Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 188,728,398 Issue: 528 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y14
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Coping with Hoarding; SDB Clean Outs

My safety deposit box is back on track, and with a few simple tips, I can help you clear out yours.

by lil_princess_of_evil
The Ins and Outs of the Help Chat

With such a wide range of topics and a lightning-fast pace, how are you ever supposed to get your own question answered, or even help someone else?

by leafyshadow
Top 10 Most Wanted Random Events

At one time or another we've all wished for a useful random event, but what exactly are the most desirable random events in Neopia?

by mercy_angel
In Praise of Mediocrity

I think that the Wheel of Mediocrity deserves a little more respect than most Neopians are willing to offer it.

by fwoogleberry
Sloth Appreciation Day (SAD)

Dr. Frank Sloth has been one of the greatest super villains of all time. So this is a day we must come together to celebrate...

Also written by layeredcrazy

by skyerandom301

Rules to Remember When Taking Over Neopia

In honor of Sloth Appreciation Day, I've compiled some advice for those wishing to rule Neopia.

by mystie06
Elegant Elephante Wearables for Elephante Day!

Elephante Day is once again upon us, Neopia!

by sychologist
Sweet Bites: Buzz Day!

Here are just some of the sweet bites that we can offer them on this joyous occasion!

by silvernightingale
Appreciating Sloth: A Celebration Plan Proposal

Various ways we can celebrate Sloth Appreciation Day besides the usual cake and candles...

by lute248
The Voice of Neopia: An Interview with Dr. Sloth

Dr. Sloth wants YOU to help him in his quest for world domination!

by cardsperson_ii
A Special Sloth Day

Get ready, Neopians, as it is everyone's favorite holiday. The 14th day of Sleeping marks the annual entertaining and widely-celebrated day known as Sloth Appreciation Day. This day is dedicated to the one, the only, Dr. Sloth himself!

by babygirl122187
4th Annual Neopies: Do They Matter To You?

Who and what will be nominated? What were the best—and the worst—events of the year?

Art by tashni

by tashni

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"A Day of Appreciation" by cyber1ofkakoradesert
"Soon, my birthday will be celebrated again!" Sloth chuckled to himself. "I have dubbed it, 'Sloth Appreciation Day', for it is a day of me!" He sat back in his favourite chair, millions of ideas running through his evil head. The least evil idea in his head was the flavor of birthday cake he would like this year. He loved black forest cake; he always had one set aside for himself on his special day...

Other Stories


The Accidental Garden
Truth be told, she had neither enemies nor friends. And she knew the reason why. Mara was nicknamed "The Living Accident" because Mara was very accident-prone.

by jamespongebob


Edna's First Strike
"Well, missy, this isn't Mystery Island. And it's too dangerous walking out here alone at night, especially for a pretty little thing like you." He grinned maliciously.

by deniscodisco


Child of the Drenched: Intrigue in Faerieland - Part Five
Mara knocked on Florina's office door. She hoped that the headmistress of the Royal Academy of Faerieland would be in. They needed her help in trying to clear her uncle's name.

by kristykimmy


Beautiful Chaos: Part Ten
"I really hope that we don't fall through the sky and end up in Brightvale or something."

"You should really work on your motivational speeches."

by tanikagillam


Happy Sloth Day
Awww, Sloth...

Idea by ruben160

by jokehr


On a Thin Line: Cockroach Towers
5 NP per day!

by silvergullmon77

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