of Neopia, you're going to have to work on those reflexes...

by terabithian
Top 7 Bands Ever

The best seven bands ever – the ones every Neopian must watch at least once.

Also by rafizi

by joohn_again

Ice-Cream Machine: a Guide

You guide Adee the Chia with your mouse, your goal being to dodge the oncoming ice-cream scoops.

by marzipan
12 Best Ways Have Fun With Snow

Some people may groan and complain about the cold. Others may be indifferent about the changing seasons. Then you have the third group: those of us that cannot wait to run outside with our hats and mittens and dive right into a big pile of snow!

Also by babygirl122187

by luckyone121

Fast Cash through Gaming - Month of Celebrating

Life on Neopets begins with earning Neopoints.

by cdrex22
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"As Simple As Hot Cocoa" by autumn_holidays
This was my sixth day in Neopia, but I didn't want to get a pet until I had a neohome and steady pay. I stepped up to the front desk. A yellow Wocky peered at me from a large stack of papers. "Would you like to create a pet today?" he asked me, no emotion in his face. I nodded eagerly, excited to finally have a pet...

Other Stories


Bright Darkness
"...I still have to go there. I still have to be strong..."

And with that, she slowly got up.

by lux_aeterna1234


The Figurine
Bryn Fletching was a child of naught but six when she first discovered the small figurine. She remembered climbing the dusty ladder...

by twilit_shimmer


The Co-Worker and the Missing Sister: Part Seven
Rose knocked the bottle away, but it was too late. It too smashed onto the hard floor, into millions of pieces, glittering like jewels or stars. Oliver closed his eyes and gasped.

by dudeiloled


The Doctor's Tale: Part Two
"So what happened next?" you ask, intrigued by the old man's story. "Did the Kacheek family kick you out? Is that why you became Dr. Death?"

by madidogs88


Neopian Neophyte - Book Awards
Yeah, maybe in the running for last place...

by leedom111


Sweet Tea: GMC
book, y u no strength serum D:

by _kawaiidesu_

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